Sentences with phrase «just academic circles»

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Just a few years ago, conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) ethics and policy were limited to a very specific community of academics and enthusiasts, and perhaps a marginal few in the circle of avant garde policy - makers.
The way for high schools to do this, he says, is to offer more options for students beyond the traditional approach to learning, referred to as «multiple pathways» in academic circles, he says, because everyone should have an opportunity at a good job, not just a job.
But they didn't want the Futures of School Reform working group to be just academics, so they pulled people from various circles and with differing ideologies, including academics, government officials, politicians and policy wonks, practitioners already working on reform, foundation folks, entrepreneurs, and one international deputy minister of education.
«Teachers have been looking for ways to connect academics to using circles and so we've really trying to be creative with ways of incorporating circles into our daily classroom routine so it's not just when harm has been done.
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