Sentences with phrase «just as the myth»

And this text falls short of the myth just as the myth itself falls short of the word.
Just as myth transcends thought, the Christian mystery of the incarnation transcends its mythical nature.
For just as the myth of the creation of the world is significant in its existential confrontation of man with his dependence and with the equal dependence of the world, so the talk about the last things is essentially a matter of existential import, if I may be permitted that odd combination of words.
Lush swamp forests fringed the Arctic, inhabited by turtles, alligators, primates, tapirs, and the hippo - like Coryphodon (just as the myth claims).
Just as the myth that burning biomass is «carbon neutral» has been relentlessly perpetrated, now another myth has emerged.

Not exact matches

But, as is the case with all forms of birth control, there are many mixed - up, outdated, or just flat - out wrong myths about IUDs that persist.
According to the myth of the «student athlete,» the highly trained athletes performing for mammoth, lucrative TV audiences are the same as the student field hockey players whose extracurricular athletic activities are just part of a balanced education.
Another common myth is that people end up freelancing just as an interim phase, between jobs or while searching for full - time work.
if the universe «just is», as you put it, how is «love» (or «contentment» or any such fabrication) anything but a myth and wish fulfillment?
I respect and admire almost all of the Mormons I've met, I just can't wrap my mind around the founding myths — something about magic stones named Throbbing and Vermin... but then again that isn't half as crazy as some of the Old Testament stuff.
The Bible is just a disjointed collection of old myths, I have as much faith in it as the next Ponzi scheme.
But first of all, as an atheist, you have probably said the Bible is just a book of myths and lies and fairytales in the first place, so why are you basing your arguement on it?»
Perhaps, just as the gospels say he did with Jesus, he's reminding us that the whole of the bible is a myth, and worth nothing beside his Love.
You are making it needlessly hard, or are perhaps just plain too stupid to understand such a simple fact as: there's no point debunking myths that virtually no one and no one at all with any real clout believes in anyway, but MUCH point in debunking myths that large numbers of people, including powerful politicians, believe should be the guiding principles for the country's entire political culture and laws.
The BIBLE proves just as much as the greek god myths, the koran, or the Egyptian book of the dead.
atheists / deists / evolutionists always want to cut off criticism or debate about their senseless myth just as they continue to do so in academia.
Saul of Tarsus was not just some ordinary person he was a Roman citizen, educated by the finest scholars of his day, a zealot for the Jews and you want to make believe he fell for myth, Jesus who his fellow Sanhedrin leaders hated and crucified was a myth, Saul was dispatched to kill those who believed in a myth, Saul witnessed Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit and stood by as Stephen was stoned to death over a myth, Saul later called Paul established the church over a myth, Paul tortured and killed for refusing to reject a myth.
There is just as much validity in the bible as there is in the Egyptian myths of Horus.
All belief systems of this time period have a place where people go but not a good or bad place, just a place... some have a place where REALLY bad go but most just have the underworld type set - up as the afterlife myth.
Just as the book powerfully exposes the myth that acceptance of gay marriage would have no significant social consequences, so too the authors could have made the further argument that, to varying degrees, all sexual unions outside marriage (as traditionally understood) are harmful to society.
Ogden also states that Christian faith could be explicated as a doctrine of God just as well as it could as a certain possibility of self - understanding, ibid., 170; Christ Without Myth, 148
i said christianity was a myth, just as at one time zues and the other olympian gods were a religion but are now labeled a myth.
That book of myths has been confirmed in numerous archeological discoveries over time, it seem to me just as fantastic to believe it all cane from some cosmic explosion with no proven source to create such an explosion.
As a result, it is argued, the story of Jesus is just a myth also.
the christian myth is a scam... a lie... a political tool just as it is used today... That is why it was created..
It's just that nobody ever tries to convince me or my children to pledge allegiance to any of those others, or pray to them, or to persecute people in their name, or to let the government be used as an aid in indoctrinating more people into their myths.
Science, in other words, tells stories that make sense, just as ancient myths did.
Not what u see on CNN, not what your mum said nor your pastor or priest said and not what u see some Muslims neighbors of yours do... noooo nay,,, what have u searched your self... i dare u do... find the true, i swear nothing makes any sense as Islam does, those guys know the whole truth... even if it will hurt, just like Santa - clause when u 12 year or the rats that gives money to the de toothing kid in our Ugandan myth, u deserve to know the truth... and if no scientist has come out and disproved the divine origin of this universe logically then there must be a mighty some one behind it and that Creator or whatever it is, HE has a way, a straight path to Him and we are obliged to know it... so my adverse to u is look hard for the true coz it is clear from false, even if u may hate it!!
C.S. Lewis even went so far as to say that the Christ story was a myth; one that just so happened to be true (although he could never actually demonstrate this) Listen to his own words:
Just as Winthrop thought of Moses so Captain John Smith thought of Aeneas in what Howard Mumford Jones calls the «prose Aeneid» that he composed to recount his establishment of the English Colony in Virginia.23 But it was not so much Latin myth or legend that dominated the minds of educated Americans in the late i8th century as it was the history of Roman liberty.
It would be more in accord with the spirit of myth to regard man as just one element in an infinite universe — even the New Testament does so in clear and classical language; it says, not «God so loved mankind», but «God so loved the world».
Historians and archaeologists have proven he was a myth, just as Isaac, and Jacob and Moses were.
The fact that you are unaware that the mythology of jesus is just a copy of the pagan myths before it, and the further fact that you spew such drivel as if it was fact, shows everyone on this board that your IQ is in the double digits.
Your wisdom will prevail in years to come and eventually as humanity grows, christianity will become another myth, just like the ancient religions before it.
Just as twentieth - century myths have to be combated, so did earlier ones.
I think that God may have been whispering His truth to other cultures and generations than just the Jewish one, so that when Jesus came, He could be seen as the fulfillment of their hopes, dreams, and myths.
Just as importantly, Communism's myths and rituals have now passed into the progressive mainstream.
In «Myth and Truth» he maintains that the truth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view of God.
You mention global myths of a great flood as supporting evidence, but even the article only states,» [a] lmost every culture has a legend about a great flood, and — with a little reading between the lines — many of them mention something like a comet on a collision course with Earth just before the disaster.»
The particular form of myth in which he expressed it does not hold for us the conviction that it held for him, but the experience that it points to is just as real.
Everybody wants to do what is right in their own eyes and frankly, I am growing weary of media statements that suggest «well, everybody knows that the Bible is just a book of myths and that it's irrelevant, etc.» as though everyone accepts this as understood.
[6] Tolkien saw no essential difference between Fairy Story and Myth («the higher and lower mythologies») for «the inhabitants of Olympus and Faerie live by the same life just as in the mortal world do kings and peasants», and this life is breathed into them by their author.
Myths may be true or false, just as formulas and syllogisms may be.
As far as the very many creation myths that ancient man thought up, they are just that mythAs far as the very many creation myths that ancient man thought up, they are just that mythas the very many creation myths that ancient man thought up, they are just that myths.
There is a both / and here: just as it's a myth to say all evangelicals are for Trump, it's also a myth to say that evangelicals are not for Trump.
Basically, the Bible is more immoral than moral (Leviticus 20:10 - 27; Exodus 22:18; Judges 11:30 - 40; II Samuel 12:9 - 18; Numbers 31:17; Luke 19:22 - 31; and according to the myth, God, the creator and most powerful thing ever, let his son be killed when a simple «timeout» would have been sufficient), and we'll all be better off when the Christian / Jewish / Islamic gods and stories are viewed as myths, just as today we know Zeus, Apollo, Ra, Thor, Buddha, etc. are myths.
As I argue in Myths of Reason, rationalistic thought is obliged always to «begin in the rough» with the assumption that certain «large» general ideas are just what is needed; 1 ideas whose extreme vagueness reveals that the range of rational concepts is very broad indeed, so broad in fact that the vexed question of just where and how to begin doing natural philosophy becomes a primary and major worry.
A social instituting imaginary may therefore be regarded as good and / or healthy (as well as free and responsible) just to the extent that it fosters the creation and preservation of myths incorporating «beneficial» insights in its processes of self - creation; that is, ideas that are «right» enough to enable long - term harmonies in its «naturings» and «culturings.»
It seems to follow that, just as a dominant philosophical imaginary governs the quality of understandings of the world, so the myths that inform a self - creating social imaginary must delimit what that society can as well as should make of itself, while leaving certain possibilities open.
The modern political myths which we see nightly on TV are just as powerful as the myths of any century.
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