Sentences with phrase «just calling»

Is the recipe just calling for straight up dried buckwheat groats?
Not just calling on his name in hopes you get redemption, I believe that is not the way.
So Paul is just calling us to pray for all different types of requests and needs — general and specific.
God was just calling the victims home.
Spike, just calling one a moron is the best you can do?
(Not trying to be offensive here, but just calling it like I see it).
You are just calling these believers in Chairman Mao's Red Book, or Pol Pot non-believers because they don't believe in exactly what you believe in.
Which is why they spend the vast majority of their time and efforts just calling Christians names, it's all they have.
Those magic beans are just calling your name.
It was nothing against the Mormon church it was just a calling.
Instead, I am just calling for a more relational way, which looks more like Jesus.
You're just calling yourself that because you think it gives you a broader range of people to hate.
As far as I'm concerned she was just calling herself an atheist without proof that she was one.
Instead of just calling people names and trying to insinuate or directly call believers ignorant why do the atheist not just accept that some can a different belief and that such belief should be able to be discussed in a kind respectful manner.
Instead of just calling them sexist, Coakley suggests, we might use the tools of feminist discourse to see how they allowed an erotic element into their understanding of the Trinity, thereby subverting the male mode of passionless thought.
Jon, his point was, just calling yourself a Christian does not make you one.
I'm just calling you on your BS.
Or are they just calling themselves by his name just to raise eyebrows?
They are just calling him «Lord Jesus» instead.
God's just calling them on to this other congregation.
They seem to worship the Republican party, racism and guns 1st and foremost and just throw God and Jesus» names around like just calling oneself a Christian makes one a Christian (w / o actual behavior modification in line with the Bible's teachings.).
I'm not bringing politics into this, just calling attention to a mindset that, of course, is connected with a political ideology but is nonetheless an independent mindset, separate from politics.
Not speaking ill of ho mo s exuality, here, just calling attention to an argument that is rather moot.
This is somewhat of an inexact process, but with time, you'll get better at deciphering the subtle clues and behaviors of prospects to see which ones are genuinely interested and which ones are just calling around to do research or get price quotes.
Sorry, Silver bulls, I am just calling it like I see it.
We're doing that in a framework to ensure we are disciplined with our resources, and this was just calling out a milestone established some time ago,» she said.
I like my old style landlord just calling place of work to make sure income and job was there... no credit check... three payments and job call enough.
They end up just calling an agent they know and buying or selling a house, at which point, real estate is our of their minds for 10 + years.
They offer both a debt settlement program and a non-profit debt management program by just calling you can find out more 877-929-1455.
«It's really just calling out to the company, saying it has an important role to play in lowering our dependence on oil and appealing to the brand's fans and consumers to ask them to be the company we want them to be.»
We don't know how this trend or the dynamics is going to develop, but we're just calling out kind of a more cautious situation to give us the time and the resources to tackle these different consumer segments in the right way,» he said.
Instead of calling it Obama's war on whistleblowers, let's just call it what it is: Obama's war on journalism.
The claim: «I was just called by the head people at Sprint, and they are going to be bringing 5,000 jobs back to the United States.
NEXT time you are sitting on hold absorbing a business message from the company you just called, you might be surprised to find the engine for that service has been created by Perth group Captivate Gl
To prevent wireless signals from interfering with each other, the FCC issues exclusive licenses to use the electromagnetic spectrum (usually just called the «spectrum»).
You can just call up the beauty editor at Harper's Bazaar.
The rest of the afternoon flies by and before I know it, it's time to check out the evening commute report, dinner options in my neighborhood, and my outfit for tonight's date, which was put together by WhatToWear (at some point all these companies stopped coming up with clever names and just called themselves by descriptions; less confusing for me).
When I put out Everyday Shooter I just called the company Queasy Games.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon just called Bitcoin a fraud.
They just called it a bullying app that's «terrifying» and said all these things that aren't actually true or even possible.
Just call and say, «We were asked to provide references to a vendor, and I thought about how great you are to work with — if you ever need someone to provide a credit reference, just let me know.»
At a smaller company it may be easier for the CEO to just call a general meeting, but you would want to consult a lawyer to make sure you don't violate the privacy of the employees involved in the complaint.
Your meeting might just call for an amazing PowerPoint presentation.
While the very earliest stages might just call for an attitude adjustment, a bit later on physical interventions, such as more social interaction, might be more helpful.
A version of this article appears in the Aug. 1, 2017 issue of Fortune with the headline «Just Call It Silicon Coast.»
Establishing sexual compatibility is vital for a healthy relationship, and if it isn't there, some couples might just call it quits.
A version of this post appears as a sidebar in the article «Just Call It Silicon Coast» in the Aug. 1, 2017 issue of Fortune.
To get more information regarding this case file, just call us back on our department number, 708-432-8161.»
We'll just call them «Olympians,»» Rippon told GQ.
When people call an ambulance, or think, why don't we just call an ambulance or get in an ambulance there may be financial repercussions.
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