Sentences with phrase «just dreads the word»

He just dreads the word salad from long before we met, and it is hard to get him to come around to the idea of other salads besides «regular» salad.

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Another cause has been the insidious notion (greatly encouraged by successive governments but particularly under New Labour - Old Labour tended to be much more traditional in its views on the family) that the family has many forms, that marriage is just one option, and that lone parenting is just as «valid» (dread word) a form as any other.
My hand found cold keyboard just Chad's words penetrated my every sense, leaving me with naught but a sour pang of dread.
Despite all the fun of summer, it never fails that just a few days in, you'll hear those dreaded words «there's nothing to do, I'm bored.»
Bettina, just wanted to let you know that, thanks ENTIRELY to you and your petition to take pink slime (YOUR WORDS) outta school lunches, I now dread going to work — thinking «this may be my last day of work at BPI», a company I've beem proud to work for for the past 10 years; a company that has taken recycling to the utmost heights (recycling lean beef trimmings to separate out the fat and reuse the remaining protein as a suppliment to other processed meats (such as hamburger, sausage, etc) and which customers, such as McDonald's, had WILLINGLY purchased in order to stretch their purchase dollars to give us consumers more value for our buck.
My husband would get this look and I just knew the dreaded 4 words «I think she's hungry» were coming.
And yes, I know that headline includes the dreaded M - word, but trust us, a lot of these platforms are useful for everyone, not just 20 - somethings.
Just reading the word «moving» fills me with a certain sense of dread.
I was actually dreading her going back so I had a word to the principal and new teacher for this year as it was all too melodramatic for me to mng and yes like you I just kept fast forwarding to age 13.
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