Sentences with phrase «just emotional cues»

DOUCLEFF: But when the dogs heard commands with just emotional cues, most dogs turned to the left.

Not exact matches

In the future, intelligent AI powered chatbot interaction might greet you with a friendly opening, engage in chit chat, truly listen to your words, execute pauses, react to emotional cues and not just diagnose, but connect with you as it works to solve your problems efficiently, and smartly.
There seems to be an increase in the world and it may have something to do with our digitalized universe that we're now immersed in but it basically is mild form of autism is or Asperger's syndrome is people are not be involved with others, that they feel comfortable on their own, that they have difficulty picking up social cues, emotional cues from others, that they have a harder time imagining what the other person might feel and they oftentimes just need to be trained or especially early that this is what's going on so that they can begin to compensate and learn about the other person and how they might be feeling.
Just as a careful watcher can gauge the emotional state of a person by noticing a blush or other visual cues, scientists are becoming adept at discerning the state of a cell with the help of molecular «paints» that highlight more than a thousand cellular features together.
I will often talk to parents of children I work with about how kids are «emotional sponges,» and even if you do a perfect job of never arguing around them, they can pick up on the unsaid things through non-verbal cues and just the way you talk about each other.
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