Sentences with phrase «just examples of activities»

These are just examples of activities that are considered high risk.

Not exact matches

More common and larger - scale cyber-attacks (from Sony pictures to Spanish renewable energy companies) are yet another example of this unprecedented «communication» flow; just as growth of the dark web has allowed for more effective connections in illegal activities — drug trade, human trafficking, and the like.
Analyzing territories and prioritizing activities are just two examples of what Brent Adamson of CEB refers to as Seller Burdens.
Plays are play, as Walter Ong observes, except for the playwright and perhaps some of the paying public.5 Moreover, while most would say that tennis and drama provide at least the occasion for play (even if some tennis players, for example, are not actually «playing»), the list of possible play activities is much broader than we often imagine, including much of life - more, in any case, than just tennis, reading, dancing, etc..
Millennials are just connecting the dots faster due to enhanced IT capabilities, a myriad of examples of bad behavior from religious people, and a complete absense of results from all of the prayer activities.
If you have any hope of doing other weekend activities — like, for example, going to your cousin's wedding — you just have to start early.
For example, if puzzles and games requiring lots of concentration just frustrate your child, don't include them in your playdate activities.
Among those already using the program with his students is Gerald Smith, who teaches conceptual physics and advanced chemistry at Bishop McNamara High School in Washington and plans to attend the march.Students who completed the print - out activity sheet illustrated how headphones work through physics — among the examples Smith intends to post to Twitter after spring break, the week after the March for Science «The kids definitely like to probe their brains a lot in terms of seeing science in real life, not just something far - reaching for geniuses to dobut as something that we exist in every day,» said Smith.
Many people are aware of the effect a course of antibiotics can have on the digestive system for example, but as Fransen explains, it may not be down to just one thing: «It is likely a combination of factors such as reduced physical activity, changes in diet, but also as part of a natural process.»
These are just a few obvious examples, but because the future Fox News pundit was talking about climate change let's consider something that is indisputable: the measured rise of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is numerically consistent with that predicted from the output of human industrial activity.
Music is just a small part of Burdette's research activities — his most recently published study, for example, showed that brain volume could be an accurate predictor of success in weight - loss attempts by the elderly — but it has long been a big of part his life.
These are just a few examples of appropriate science activities for fifth grade students.
This way the body will not have excess carbohydrates that can be stored as glycogen, so even light activities will burn fat.Many diets are built around the idea of reduction of carbs — just take the Atkins diet for example (lots of protein and fats, but almost no carbs)
Sign up for a destination race — the Paris Marathon, for example — or just book a trip that involves a lot of physical activity, whether it's hiking or skiing.
as in a example of a person that needs 1800 calories a day just to sustain being alive eats 2200 calories and burns 400 calories of daily in physical activity would have a deficit of 0 calories and hence no caloric reduction.
The green level has the coefficient of x the same in both equations, the orange level has different x coefficients and shows a worked example (Note the focus for this activity was to always make the coefficient of x the same, clearly in many cases it is easier just to eliminate y).
Earning badges and being part of contests is just a starting point to increase a learner's continued attention — something that can be even more effective with, for example, a gamification reward marketplace, where people taking part of the learning activity can exchange their achieved badges and points for physical rewards or even money (e.g. gift cards, etc..)
This can be used for a range of features including: revision activities, starters, morning activities for some and to just quickly find examples for a range of features.
Here are just a few examples of microlearning activities that can reinforce key concepts:
So, I look for activities like — here again, I'll use this example again — it's just one of many, though: Building these robotic devices but putting mathematical principles into the way you build them.
Pictures of school activities, plus calendars, e-newsletters, examples of student work, and week - by - week listings of course assignments and due dates, are just a few of the ways teachers or principals are using the Internet to share important classroom and school information with parents.
While everyone in the school works hard on building relationships, just one example of these efforts comes through monthly early release days, where cross-grade buddy activities are planned by staff teams.
For example, you can add phonemic awareness practice to other activities — picking out words that rhyme, counting syllables, and thinking of words that start with a particular sound can be done while running errands, at the playground, just about anywhere!
Here are just a few prime examples of microlearning activities that you can incorporate into your eLearning course design:
All BMW nameplates are down, and the company has moved only 11,097 units of the new 1 - Series coupe and convertible and just 4,116 examples of the X6 «sport activity coupe» through November.
«For example, conflict will not just cause disruption in its own right, it will also damage infrastructure, overburden hospitals, and undermine the availability of goods, services and recreational activities
For example, in 1977 it was reported that electrical activity in the brains of pointer dogs showed the dogs went through cycles of REM and slow - wave or non-REM sleep just as we do.
Here are just a few examples of the essential activities of Argentina's capital of Buenos Aires, and these are exactly five important reasons for a visit to Buenos Aires.
Just two examples are severe and recurring seismic activity in Istanbul and the inevitability of a calamitous storm surge in New York City.
A September Rasmussen survey of likely voters, for example, found that just 43 percent of likely U.S. voters believe alleged «global warming» is caused by human activity.
For example, fossil fuels may have been used to supply power to the phone factory and then to transport the phone to the retailer and then if I drove out to the mall to buy it... well as you can imagine calculating the carbon footprint of an action can be challenging, but just being able to make informed decisions when choosing one activity over another is what's really important.For example, I knew that sending a text message would be greener than driving across town to share my news.
Aside from just measuring gas intake / output, there are undoubtedly ecosystemic dynamics we are still completely clueless of — coordinated metabolic activity across species, for example?
Auction activity, for example, has slowed in the last three months, with just 1,311 MW of the 3,781 MW tendered between September and December last year auctioned off.
These are just a few examples of how human activities in the oceans are threatening the health of marine wildlife populations.
This isn't a struggle for Harrison Pensa: even among law firms, which often do more than their fair share of volunteer activities, HP is remarkably committed to public service and community work (take the Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl and the Claude and Elaine Pensa Lecture in Human Rights as just two examples).
These examples of WeChat connecting online and offline activities are just the tip of the iceberg.
Indeed, Facebook's new «Order Food» feature is just the latest example of the social networking giant broadening the type of activities users can engage in.
A service activity spanning a couple of hours and a certificate from a one - day workshop are just two examples of insignificant activities that do not merit inclusion on your resume.
Deep breathing, taking a timeout, talking with an individual therapist, journaling, or physical activity are just a few examples to lower the physiological responses of anger.
It means, for example, if we think about children's social and emotional learning, that the ways children are greeted, the ways that they're helped to separate from their parents or carers, the ways that they're helped to resolve conflicts, the ways that lunch is organised, are just as powerful in their potential for social and emotional learning, as traditional socalled «activities that educators might organise and offer in a fairly structured sort of way at particular times.
For example, quality conversation involves being able to say, «I felt really frustrated today when...» Instead of just offering the play - by - play of daily activities, include how you felt.
@Bryan O. - Just to be clear in your second example of running over a pedestrian (assuming with your private car while doing non-rental activity), you need to have an umbrella on your own private car insurance, not to the rental property, correct?
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