Sentences with phrase «just for the purpose»

Athletic gear popularity has increased as more Americans wear sneakers, athletic tops and t - shirts around town, not just for the purpose of working out.
If you must break any of these three rules, I would highly recommend you setup a second, short term, account just for this purpose.
Relational is extremely important and not just for the purpose of being a social gathering.
And to be honest, I do not care how much God deserves glory — if the last decade of my life was just for that purpose, I have no desire to serve, love or worship that god.
The church came into being not just for the purpose of worship, teaching or fellowship.
It happens whenever we cross a boundary that divides people - when straight folks befriend gay folks, when Republicans befriend Democrats, when Christians and Muslims become friends - not just for the purpose of mutual conversion, but for the sake of friendship.
But just for the purposes of this discussion, let us say: one's family are those toward whom one feels loyalty and obligation, and / or from whom one derives identity, and / or to whom one gives identity, and / or with whom one shares habits, tastes, stories, customs, memories.
So when a customer with a husband in the National Guard suggested helping U.S. troops by selling ice cream, a special flavor was created just for that purpose.
I bought a new bigger crock pot just for that purpose!
Sometimes I'll even double the recipe when I'm making them just for that purpose.
I luv luv luv peach jam and when in season I freeze them just for this purpose and YES the glad cntnrs.
I have mentioned before, that I love to make pizzas with naan bread, and when I make my homemade naan, I always freeze some just for that purpose.
I do think, however, that for the purpose of leavening bread it would be a good idea to give some oxygen to the milk kefir you are culturing just for that purpose.
I went out and bought a Lodge cast iron pot yesterday just for this purpose and I can tell you it is going to get a work out baking bread!!
Just for the purposes of discussion, consider the fact that this is about 1g more than white rice — which is significantly lower in fiber.
I like to use a nut - milk bag, made just for this purpose, which costs around $ 8 per bag.
Just don't use all your kefir grains — set aside 1 - 2 tablespoons just for this purpose.
Anyway, I figured since I was gonna dirty the food processor anyway, I might as well whip up my own sunbutter (rather than buying a jar just for this purpose).
My sweet sister won a pack of cedar boards just for this purpose at a random work drawing last year.
Why, i do not our manager would buy them just for the purpose of the EPL, when i gather that the CL holds more interest to him, because of the prestige and money involved (he has never won it)
or just for purposes of fantasy football?
I always packed a stack of disposable changing pads just for this purpose.
Williams is one of five children and witnessed how her mother was able to work the system to help her family survive... and how her children were used just for these purposes.
Did you know that during pregnancy your body puts on 9 pounds just for the purpose of lactation?
It's always a good idea to take lots of fluids, and not just for the purpose of stimulating breast milk.
If he seems reluctant, try floating a few Cheerios or other small, flushable objects (some companies sell products just for this purpose) in the toilet bowl for target practice.
Instruct her to use the calendar just for the purpose of figuring out her monthly cycle.
I never knew they had a «thing» just for this purpose!
Many newborns love to be swaddled, and having a few blankets made just for that purpose can make your life much easier.
You can purchase machines just for this purpose.
(Pro tip: The Sound Sleeper iPhone app has a host of sounds ranging from hairdryer to vacuum sweeper to car ride just for this purpose.)
Most of the waterproof cloth diaper pail liners have a small square fleece tab on the inside just for this purpose.
You may even be able to find a book meant just for the purpose of childbirth.
Use a brush kept just for this purpose.
Swaddling blankets (3): Many newborns love to be swaddled, and having a few blankets made just for this purpose can make your life much easier.
Erotic lactation and adult breastfeeding (adult nursing) websites and groups exist just for this purpose.
A group of around 15 or so can effectively control the outcome - they will all influence two to three people (sometimes people who have been recruited just for the purposes of influencing a selection.)
Researchers have long known that this cephalopod, Euprymna scolopes, houses bioluminescent bacteria in a special light organ just for that purpose.
We've been working towards break even, now finally we're getting to break even and that's great and the experiments that are going on, you know, aren't just for the purpose of getting us energy in the future, there's a lot of interest in science work that can be done.
I have free short videos on my You Tube channel just for this purpose and guide students there for this kind of home practice support.
A jar or organic coconut oil is about $ 5, and would last you a very long time if used just for this purpose.
Did you do until your failure or just for the purpose of the video?
I used the ketone meter just for the purpose of this review.
I've got a pretty extensive collection of them sitting in a lovely wooden box Mr. Incredible made me just for the purpose of housing them.
I much prefer baking with almond flour because I know it is good for me whereas baking with typical gluten free mixes is just for the purpose of having something sweet.
If you have already developed hangnails with an infection, there are various antifungal and antibiotic medications just for this purpose.
We created our free guide, Strength Training 101: Everything You Need to Know, just for that purpose.
I can actually button it up over the babe (I bought it a size larger, just for this purpose):
Oh, and she would make these in a huge metal dishpan (just for this purpose) as she would be sending home cake with all family members.
Like some individuals likes to take a nap before the tv and lying on sofa you then can end up with cozy and comfortable sofa just for this purpose.
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