Sentences with phrase «just getting the degree»

I just got my degree in medical billing and coding specialist.
«What It Means to Be Really Ready: More Than Just Getting a Degree
Microsoft reportedly working on three new Surface tablets Microsoft's future tablet plans with the Surface lineup just got a degree of confirmation thanks to a twitter feed by MSNerds that has a history of some fairly accurate leaks pertaining to the Richmond based company.
It can be problematic if you've just got a degree that you're not interested in career-wise.
Our goal was to transition her current skills to a Human Resources Generalist job, which was what she had just gotten a degree in.

Not exact matches

For every 100 kids who start college, just 25 get degrees and attractive jobs.
I don't think we're shocked that the state polls got it wildly wrong, just surprised at the widespread degree that they got it wrong, giving a false sense to the prognosticators.»
Some Master's degree or PhD programs are available almost entirely online, and you can get started with just a handful of courses at a time.
So the question remains: Just how much of the narrative in «Zero Dark Thirty» is the result of the CIA's unprecedented degree of cooperation with Bigelow, and its attempts to get the film to promote the agency's preferred version of events?
Just picture it: you went to college for 4 years, and got your degree.
Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in an economy where the idea of becoming a social media influencer makes just as much sense as going to school and getting a business degree.
Instead of just the big, famous causes and their galas, Six Degrees is more focused on people who are in individual, smaller communities, or big cities, who need funding and can use the celebrity status to get noticed.
Thirteen per cent recommended just taking the degree, and 8 % recommended getting a degree in the same field as their undergraduate program.
I just got over the student loan hump but I feel pretty good about it at 27 having a graduate degree and being 100 % debt free.
If Trump gets his way — and let's be clear, it's going to be an uphill fight — U.S. corporate taxes will decline from being the highest among fellow Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economies to just a few degrees north of Ireland's highly favorable 12.5 percent.
But just remember, when you get ready to marry whoever that special person is, both of you will have to unpack every relationship you've had — at least to some degree — and sometimes that's not pretty.
So although I'm just beginning my journey into the regular work force I would encourage anyone that it IS possible to get a higher education degree on the side.
Not just priests in training, but most college students, in fact, can «get away» with few if any science requirements in order to get an undergraduate degree.
So whether you are interested in getting an online Bible college degree, or if you just want to get the information that an online Bible college offers, check out the list of schools near the end of this post.
Just as any minister needs to realize in a new degree that the ministry he is to get done is to be done largely through other people and in consultation with them, so the ministers in multiple - staff situations need to go even a step further — and realize that the principle applies first among themselves and also to their lay co-workers.
Well, Virginia was beautiful yesterday, a sunny day getting things up to perhaps 64 degrees, but man, today I'm feeling it's got just nothing on California, which my wife and I had just returned from.
Even where it is, I take it as a very minor compensating disadvantage for the huge degree of social privilege we get just by being male.
That had this mullet cut, drove an old Ford yellow pick up with these orange flames burning up the fenders, who wanted to be a truck driver like his dad, just right after he got his 4 year degree in Latin and Greek philosophy.
But on the side accessible to introspection, their causal condition is nothing but the degree of spiritual excitement, getting at last so high and strong as to be sovereign; and it must be frankly confessed that we do not know just why or how such sovereignty comes about in one person and not in another.
Snow, I know, I know, you are so educated that you are..., money is your god, that's alright for this world, and if you are young, I am 53, and I still want to think that I am young, and I can get a degree just like yours, I can get people to follow me just like many leaders, but my fate was just what it is.
They just need to sneak in and get on welfare and food stamps first (You'll pay for that too along with their free medical), once they do that, PERRY WILL GIVE THEM A $ 100.000 4 + year bachelor degree AT YOUR EXPENSE!
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
How long one shall continue to drink the consciousness of evil, and when one shall begin to short - circuit and get rid of it, are also matters of amount and degree, so that in many instances it is quite arbitrary whether we class the individual a once - born or a twice - born subject) Unquestionably, some men have the completer experience and the higher vocation, here just as in the social world; but for each man to stay in his own experience, whate'er it be, and for others to tolerate him there, is surely best.
I just got done bragging about my weekend in 80 - degree Cabo, and now I'm ankles deep in snow in the middle of March.
Now, if it would just get warm enough (60 degrees right now) to grill without wearing a coat!!!!
I had regular, not rapid rise, yeast on hand - it worked just fine however I did not allow the milk and butter to get above about 105 degrees f, as I was concerned about killing the yeast.
Luckily, we aren't dealing with those ice storms, just the usual balmy 80 degrees and partly sunny weather here in paradise; — RRB - Thanks for hosting yet another great week... I've got too many recipes to go pin now!
Also, you may get better results if you bake the cookies at 325 degrees for 16 minutes, or until they are just beginning to turn light brown around the bottom edges.
I like the 76 degree because, living in the desert, I can just put my container on the back patio for a short while, and then I can easily get it out of the container.
I just recommend watching how brown the bread gets, because when I used a convection oven at 375 degrees, it got a tad bit more brown than I would have like (not like the picture).
And let me tell you, it will be nice to go to some 80 degree weather and get away from the single digits here in Kansas City recently!But... is it just me, or does anyone else start planning their meals for the week following a long trip before even going on the trip?
Hopefully you didn't already answer this question... I just got an enamel cast iron pot and it says NOT to heat over 400 degrees.
In other news, I just started by Dietetic Internship in combination with getting my masters degree in Nutrition Therapy Monday!
So when I got in the car yesterday to go to the gym and it was 27 degrees, I didn't even wear a winter coat — I just put on my Chicago Bears fleece and I was good to go.
Hi, we just got the book, and it says to use water that is 100 degrees.
I'm talking 80 and 85 degrees day AND night (we even saw 97 last Saturday) with humidity up that wazoo and just when you get a semi-cool day, the forecast brings in more hot weather!
Bake unadorned on a sheet tray for about an hour and ten minutes at 350 degrees until they're «at that perfect point where they're just cooked through and you can get a knife in and out.»
Which for us California transplants was just perfect — especially since we got to leave the next day and come home to 70 degrees and sunny.
From this point on in the process, I just couldn't get any photos because, well, do you have any idea what it's like to cook with one hand and take photos with the other while trying to avoid getting 300 degree hot caramelized sugar on your hands?
Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 7 minutes until the bottoms are just starting to get slightly brown.
I have been obsessed with soup lately — which is hard to understand considering it's over 90 degrees here in Malaysia every day but I just can't seem to get enough.
We had a stretch of 80 - degree days in March, yet just awe got some snow.
Hi Bernadette I just got one of those oven also and I usually lower it about 20 - 25 degrees.
Our first hard freeze was in early Sept and we got down to about 20 degrees F. I just picked the last of the green beans last week.
When the fullback gets the ball, he often takes a step forward and then spins 180 degrees, like a man who has just remembered that he left his car keys on the kitchen table.
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