Sentences with phrase «just hearing words»

Just hearing these words alone can send people into a panic, but for an easy way to check it visit
Just hearing these words may provoke many varied images and thoughts in our heads, some good and some bad.
It is more than just hearing the words that are spoken.
Over time your pup will instinctively associate trigger words with the act of eliminating, to the point where just hearing the words will make him need to «go».
Book marketing: Just hearing those words can strike terror into the hearts of new authors.
But just hearing the words «wee bag» really brought us crashing down to earth.
Just hearing those words makes us hungry.
Peanut butter and bacon is one of my favorite combinations and once you taste it it makes more sense than just hearing the words together — I've made peanut butter bacon cookies before and they were AWESOME.
Celebración de la Vida: Dia de los Muertos Just hearing the words Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) conjures up colorful images of painted sugar skulls, masks and paper flowers that are central to the Mexican holiday that celebrates deceased love...
Just hearing the words «cash flow» can send a startup CEO into a panic, and for good reason.
One or both probably just heard the word Candida, and without looking any further into it, decided it sounded pretty and used their feel good vibes to name their daughter with this name.
That is why there are many verses talking about how you should not just hear the word but do it (James 1:22 - 27)... So he is not necessarily talking about doing things to look good, but obeying what god asks us.
This is a sin against obedience, which consists in not just hearing the Word of God but allowing it to change us utterly through a joy - filled submission to the divine will in all things and at all times.
If he just hears the word his eyes light up in anticipation of one of his most favorite treats.
We had just heard the words, «The baby is in her room.»
Just hearing the word «safety» sends chills down our spine.
Just hearing the word may make you shudder.
Just hearing the word has you dreaming of that creamy, guilt - free bite.
So, it's like another example of those things where you just hear the words and then you immediately jump to the association with the pathology.
I just heard the word princess, and I didn't know which role I was going to play.
Many people cringe just hearing the word.
Just hearing the word «credit» can male people eyes glaze over.
Even just hearing that word conjures up all kinds of warm and fuzzy feelings for me.
When a pet needs surgery, we know just hearing the word can pose a number of questions and concerns for the owner.
Repeat this game for the next few days several times until your dog can stop barking just hearing the word.
Just heard word from amazon my game has been dispatched yay!
Just heard the word dark multiple times on NPR as Washington media insiders discussed the speech (Diane Rehm Show).
Sadly, most people are very greedy and when they just hear the word «fork» they think «free money».
Just hearing the word divorce may evoke many thoughts and feelings such as; trouble; fighting; court; economic strain; upheaval and injustice.
Just hearing the word «harmony» conjures up images of mutual peacefulness — a wonderful ebb and flow of meaningful couples communication that gives way to a balanced coexistence, a balance that would be the envy of many couples.

Not exact matches

It's heavy, it's passionate, and it's a name that no matter where you go in the world, people know that word, so in the beginning when we were nobody and nobody knew who we were, people would go, «Oh, Kiss, I've heard of you,» because it's just a word you hear all the time.»
When you can get a word in, you can civilly say something such as, «Did you just hear that?
We've all experienced moments when we just don't believe what we're hearing because the body language doesn't match the words.
I have a lot of tricks to get those first few words on the page, maybe the best one is something I heard from a poet during his reading; «To cure writer's block just lower your standards.»
«Thank you» are two words you're just not accustomed to hearing often.
«The biggest pain point that job seekers have in working on their resume is word - smithing... When we started hearing that, we shifted our strategy from something that would benefit LinkedIn more because it just created more LinkedIn accounts, to something that hopefully would benefit job seekers.»
Instead, Cindy Gordon, VP of Marketing at the Orlando resort, did what is becoming more and more common these days to get the word out; they approached influential Harry Potter bloggers, just seven of them to be exact, and within 24 hours 350 million people worldwide had heard of the new attraction.
I just hope that the word will spread and the words will be heard.
In reading some of the comments, I would just like to say that I would rather take a chance of being wrong in my belief in God as well as my faith in Jesus Christ as to be one that says there is no God only to stand before Him in the final judgement to hear the words «depart from me» and be cast into the lake of fire...
It is about time leaders of Faith, speak out and call on their people to follow the teachings of Christ, not just mouth the words, but live them... I know more non Catholics that are thinking of converting than I have heard ever....
Do you even know what the word infantile MEANS, or are you just parroting something you heard your mommy say concerning your own behavior?
@Kingnpriest, So in theory, if a person lead a good life, and never sinned (unlikely but possible), but never said a word about Jesus, good or bad (they'd heard about him but never addressed the issue, they just focused on living a good life), what would happen to them?
We are truly blessed to be able to hear God's Word through you, one sent just as Jesus was sent by the Father.
Bring along diseases that wipe out millions, just months before they too could hear the good word and be saved.
Yet I hear so much the same rhetoric, words and phrases used time and time again from them just as you stated.
And just as I was really getting wound up, and starting to get the words really rolling off my tongue in true fisherman fashion, I heard a sound that stopped me cold.
And you just might hear the universe murmur that — if tired hands don't feel full of the riches of Christ, those weary hands might take His, and long hold the tried and true Words of Christ, and linger longer at the nail - scarred feet of Christ, and feel the wounds of Christ trace all the tender scars like He is finding His people and you're finding yours.
Most Likely to Say It Just Right In Less Than 300 Words (Nominated by Ray Hollenbach): Indigenous Worship with «God Is A Poet» «I don't see sermons around the throne, but i do hear songs.
Reaghan - I'd really love to hear the specifics of your story and why you think muttering those words had any direct causation, rather than just correlation, to you not being murdered.
It saddens me to hear the «H» word flung around so frivolously these days just because a fellow believer may have differing views.
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