Sentences with phrase «just ignoramuses»

And it's not just ignoramuses whose news is thus polluted: the recent furore over Facebook's curation of its trending topics suggests that anyone who leans on social media for their news may be seeing a funhouse mirror of the truth.
Obviously you are either a non-Jew or just an ignoramus.
But what do I know; I'm just an ignoramus spouting off for fun, stirring the pot, just for the hell of it... NOT!!

Not exact matches

Here are 3 phrases which will tip you off to not waste your time reading anything further from an obvious ignoramus: • just a theory • still a theory • only a theory
I have been accused of nonsense, and not presenting facts... interesting I still hve not recieved an answer from you geniuses out there, from this ignoramus, as to how it all happened... Oh wait, someone said random chance over millions and billions of years... laughable... that is about the same odds as a windstorm blowing through a junkyard and making a fully functional 747... the odds are infinestimal... It has also been suggested that I just google my questions in order to get my answers... Who wrote the answers??
That's fine Jerry, you just stick to your hatred, bigotry and ignorance... so what if you're on the wrong side of history... as long as you have the right to be a hateful, bigoted ignoramus, that's all that counts.
What can I say, not all of us here can be ignoramuses if you can read between the lines to understand what I just said.
wenger has to cut these ignoramus runs out where he just can't make the obvious choices.
Excellent casting saves this certain dud from being just another terrible big screen version of a beloved old TV spy series, with Carell perfectly portraying a bumbling ignoramus who somehow has the knack (and a lot of luck) to get himself out of nasty scrapes time and again.
As I have said to a couple of people since seeing this site, for every closed minded, ignoramus who shoots down Indie authors, STGRB has just added gasoline to the fire!
So when stock sellers calmly «educate» we ignorami not to panic when stock prices crash because that's just the way stocks are, they're partly right: stock markets are indeed very volatile.
He replied «No, but I would not waste my time debating issues with ignoramuses who do not have to stones to at least address your reasoned defense of your way of conducting business in this world, else you may end up with the mindset of your attackers who give in to the easy way of thinking, or not, being subscribing to the impulse to take the easy route to decision making, i.e.; seriously dealing with and accepting hearsay, misinformation, media bias and just plain nastyness as the way to actually factually learn about the realities of the real estate industry, causing your brain Brian to deteriorate to the point of needing at least a minor tune - up.»
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