Sentences with phrase «just intercourse»

Intimacy can be so much more than just intercourse.
They discover sexual pleasure through a variety of methods, not just intercourse.
Sexual activity isn't just intercourse.
Finally, how do you define infidelity — is it just intercourse or does it include watching porn, sexting, flirting?

Not exact matches

The «previously» virgin Mary having extra-marital intercourse with a sheep - herder just as Joseph walks in (early from work).
Alexander III, following the ancient tradition of the Church declared that «After a lawfully accorded consent affecting the present, it is allowed to one of the parties, even against the will of the other, to choose a monastery (just as certain saints have been called from marriage), provided that carnal intercourse shall not have taken place between them; and it is allowed to the one who is left to proceed to a second marriage» (III Decretal., xxxii, 2).
2) Speaking about female sexuality in particular: we have this naïve idea that all women can reach orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone, which is just not physiologically true for the majority of women.
A gay man is capable of intercourse with a woman, just as a lesbian is capable of intercourse with a man.
One might say that just as nuclear war has made of the whole planet a potential battlefield, thus raising new questions about war itself, so, too, has modern advertising made of the whole planet an actual constant marketplace, thus provoking radical changes in the practice and theory of human intercourse.
I am the worst sinner ever i think... i lost my virginity since when i was 14 or more years... the first time i intercourse with the married woman (i do nt know she divorced or her husband died) and that was just once but kissed many times... then later i intercourse with another lady then after that with the another lady (girl friends)... then after that i have a long lasting relationship with another lady (nonchristian) we already intercourse for many times... and as years pases by..
If he was truly divine, having a wife doesn't change that — he isn't less holy just because he had intercourse, no matter what our puritanical church leaders think.
If you believe satan was his father then you are believe in the false doctrine of the seed of the serpent which suggests that satan had sexual intercourse with Eve.That just wouldnt have happened as God would have intervened.There wasnt two blood lines as people have suggested.
Just as the Anglican Lambeth Conference of 1930 undermined a key part of the conceptual framework that made potentially fruitful heterosexual intercourse the only acceptable kind of sex, so the gradual degradation in the popular understanding of marriage makes it very difficult for many people to conceptualise the Catholic argument against gay marriage.
While Holloway did not elaborate on this point, I think it is reasonable to say that Holloway most certainly saw sexual intercourse as uniquely «the» marriage act and thus not just on the same level as other acts a coupledo together.
Hitler condemned a Jew, just because he was a Jew or descendant of Jacob (Hitler falsely assumed Jewish blood would contaminate German blood, when they had intercourse).
Physically they «turn each other on» and their dates include extended periods of physical intimacy, stopping just short of intercourse.
If Mr. Sprigg were to openly say that someone was living «open rebellion to God» every time someone got a divorce, then that would mean he is not just targeting one group or if he said that about pre-marital intercourse.
I'm 30 years old I've been with my husband who is 37 10 years married nearly 6 and he hasn't bothered coming near me voluntarily Since we got married on average it's 1 - 2 times a year for no longer than 15 mins he says he can't be bothered and it's easier for him to just watch porn we don't have kids that's something I've been denied for years and well you need to be having intercourse for that to happen I very depressed I cry a lot his said many times he will change but never does I've considered cheating but feel like that would make me a terrible person
That means if you are testing at 2 pm in the afternoon, you should have intercourse that evening just before going to sleep.
That means if you are testing at 2 pm in the afternoon, you should have intercourse in the evening just before going to sleep.
Why is it best to have intercourse just before going to sleep?
Nipple stimulation, walking, intercourse and even acupuncture or homeopathic methods are just a few options that women have tried in the past, some with positive results.
Mutual masturbation, oral sex, or vibrators can be just as much fun as intercourse.
During the time you are waiting, you can still have intercourse, just make sure that it is safe.
If found safe and effective in humans, a ZOTEN - containing cream ideally would be applied vaginally just prior to intercourse, Shukla said.
The fact that this rough intimacy can be part of non-lethal intercourse shows just how little we know about octopuses.
Also, [we are] exploring other avenues than just penis - in - vagina intercourse, because you can have pleasure without «actual» intercourse
Yet many women who experience unwanted pain during during intercourse are under the impression it's just a reality of sex.
Just like intercourse, oral sex is safe during pregnancy.
Just under 10 percent of women don't experience orgasm at all during vaginal intercourse.
Kissing, caressing, and affectionate talking after sex may be just as important to relationship satisfaction as intercourse itself, suggests a 2014 University of Toronto study.
«In early cases, intercourse just before your period is painful,» says Dr. Seckin.
Most of the time 58 % «I do nt need to have one, but I usually do during intercourse or just when my breasts are played with.»
As a result, unless you are careful to time intercourse during this window, your trying - to - conceive efforts just might be in vain.
Freud said «When a woman is a girl, she might have clitoral orgasm through clitoral stimulation, but if she becomes a sexually mature woman, she's supposed to start having vaginally centered orgasms just through intercourse, without clitoral stimulation.»
Just as you shouldn't avoid the urge to pee following sex, you should also empty your bladder before intercourse.
While critical, advance notice represents just half of what you need to plan intercourse successfully.
However, if you are just unable to have intercourse without a little bit of moisture, use saliva or coconut oil.
It is possible just to use ovulation and intercourse to conceive, but IUI increases the likelihood of getting pregnant.
He was hot and heavy for intercourse the first few dates, we had some issues like we just weren't compatible sexually, but minor (sex on 2nd date).
Can also be used as foreplay before sex or just a Sexual activity without having to actually have full Sexual Intercourse Technically 3rd base lowers the house advantage very very slightly as well for counters.
A fabulous Frenchwoman who enjoys cake, bread and men, Marie - Anne is a joy to behold in a genre just a wee bit oversaturated with virginal misses and widows who have never really known the joys of intercourse.
Likewise, because of a phenomenon called quantum entanglement, the very atoms of the human eye interact with the particle - wave duality of light just like any other object, and the simple commingling of photons with the atoms of our sense apparatus serve to collapse the wave function through their intercourse.
A sexual assault allegation can range from just one instance of inappropriate touching to penetration to multiple instances of intercourse.
Male fertility problems are best solved by IUI than just timing intercourse.
ParaGard is just as effective if inserted on day 1 or day 5 after unprotected intercourse.
from xkcd.comFor heterosexual couples, just making sure that both partners reach orgasm during vaginal intercourse can be difficult.
The women reported greater sexual interest the day just prior to their first intercourse (and on the day of), relative to the day after having sex for the first time, and they reported similarly higher levels of sexual interest on subsequent days on which they had sex (as did their more sexually experienced counterparts in the larger sample).
For heterosexual couples, just making sure that both partners reach orgasm during vaginal intercourse can be difficult.
Yes, the physical engagement that can only be achieved through sexual intercourse is also a special part of intimacy, but without the emotional partnership, it really is just sexual intercourse rather than an act of love.
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