Sentences with phrase «just keep a schedule»

I just keep a schedule and invest on schedule.

Not exact matches

Keep in mind it's just part of an eight - week onboarding schedule, which varies depending on the employee's role.
Now that I just keep forgetting to schedule posts, I decided to give this a try again, but ohh, it's like they don't want to handle my content, because the newest version simply REFUSES to upload any videos.
True, those of us who are single have just one person's schedule to keep track of instead of two, but there are so many other important parts of our days that have nothing to do with our love lives.
Busy back - to - school schedules, dwindling daylight hours, pre-holiday preparations and perhaps just a bit of laziness make it harder to keep to my regularly schedule sweat sessions.
And I'm really not complaining, it's just having to adjust to the new schedule and figure out time to keep up with friends, family and everything else.
The problem is that I keep wanting to wax on about just how terrible the Day Light Savings time change is, just how much it messes with my mind, and my sleep, and my schedule.
According to the injury page here on Just Arsenal that calf strain is likely to keep Petr Cech out of action for about a month, so the fact that there was a two week break for international games scheduled after the injury is certainly helpful.
That he would use job openings to keep getting ungodly raises and just stick around making a crazy amount of money taking an SEC West team with a cupcake non-conference schedule to lesser bowl games every year.
The Angels will need him to keep it up over the next week, especially with Texas looming on the schedule, and with the Twins still somehow just a game back of Los Angeles to boot.
To keep that muscle mass, you're going to have to devote at least an hour a week, maybe more, to just weight work, and given the hectic schedule of many teens, that hour is often hard to find.
And as long as my schedule allows, I plan to keep it up, at least until she starts to get too cool and just wants to play with her friends instead of having mom hanging around... cue the waterworks now.
Should I just wait him out and keep nursing when he wakes and assume he'll get back on schedule in a week or so?
My question right now (we have been trying to follow the eat / wake / sleep pattern for a week now with ok success... he still cries before naps that are ALWAYS only 45 minutes, this was true before starting the schedule as well) should I just focus on keeping up the pattern or start a schedule all at once??
The nurses at the hospital when sawyer was born had us on the same 3 hour schedule so with both boys, once we got home we just kept up what they were already used to, not a hard transistion at all.
But also keep in mind just how difficult it is to predict newborns» pooping schedule, and if nothing else seems to be the matter, you should not be too concerned about it.
From the cleaning and home - keeping expert and creator of the wildly popular Clean Mama blog comes a simple and accessible cleaning guide with a proven step - by - step schedule for tidying a home in just 10 minutes a day.
Most likely, you will find that your infant naps for a few hours in the mid-morning, a few more hours in the afternoon and then for a shorter period of time in the early evening; just keep in mind that not all babies follow the exact same schedule.
Any parent who has tried to keep track of more than one child's antibiotic treatment schedule can relate to just how valuable this tool can be to harried mothers or fathers.
In the beginning, just keeping him on a schedule and taking away the on - demand feedings was really challenging.
This is a breastfeeding problem for mothers with good supply who are either stressed and overtired, whose babies aren't latching on well or who aren't keeping a regular breastfeeding schedule and their breasts are making milk that is not being drained (sometimes in the early months it's just because your breasts really docreate an oversupply)
«When it got difficult, I would just keep in view that they're going to be on a schedule.
My concern is that in keeping with the feed wake sleep schedule I'm feeding her before she is even hungry, just because she woke up early from her nap and refused to go back to sleep!
As much as everyone says to keep the same schedule on weekends, this just has NOT been our reality.
Just like in organizing, social media is often a mobile - friendly way (if you don't have a robust SMS program) to keep your organizers in the field up - to - date on schedule changes and the like.
Be sure to work around their schedules, though, and don't just pitch stories — hang out for a while at first and be sure to keep in touch regularly.
But the 65 - year - old three - term senator, who beat Al D'Amato to win the seat back in 1998, said he'd rather just keep to his normal schedule traveling the state, and let the politics work themselves out.
I'm told Buffalo Assemblyman Sean Ryan wasn't there, either, and Erie County Democratic Chairman Jeremy Zellner — who just survived an attempt to oust him from his leadership post — was AWOL, too, though he had a previously scheduled family responsibility that kept him from attending.
But the 65 - year - old three - term senator, who beat Sen. Al D'Amato to win the seat back in 1998, said he'd rather just keep to his normal schedule traveling the state, and let the politics work themselves out.
Just use the free app to schedule it, and the 980 will keep your place clean.
It's just hard to keep to any sort of regular schedule.
This list is a starting point and to keep things simple, you can just rotate these ideas on a two - week schedule and post it on the fridge so that kids can help prepare lunches each day.
Put it on the schedule just like you would a Little League game or a doctor's appointment, and ask your spouse or a friend to keep you accountable!
If the Pill's effectiveness and reversibility (miss just one pill, and you're at risk of conception), enlist the aid of a daily reminder in your phone — or try an app that can help keep you on schedule, like Bedsider or myPill.
I think it's important to schedule sitting with a group on a regular basis, just to make sure we are keeping it real.
Being able to schedule in cheat meals from time to time helps to keep their cravings for those foods at bay just enough so that their diet can be sustained.
Don't sacrifice your health to a busy schedule, just keep some of this healing and nourishing soup on hand and switch out the veggies and proteins each week so you get plenty of variety.
My schedule has forced me this week to bump down to 4 days a week (every second day), but on days I don't have time to goto the gym, I jump on the elipitcal and do low intensity cardio... and just to point out, michael stated above earlier how important it is to monitor your heart rate and keep it in the range of 100 - 120 bpm.
By getting in the habit of scheduling a monthly facial (a JFU — just for you time) you can be sure the ball keeps rolling after the baby is born.
Although many Primal eaters relish the freedom from having to keep snacks on hand in order to stave off hunger and enjoy the fact that they can skip a meal or two and just rely on their hunger signals, there is a considerable amount of evidence that maintaining a regular eating schedule can improve the metabolic response to meals in some people.
Keep your meals and eating schedule as it should be, just in reverse.
It's been easier for me to go to a group class of traditional lifting where I know I'll be missed if I don't show up, than to keep to a schedule just for myself in a busy place with constant distractions and demands.
The options are endless, but you can also keep it simple and just stick with the system defaults, which I carefully designed based on a typical meal prep schedule.
And I just have to share these since I've been snacking on them all month and feel bad that they just kept getting pushed back on the posting schedule.
Like other services you just click on what you want to keep or return and schedule a pick up, no problem!
It has been my lack of major working out, I have always made sure to keep up with a work out schedule but the past 2 weeks my little 30 - minute jogs and walks just haven't been cutting it.
I wouldn't say there are any lows, just mindfulness that you have to keep when scheduling a meeting or shoot so you aren't overlapping.
Of course the next concert we had scheduled was well over a month after I purchased it, but I kept it waiting, just to break it out for our trip last weekend.
I really need to be more serious about scheduling my tweets - I just keep forgetting to do it!
Essentially that's what this entire experiment has been about: asking bigger questions, challenging our habits and fears, and making a «problem» for ourselves when we could have just kept going with our regularly - scheduled program.
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