Sentences with phrase «just leave the world»

A much better strategy is to find investments where, if you just leave the world as it is, over time you win.

Not exact matches

Head on over to Silversea's site to get the DL on this world - class experience that may just be worth breaking the bank for (but we'll leave that up to you).
«Canada has left the impression that we'll sell anything,» says Dick Haskayne, a Potash Corp. shareholder who has served on 20 company boards, chairing six of them, including TransAlta and Nova Corp. «The world thinks buying Canadian companies is just a matter of price.
With the onset of World War II, it became common to have quick, informal weddings that were often planned just a few days in advance, since the men who were fighting in the war only had short periods of leave.
Taking into into consideration how few alternatives are currently available to address this situation, not to mention the consequences of inaction being so dire if left to continue unabated, it's hardly something that anyone can afford to dismiss too lightly, not just here in Australia, but every community the world over, as well.
Ann Curry, another former «Today» cohost who left the show after just about one year «felt that the boys» club atmosphere behind the scenes at Today undermined her from the start, and she told friends that her final months were a form of professional torture,» according to Brian Stelter's 2014 book «Top of the Morning: Inside the Cutthroat World of Morning TV.»
It is telling the investment world that it will perform better if left as an independent company and it is just as busy buttering up the news media.
To be completely honest, when I look at what is going on around the world, and the nightmare of a choice we are left with regarding the upcoming election... My gut is telling me to just hold tight for now and wait for the economy to come crashing down... then push all in!
Now, as the world struggles to recover, it's tempting to blame what happened on just a few greedy bankers who took irrational risks and left the rest of us to foot the bill.
Here's an interesting Bloomberg piece on what bond guru Bill Gross is calling «financial repression», but what you can just call «low interest rates» The big story is that the world is still crawling out of a near - depression, and there is not a central banker in the developed world who would dare dream of pushing interest rates to anything above a number you could count out on the fingers of one hand (and seriously, in most countries you could leave out the thumb and index finger as well).
But then, one clear September day just a few months before he was to leave office, two planes flew into the World Trade Center.
If people could just follow the teachings for themselves and leave others alone to live as they believe, then the world would truely be a better place where millions were never slaughtered in the name of some one elses god.
We don't proselityze and we are not open to conversion to any other faith... so just get it through your head... leave us alone... and I'll give you a little hint... Jews, in general, because of all their accomplishments and contributions to the progress of humanity have a well earned sense of superiority... we're only 14 million strong in the world and yet our contributions, our genius, and our work ethic has made indelible marks on the world... So, if anything, you guys should be trying to become Jews... maybe some of our genius will rub off on you... just go your way and LEAVE US ALONleave us alone... and I'll give you a little hint... Jews, in general, because of all their accomplishments and contributions to the progress of humanity have a well earned sense of superiority... we're only 14 million strong in the world and yet our contributions, our genius, and our work ethic has made indelible marks on the world... So, if anything, you guys should be trying to become Jews... maybe some of our genius will rub off on you... just go your way and LEAVE US ALONLEAVE US ALONE!!!!
I just hope I can keep on the righ side of things and leave the world a better place than it was for me being here, not worse.
These people are still part of our world and we can't just forget about them and leave them in the situations that they are in.
Does anyone think that people who focus their energies on this nonsense are just trying to check out of a difficult, scary, and problematic world and the many real world problems left to solve?
@Rachel: «Many atheists say that when they die, they hope to just leave a better world for those they leave behind.
Many atheists say that when they die, they hope to just leave a better world for those they leave behind.
So my independent critical thinking is this: Jesus Christ founded His Church for His people so when we fall into sin we have His inst!tuted Sacraments to bring us back to the relationship we had with Him at our Baptism; to leave the Church in search of something «man made» because of someone's sin would just mean that I would go somewhere else where there are people and people the world over sin!
Our ability to critique secular culture from an arm's lengths makes it easy to feel like we know absolutely everything about «that world out there» — that secular world — to know every bit of its brokenness, and just leave it there to fester.
For me to know whether or not my words have meaning or «power», I would have to leave the delusional world of «just feeling like zeus is wonderful» to what are the reasons people reject zeus and listen to them without a biased ear.
Then he doesn't love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din't he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din't why din't he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn't have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
The apparent randomness as well as the struggling and unpredictable meanderings that science sees in evolution, and which have caused so much theological controversy, are just what we should expect if the world is in some way left to be itself by the non-interfering goodness of a self - emptying God.
«I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself, I fight God, just tell me how many burdens left,» Kendrick raps in the next verse.
Forty days after he left this world he poured out the Spirit of Truth, just like the Master only without the material garment of flesh.
That the meager theological fare of liberal Protestantism was still enough to prompt people like himself to gather regularly just to say thank you to God was perverse evidence for Updike that the modern world still left room for miracles.
If Jesus did not rise, then we are left with Christianity being just another man - made world religion which tries to help people live life as best as possible, and I am convinced that despite all the troubles within Christianity, it provides the best solutions to all of life's questions and problems.
But then that leaves you with this problem: If God was clearly proven to the world, then many people would follow him just for the blessings and entrance into paradise.
Francis words are just a different way saying that it is just immoral for the 3 % or so of the world population to hold most of the world's wealth, leaving the 97 % living off the crumbs the wealthy discard.
Only a blind man can not see we are at end times, third world countries with nuclear arms, a finacial system that is about to collapse, global disasters becoming more prominate, Godlessness that would try to redefine nature, men marrying men, women marrying women, mothers killing their babies rather than loving their babies and those who would mock the only one who could save them, JESUS, all that will hear prepare to stand before him let him be your savior rather than your judge, just a little while not much time is left before this world learns his wrath.
That does not leave England off the hook, England was and STILL IS an Evil in this world is just that Spain was much worst.
Believe me... you'll get your chance to explain your beliefs... just hope that along with that explaination you are able to say that you were Blind but were able to see before you leave this world.
More evil has been done in the world in the name of religion and a non-existent deity, so this presumption that atheists would some how not help the world or leave each other to starve is just stupid.
Though Christians claim that all people should have the right to life, we sometimes think the world would be better off if certain people just «left
Oh the insane things that pop into my head in the middle of the night and make me get up from my warm bed and leave my wife to scrawl in pencil on a blank sheet of paper in the pitch blackness the silliest images that seem to perplex and plague me just so I can hopefully bring a smile to your face and maybe occasionally make us think a little bit world without end.
It's not that they cross is just some necessary step to accomplishing some religious plan of salvation — an abstract scheme that leaves Jesus politically meaningless... It is a completely different way to view the world, success, and the meaning of history.»
Consider leaving just one holiday tradition behind this year, so that the absence (of a fancy meal, a familiar decoration, a favorite ornament) is a reminder of how much justice has yet to be realized in world where the Kingdom has been inaugurated but not yet consummated.
«There are just a few months left until the New York World's Fair, begins, and we can't get going on our film for the Protestant Pavilion.
It seems to follow that, just as a dominant philosophical imaginary governs the quality of understandings of the world, so the myths that inform a self - creating social imaginary must delimit what that society can as well as should make of itself, while leaving certain possibilities open.
Or are you just assuming that the whole world thinks like you do, even though you've never left your hometown in Inbredsville, Alabama.
Love God even just a smidgen and God will open His Kingodms» Heavenly Gates wide when your time comes to leave this world!
And just as it is impossible in the physical world to know with certainty why a drop of water runs down the right hand side of a knuckle instead of the left hand side, so also, we can never know with absolute certainty why some bad things happen in this world.
I was left with the increasingly cynical feeling — an existential threat to my entire sense of myself and the world — that Christianity was just a means to an end.
«Things are big that should be small... its a crazy world we're living in... what a mess we're in... nothing left to do but pray... this world, has got to change... Cos I just, I just can't keep going on» Jamiroqui Virtual Insanity
The only prophecies left are the ones for the end times, when you and the rest of the world, will be judged by a Righteous and Just God.
Deerborn just happens to be the one thats 90 % Muslim since the White Flight when white populations and even black populations left when Muslims moved on in and started taking things over... like history repeating itself in many other areas of the world by the way.
But who in the world has left over Reece's??? Just Saying!!!
I have garden tomatoes left over and the Giants just won the world series.
To hear glimmers of thought drift over from the humans at the picnic table to the far left, or to catch the trail end of a passionate speech from just down the grassy hill is to be let in, for a second, to someone else's world.
Right before I leave for a school where wheat flours, refined sugars, and 350 degree ovens will become mere memories, this savagely decadent monstrosity representing everything baked and holy in this world lands in my home just in time to send me off with a sugar high and a couple extra pounds.
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