Sentences with phrase «just lost their child»

My sympathy and well wishes to the couple who just lost their child.
in the end, it's not our place to sit in judgment of a woman who's just lost her child.
Her daughter - in - law just lost her children at the hands of her mother.
The holidays can be difficult for anyone, but especially if you've just lost a child, a sibling, a parent.
Their parents may have just lost their child benefit for these very same children, but this is a generation that will now be asked to start their adult life already owing as much as # 40k.

Not exact matches

Most of the women that I see, they've had kids, they've lost some volume in their breasts, and they just want to restore what they had prior to having children
A mother who lost her 6 - year - old son in a school shooting just over five years ago warned that more parents would lose their children if President Trump did not act, adding, «Don't let that happen on your watch.»
the christians were bad during the crusades, stirred up by Pope Urban II into going and taking land the ROMAN EMPIRE, not christianity, had lost, and these same «holy crusaders», upon taking Jerusalem, massacred men, women, children, muslims, jews, christians, everyone just because they were different.
As far as the clothing or skins that Adam and Eve were given its difficult to confirm what they were.What i thought was important was that it was a covering that God supplied even though his children had rejected him and gone there own way.He never rejected them nor did he lose his love for them and still cared for them.God loves us just the same even when we go our own way just like the prodical son.brentnz
As women, we battle daily against the lie that we will matter just as soon as we lose 10 pounds, look like the model on the magazine cover, get our house cleaned, attract a man, produce a child, «have it all,» and achieve the American dream.
While we all want to grow up to believe that we can be Claire Huxtable, the Cosby Show mother who balanced her legal briefcase with one hand while checking the temperature of a sick child with the other (never mind that her husband is a doctor), the reality is that most mothers of several children are just trying not to lose a kid in the grocery store.
But other times in our lives can be just as difficult, or even more so — for instance, the experience of losing a child.
Just as the family rejoices in a renewed life of their sober child, brother or sister, all of Heaven rejoices when one who was lost to their drug of choice, or sin, renounces it, and accepts Jesus.
I could not comprehend how anyone, especially a child of mine, could just lose control that way.
Not only has he been a vocal critic of (now - former) Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore — who just lost the election to Democrat Doug Jones following numerous allegations that he sexually pursued (and even molested) teen girls — Jimmy Kimmel has also been an advocate of healthcare laws he believes best support the families of young children.
Unlike other programs who just want your money, our focus is to cater to each child individually, help them where they need improvement and cap our class numbers to keep the class intimate, so your child does not get lost in the masses and feels like they are truly a part of the whole.
In just his second season, 7 - foot Magic man - child Dwight Howard is already a master of the lost art of rebounding
Besides the threat of pervs, it's too easy for small children to just get plain lost without several pairs of eyes to watch them.
Maybe I shouldn't say anything, my opinion is just one of many... but the root of all of this is that a woman lost her child, she didn't murder her child and blame should not come from those who do not know.
I was beginning to lose hope that there were other moms out there who just want happy babies and realize that we MUST respect each other, or we'll end up with children who are just as hard to get along with.
I told my husband just today I'm not going to stress out over a dog I have worked to hard to get pregnant and I'll be damned if i lose this child to stress over chasing a pet around i don't give birth to puppies.
Is it just me or does it seem like children have lost their playfulness?
«In the flurry of activity that makes up our day - to - day parenting lives, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture: we aren't just raising children; we're raising adults.
The implication is, if you can't have the self control to eat well, buy the formula advertised on the same page as this add (and put money in the pockets of the people who indirectly supported the add), because otherwise you're just feeding your baby hamburgers and donuts, and that is simply NOT true and hurtfully misleading and potentially damaging to mothers (emotionally and in lost long term positive health benefits to breastfeeding moms) and the short and long term health of their children.
This story is just so sad and heartbreaking first I am so sorry for your loss myself losing a child as well under different circumstances but I can relate to the heartache the guilt and the what ifs but secondly I am so sorry that your nurses and doctors failed you they should have had you supplement especially that he was crying so much and continuously losing weight I'm a pediatric nurse and the weight loss is always a concern and reason to supplement its just so sad you had to lose your precious baby boy over such negligence I hope you are able to find some peace and know this wasn't your fault being a new mom
You know, people lose their housing, people have fires and suddenly they lost everything, and they just, you know, they have nobody to turn to in some communities and making sure that in those time that people still continue to focus on their child and make sure this child gets a good education is part of the work that we're trying to do.
And remember: just because your baby is weaning away from breastfeeding or bottle feeding doesn't mean you're losing your bond with your child!
Next, if you find yourself in a frustrating situation again and you're about to lose it — maybe your child has wet their pants for the third time today and you just can't take it anymore — press pause before reacting.
«My child isn't losing weight, just not gaining enough quick enough.
But, research has shown that just because you lose your temper, it doesn't mean you're hurting your child.
I just had my second child 5 months ago, and im losing the baby weight fast, but every pound i drop my boobs sag alittle more.
Maybe my tears are just a result of the wacky pregnancy hormones or maybe it's learning how to hold the grief of a child lost and joy of the potential promise of a new one in the same space, with a heart that is broken but oh so full of love for them both.
Just as I would mourn with the President if they lost a child I will stand with the Duggars.
Dr. Anderson's post, «How to Help Kids Lose,» helps parents, teachers, coaches and others learn how to do just that for our children.
A girl in my ward just lost her baby just before delivering & had to labor & deliver a dead child.
My first birth was complete with a reluctant epidural and inept education in feeding babies with tongue ties and having inverted nipples and loving my child but so not loving being a mother with this looming feeling of failure and just being utterly lost and then realizing four months in to this journey of hot mess, surprise, I was pregnant again and terrified.
I just have to weigh in on this as a mother that has lost two children.
Take the pregnant 32 - year - old, for instance, who loses her shit over getting her unborn child onto a Pre-K waiting list («I don't have an attitude, I'm just saying if there is a spot available...» she says into the phone).
Just a note: almost all the women I know who have had more than one child have told me it took longer to lose the baby weight, with the subsequent babes, breastfeeding or not.
I had moments after Jack died where I foolishly thought another pregnancy was just my second chance at having him — somehow magically I would give birth to an identical baby and it'd actually be the child I lost.
Billy couldn't construct coherent sentences but could make his needs known with phrases, «he's just not a highly verbal child»; Johnny doesn't like to play ball games because he always swings or kicks at the wrong time; finds math more challenging than his younger siblings, gets lost easily and confuses left and right a lot.
«If we lose them, it's not just the loss of children, we lose the claim that this is not just a welfare program,» Poppendieck said.
Mel B, the mother of 3, lost her baby weight after her third child in just 6 moths!
Honestly, I would recommend this book to anyone trying to conceive, not just people who have lost a child.
You may have some friends who don't have children yet, and you don't want to lose touch with them just because you're a mom now.
If your child just can't lose weight, it would also be a good time to talk to your pediatrician and perhaps see a registered dietician to talk about your child's eating habits a little more.
Just because we have lost our children does not mean that we are no longer our children's mothers.
You don't get to invalidate everyone else's trauma just because you lost your children.
This will be around the time that a fear of the dark or a fear of losing you is prominent — just support your child and offer a nightlight for bedtime.
The truth is breast milk NEVER loses it's nutritional value and the child having a birthday doesn't just take away all those great nutrients breast milk offers.
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