Sentences with phrase «just peace and happiness»

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Know that we are all just looking for happiness, harmony, laughter, and peace.
The moment your religious beliefs turn derisive towards others who just want to live life in peace and happiness, that's the exact moment your beliefs become meaningless.
I just wish you and all of the people on this earth, peace, happiness and whatever revelations they have in their lives to make them happy.
Our minds are so earthly focused, it is hard to understand how just by loving Christ, and enjoying His presence, and how not trying to be like Him, but just liking Him, just by loving Jesus, we can have the contentment, joy, peace, and happiness that would never be ours otherwise — even were God to grant us all the things we prayed for.
I think many of the things from those top 15 are key to life happiness and not just financial peace!
But there can be peace, satisfaction, beauty, and happiness in that experience, just as there is in that photo.
Just four months after Woodstock presented an image of peace, love and happiness for the hippie generation, the Stone's show, which also featured Tina Turner and Jefferson Airplane, broke down into violence that ended with the stabbing of a fan.
Breathtaking, vital to positive change - not just education, but economic and interpersonal productivity and ultimately peace and happiness.
What price would you pay to achieve more peace and happiness, not just for yourself, but your family?
I can just feel the peace and happiness of your decision oozing from this post!
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