Sentences with phrase «just plurality»

it would have been better perhaps to have said «obvious» or just plurality.
Since Trump won 24 states by majority (not just plurality), he would only need 2 of his plurality states to still win the election.

Not exact matches

I think this plurality is a good thing; if you don't want to use an assistant, just don't call on it.
Just did, thank you for pointing that out... It does appear that the more precise and correct word, when applied to the voting example I gave above is plurality which is synonymous with «relative majority».
Just how a plurality of ways to construe the Christian thing, ways to go about understanding God, and ways to be in community will be related to one another is finally an internal political matter settled through the school's governance practices.
In recent years, because of the new recognition of religious plurality in most countries of the world, especially in the western countries, and the popular evolving of the accompanying pluralistic theology of religions, [52] serious thoughts have just been emerging.
While polls showed him at the back of a seven - person pack just weeks before January's first - in - the - nation Iowa caucuses, Santorum won a plurality of Iowa evangelicals, who accounted for nearly 60 % of the electorate.
But just as religiously committed Evangelical and Mainline Protestants were much more likely to vote Republican than their nominally religious brethren, regularly attending white Catholics gave Bush a narrow plurality over Clinton (41 percent to 39 percent), while less - observant Catholics gave Clinton a bigger margin (44 percent to 33 percent).
But the crucial question for evangelistic mission today is how in a changed post-colonial situation the forms of the church and its evangelistic proclamation and the call to conversion and the invitation to join the fellowship of the church may take place within the context of the recognition of religious and cultural plurality and common participation in building a new just society and state.
Their stubborn plurality signals just the kinds of irreducible differences that can not be homogenized into an encompassing morality.
They just acknowledged that America has a plurality of views.
«Dick Wadhams has been indispensible in orchestrating the first phase of the campaign helping to secure the Conservative nod and the plurality of the Republican support for Wendy in just a few short weeks after entering the Senate primary.»
More than any other, in politics, is referred to as «plurality» in American English and, as I just found out, «relative majority» in British English.
For example, an absolute threshold in the number of votes (e.g. requiring a certain proportion of the whole population or of registered voters to be elected rather than a plurality of the vote) can seem intuitively appealing but has never, to my knowledge, been implemented for a national election, precisely because leaving an important office unfilled is a problem (unless, of course, you subscribe to radical small - government ideas, in which case the question seems moot and you might just as well do away with elections or democracy itself).
Unfortunately, instant runoff — just like plurality voting — also immediately eliminates the candidate who is everyone's second choice but nobody's first.
Back in December, before President Donald Trump's inauguration, it was just the opposite, with a plurality of New Yorkers saying they did not want him to run.
The winning project is called «Buffalo's Reading Park,» and the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library is collaborating with partners City of Buffalo, Buffalo Place, Just Buffalo Literary Center, WNY Book Arts Center, Visit Buffalo Niagara, Plurality Press, Albright - Knox Art Gallery Public Art Initiative and the University at Buffalo School of Architecture & Planning, in cooperation with Erie County, to create «Buffalo's Reading Park» directly adjacent to the downtown Central Library.
On the other hand, complexity makes the difference or the complex plurality, which does not have an horizontal order, the social - corporative theories tend to fall to the deception of having «organization levels», and unavoidably make the mistake of seeing the world as a plural closed over it - self; typical of the dogmatic ideologies that in the end just look for a zero confusion level.
Charter and merit - pay supporters outnumbered opponents by 2:1, but a near plurality of the public refused to take a position on either issue, revealing just how much further into the public consciousness reform ideas need to penetrate.
More importantly, the public is probably not nearly as supportive of the Core as many polls have suggested — indeed, without a description the plurality opposed it — and just mentioning the Pufferfish poison appears to make a difference.
Merlin James will be one of the panelists in a discussion about the condition of painting in its contemporary context and whether the current plurality in painting dilutes meaning, or if it is just a case of many people doing many interesting things.
There was a plurality of subject matter, just as there was in the style of the installation: a still - life on a windowsill, a pair of combat trousers drying on a radiator, an aerial view of the Arctic, a swirling stain of rose - coloured pigment, a portrait of Kate Moss, Concorde in flight, a man with a backpack in a barren landscape seemingly communicating with a small deer.
His first monograph, A Singular Plurality, published by Harvard University Press was just released.
The fact that a plurality of the references are to CA posts with no attempt made to address the legitimate criticisms leveled at Stevie Mac's broadsides just makes the book weaker.
So if we have a reality where there's a consensus in a field (or not even a consensus, just a popular idea or plurality) like climate, which has spillover effects for lots of other fields, and people in those fields take it up and insert it as a premise in some research or paper, we can see how the math would work.
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