Sentences with phrase «just punishment for»

The sentence imposed today is just punishment for reprehensible conduct that victimized so many who placed their trust in Mr. Johnston.»
[48] Judges looking to assess a fine should also consider the factors in the federal sentencing statute in calculating the amount, including the seriousness of the offence, promotion of respect for the law, provision of just punishment for the defendant and its deterrent factor.
It does not «reflect the seriousness of the offense,» «promote respect for the law,» or «provide just punishment for the offense.»
This kind of information is especially important for new pet owners or those who see containment as just a punishment for their pet.
Gladly we can now bid farewell to the days when work was considered a just punishment for an idle and carefree youth.
The casting of Trudi Goodman as a coke - snorting pedophile felt particularly inhumane, though not as mind - boggling as the beeline Michelle Monaghan made for the exit at the end of the film (those who've read the book tell me her character has been considerably dumbed down), leaving Casey Affleck sitting on a couch wondering if kindergarten - cop duty is just punishment for the ethical exactitude he showed earlier.
Nico Hulkenberg believes his five - second penalty was a just punishment for passing Sergio Perez off the track in Abu Dhabi.
Making it 16 games, a record, seems like just punishment for the Toffees stealing a point against us last month.
Poverty, illness, squalor — these are regarded as the just punishment for the failures in society of those who by definition are sinners.
In the light of it, whatever remained of the old theodicy, which deemed all suffering just punishment for the sufferer's sin, was doomed.
This story makes my skin crawl but takes my mind to horrid but just punishment for this disgusting man.
And we can just imagine what Dr. Pat Deneen and other Front Hutters of the time were predicting about impending collapse as just punishment for our unnatural acquisitiveness and greed.
Either this criminal is mentally stronger than most you as just by mere one sentence that God made him do so he has turned you guys into questioning and arguing about the existence of God, Religion and Faith... For a change, what about discussing the nature of his crime and a just punishment for him???... you bunch of Sherlock Holmes
It sounds more like you think that an unintended pregnancy is a just punishment for women who are such who.res that they have s.ex, and maybe lots of it, outside of marriage.
As for just punishment for architects of atrocity, it is laudable when it can be achieved, and sometimes it has been achieved.

Not exact matches

Women are particularly susceptible, of course — just look at the cover of magazines on display near any supermarket checkout counter and you can see the punishment for being less than perfect in public.
Only capital punishment for traitors could root out the injustice of this period and help France to establish a just regime.
It ignores the leadership of civil society, including religious leaders; the political value of religious ideas (real theology) in creating a functional future for these nations; and practices like forgiveness that allegedly prevent the just application of punishment.
Unless a healing balm like that found in the restorative drama of Christianity is brought to the persons and societies that have suffered these wounds, then rights, the rule of law, and any hope for just punishment may well be doomed.
I just attended a high school production (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) of «The Wizard of Oz».
Religion has little to do with ethics... for example... is it right for you to allow someone else to accept your just punishment... of course not, we do not allow that in our legal system, because it is not ethical... but your religion is based on that one unethical behavior.
Can any Christian explain why they would brag about a religion that doesn't believe in rewards for being good or punishment for being bad since you can just pass the buck to someone who died 2,000 years ago.
I'm not a Christian who brags about a religion that doesn't believe in rewards for being good or punishment for being bad since I can just pass the buck to someone who died 2,00 o years ago, so I can't speak for them.
Also, what makes you so sure that when given eternal punishment automatically means eternal in duration and not eternal as meaning that it is just simply in reference to God's punishment because one of the names for God is eternal like Alpha and Omega.
The Bible tells us that there are varrying degrees of rewards for the elect, just as there are varrying degrees of punishment for the reprobate.
I don't consider infinite punishment for finite «crimes» just... (if some of them can even be considered a crime).
Ok but can god take away a person from hell and put him in heaven and if god loves us so much then why he doesn't destroy satun or put him in prison forever and why doesn't he tells the holy spirit to forgive whatever any person says just like him and Jesus i want to know thst but i noticed in all your replies except one that you were telling me everything i was asking except this in short if i say «he allows us to hate him» and i also want to know that if a person is sent in hell for his sins then will he go back to heaven after completing his punishment or stay there forever and also will any person who have commited the unforgivable sin one day be freed and allowed to go to heven or be reborn on Earth and if god has infinite love for us why don't he force us to belive in Jesus just before dying and then as he goes to heven show Jesus to him and then give him a rebirth as soon as his turn comes and then countinue this becaude going to heaven would be better much more than going to hell especialy for those who have commited the unforgivable sin
So just as it would seem to be impossible for any earthly government to exist without a standing military, without violence toward enemies, and without governing rules for order and peace which include death to traitors and some form of capital punishment, so also God had to include such things in the earthly government which He set up in Israel.
On the other hand, criminal punishment may not always contribute to a just society As argued eloquently by Donald Shriver in these pages (August 26, 1998), «living with others sometimes means that we must value the renewal of community more highly than punishing, or seeking communal vengeance for, crimes.»
the last subway incident was a hate crime, guns are here and they are not going anywhere, I support stricter gun control laws, ban all assault weapons, and sever punishment for the crimes committed with firearms, no insanity plea accepted, just hang them
Thomas Jefferson himself said,» Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is JUST, that His justice can not sleep forever» These words clearly testify AGAINST the Founding Fathers showing they KNEW FULL WELL what they were doing and that their GROSS SINS would someday mean PUNISHMENT for how this nation was ESTABLISHED.
Hate crimes are just a construct liberals have set up to double up the punishments for the people groups... should I say it..
Yet this was a most important oversimplification, for it made possible for the Jews to accept their fate as the just punishment of God, and to accept the Torah as the book by which they would live.
And if you allow for your God's retaliatory behavior simply because he is our «Creator», shouldn't parents who «create» children have the same right and therefore be allowed to inflict horrific, never - ending punishment on their children just because «we made them»?
Worse yet, to have the top echelon of the hierarchy consider a transfer as a just punishment, allowing those criminals dressed in black to find an entirely new populace ripe for the picking.
Also islam believes that if you do not follow the prophet mohammed and his teachings that you are not a true follower of god and deserve punishment for such «crimes» Meanwhile christians are just simply waiting for jesus to return and believe that when that happens god will pass his judgement on the earth and we all will die and only those who are worthy of gods love will ascend to heaven and that those who do not believe in christ (who also happens to be gods only son in their eyes) will spend eternity in hell for their non-belief.
Under just cause, for example, he included retributive justice; that is, punishment for evil.
NO it doesn't there is still sin just as there was when Adam sinned that imparted to us the punishment for that sin.
When God makes His covenant with Noah after the great flood, promising never again to destroy «all flesh,» this promise is fulfilled in part through government, which, by executing just punishment, enacts fitting retribution for crimes.
My concern, though, is to note just how drastic the change would actually be; for what is really at stake here is much more than the question of capital punishment.
If there is one thing we learn from Isaiah 54 about the flood, it is that although it appears as if God sent the flood as punishment, it actually came as a result of humanities departure from the protective hand of God, and because the destroyer had set out to bring destruction upon the people of the earth as the just consequence for their great sin.
That may be because the authority of the spirit, known as conscience or the voice of God, has been externalized in the current worldview into a fearful deity that is just looking for the chance to inflict punishment and vengeance.
The fear argument is just silly, for it is just as valid to say that people reject spiritualism and the afterlife for fear of divine punishment.
Also, by this logic, there is no guidance whatsoever for deciding between Christianity and Islam (just as an example), since both promise infinite reward and threaten infinite punishment.
And if they were, they are extremely ineffective being as god never delivers a pronouncement as to just what behavior the population is being punished for, and the punishments are inconsistently applied.
Instead of unrestricted feuding and revenge, the Law set up a standard of just retribution — inflicting a punishment equal to the crime, «an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.»
5:10 ------- By the way, I don't think Ananias and Sapphira would have considered themselves a loved child of God ---- that is unless you believe God killed them as punishment for lying to the Holy Spirit, just so they would go right on into paradise?
A man manifestly intelligent and devout, but with a knack for making providence sound like karma, argued that all are guilty through original sin but some more than others, that our «sense of justice» requires us to believe that «punishments and rewards [are] distributed according to our just desserts,» that God is the «balancer of accounts,» and that we must suppose that the suffering of these innocents will bear «spiritual fruit for themselves and for all mankind.»
What is just about eternal punishment for a finite offense?
The punishment of the wicked was becoming just as urgent an issue as suitable recognition for the faithful.
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