Sentences with phrase «just punishment requires»

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To me, a perfect judgement and sentence of the evil person would require more than just a punishment in eternal flame, since he would still be capable of cursing God, fostering hatred and perversion and all sorts of other humanly sinful ways while he was being eternally tormented.
Obviously the only rational explanation is that an all knowing and all powerful being, who is invisible and who requires that people worship it at the penalty of eternal punishment just puffed everything into existence.
Instead of skirting the issue, much of the heat the catholic church is taken would probably be alleviated by simply just requiring those in power to report abuse to local authorities and levying swift and severe punishment on those who condone and cover up abuses.
A man manifestly intelligent and devout, but with a knack for making providence sound like karma, argued that all are guilty through original sin but some more than others, that our «sense of justice» requires us to believe that «punishments and rewards [are] distributed according to our just desserts,» that God is the «balancer of accounts,» and that we must suppose that the suffering of these innocents will bear «spiritual fruit for themselves and for all mankind.»
Inasmuch as judges are expected to act impartially and objectively, this task, too, requires the suppression of prepotent responses to the crimes described, to produce «just» and impartial punishments.
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