Sentences with phrase «just regular people»

While the bureaucrats in Washington have patted themselves on the back for requiring a fuel - efficiency standard of 35 miles per gallon by 2020, there are companies — heck, there are just regular people — building PHEVs that can double, even triple that.
Scientists, communicators, movie stars, government reps, and just regular people like me, all wandering around, all night and all day, looking for guidance on what it was OK to say about climate change.
Ittle even finds the bad guys» bedroom at one point in the castle, where she discovers they're just regular people.
Also, us «guys in the gaming media» are just regular people.
Its such a relief to see that these bloggers are all just regular people too.
Celebrities are just regular people, but it is kinda cool when they come to your store and choose to buy one of your puppies.
Refreshingly, they are presented as neither good nor bad — just regular people trying to make it in the real world.
These are just regular people with regular problems.
We don't witness the Blooms finding Jesus onscreen, but the film opens and closes with Aiden recognizing that, as much as he and his brother used to play at being heroes and saving the world, «maybe we're just regular people, the ones who get saved.»
It's only been in the last few years that just regular people bought cars and learned to drive.
And these weren't people with a pre-existing history of mental illness — these were just regular people.
Like I always said, vegans are just regular people
I've soon Direct Primary Care practices in the deep south that are $ 60 a month and are mainly just regular people who just want to know their doctor, don't want to get shuffled off in a 7 - minute visit to someone who's only skill set is the differential diagnosis and handing over the prescription.
We are all just regular people, with regular jobs and regular families and friends, a real grassroots campaign.
«My parents are good moms and are patient with me and are just regular people
I think many people quickly come to see that church people are not people with all these warm and fuzzy qualities - they are disappointed to find them to be just regular people.
Be reasonable, these are just regular people making the decisions they think best to try stay open by appearing festive at Christmas time.
Not only did Jessica seem like one of us, just a regular person, by gaining lots of pregnancy weight, she was also open and honest when it came to her pregnancies.
I'm just a regular person.
I do find that I have to work very hard after mentioning the career to convince a man that I really am just a regular person who is successful because I do what I love and have the fire and passion for it.
I'm not a special person just a regular person that does special things.
I am just a regular person trying to move forward with my life.
At first it seems like she's just a regular person laid low by a bad break up, but she quickly begins acting in totally insane ways, and then it seems like maybe Martha is just a crazy person whose friends humor her obvious mania for reasons unknown.
I am just a regular person as many of you.
I'm just a regular person with a full time career, friends and family that I love and a cat I adore; trying to balance my home life with my passion for travel.
From the fake foreign accent in the «tipster» post, to your fake «Oh I'm just a regular person» comment above, lol.
If you wanted to buy another property and this wasn't Rosie's property, this was just a regular person, would you have any problem with $ 110,000 in equity in that house that you could tap into through an equity line of credit or a business line of credit or anything else?
I'm just a regular person — I didn't start out with a ton of money — no trust fund here!

Not exact matches

But the lack of privacy for Bitcoin and just about every other cryptocurrency is not only a problem for crooks, it's also a major barrier to adoption for regular people and businesses.
Just a few years ago, privacy was a big issue as regular people started to understand that big companies like Facebook, Target, Walmart and others were using sophisticated technologies to understand users on an individual level.
Even people who believe themselves to be multi-tasking magicians just aren't able to cope with the regular interruptions.
They're regular people with lives, families, and dogs just like the rest of us.
Whether it's coaching a kids» sports team like the CEO of Insureon, playing a regular game of pickup soccer like celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson, or extending a standing invitation to your friends for a Sunday evening supper like Huckabee, all the successful people profiled in the book plot out their weekends in advance (though not every minute; just a few «anchor events,» as Vanderkam dubs them) and make active use of the hours they have.
The private sector has offered mixed messages about when 5G will be available for regular people and just what it will be used for.
Researchers have now proven empirically that people hate humblebragging even more than regular bragging, so ditch the fake self - deprecation and just tell everyone how straight - up awesome you are:
«In China, people have many channels to communicate, it's just that they communicate in different ways,» Hua said at a regular ministry briefing.
But it is important to remember that for all the corporate - controlled infrastructure, the internet is also just a bunch of servers, some that are run by hobbyists or regular people.
Shaw told DeGeneres that while he doesn't mind being celebrated as a hero for his actions, he mostly just wants people to know that a «regular guy did it,» and that they're capable of the same sorts of remarkable acts in chaotic situations.
Investment minimums are as low as twenty - five hundred bucks, and depending on whether we get a positive ruling on part of the JOBS Act, which is scheduled for this October, a company like SeedInvest might be able to open up its network beyond just in accredited investors, who have to be fairly wealthy, to allow investments by regular people.
He's just a regular, average Joe who'd heard about people doubling their money in just a few months by investing in Bitcoin.
But I am just a little regular person here doing my running my little business and I used it to pay other people doing you know legitimate services for me.
Some argue using a permission blockchain would help as it would only allow a few people to fully access the records, but the possibility of having a government official (or just the regular public) know how an individual vote goes against the premise of free and fair elections.
If he attends this church on a regular basis maybe the people of America will think he is a Christ Follower, Just like if I stand in my garage long enough my neighbors will think I'm a car.
Having gone to school with, worked with and befriended many «regular» Jews I would say that some I liked, some I tolerated, some I disliked just as I did with every other person of whatever race or religion I associated with.
Just another band of fruitcake religous nutjobs that give us regular people a black eye.
I also wonder what takes a person to a townhall meeting on a regular basis, but the government just makes me angry, so I tend to stay away from those types of meetings.
If people would give just a dollar (or food or clothing) to the poor, it would begin a process of seeking to love and serve the poor and needy on a regular basis.
We can say that drink makes a man act like a different person — «X just isn't himself when he drinks» — but this transformation is regular and predictable; that is, alcohol affects everyone in approximately the same way, so we could extrapolate from a drunken man what his sober self is like.
But in regular speech people say «theory» like it is just some far - fetched or unproven thing.
I personally had to stop giving regular one - on - one attention to people who were just looking for attention.
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