Sentences with phrase «just see a face»

When in her seat, she may think that you're not there, and just seeing your face will help her feel better.
I'm always looking for new things to try -LRB-... just see my face mask collection!)
Maybe, just see a face form one magazine!
«Stanley told me that when his lawyer sent him this novel by Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange... from the third page, he just saw my face all the time.
Just seeing the face and having a conversation with the person who is responsible for your safety is enormously helpful.»

Not exact matches

As I explain in a debate (see video above) with my colleague Robert «yolo» Hackett, Face ID is an impressive new technology but the potential risks are just too great.
You might have seen HappyOrNot's terminals at a restaurant or retail store already: Just four buttons, ranging from a bright green smiley face to a red frown, and a simple directive to push whichever one is closest to how you feel about your customer experience.
When I see their bylines, or their familiar faces at events, I can't help but think of them as Fortune - ites: not just fabled veterans, but longstanding members of the tribe.
However, people don't just upload photos of themselves — their pictures on the platform will include other people, and those people may not have consented to having their faces scanned, in order to see if they match the faces in Facebook's book.
Schultz then went a bit contemplative on the raptly - attentive crowd, sharing with the audience his belief that individual citizens, not just politicians and political parties, need to increase civility and improve the discourse level in the country, not only every four years but ever day, in the face of what Schultz sees as increased partisanship, polarization and cynicism.
With Hangouts and Skype you can not only have a web - based call with just one or many people, but you can stream your faces live and real time for everyone to see as well.
Even if you really want to bend over backward for your customer, if you mix statements about commitment with statements that say what the customer's not allowed to do, the customer is going to see your «commitment» as a farce, corporate jargon, just a way to save face, or all talk and no action.
That's especially true during the holidays, when it should come as no surprise that grandparents often want just one thing: to see their grandchildren's joyful faces on Christmas morning.
But you have to have great faith in yourself and you have to have great faith in your camera operator and the various camera people because you could just look at people's faces and see if they're kind of going, uh, or they're going yeah and they're with you.
Recent analysis from Jason Bordoff and Akos Losz (2016) discusses just how tight US LNG margins have become and, as you can see from their graphic below, facilities faces challenges to even meet their variable costs, let alone recover the costs of sunk capital.
We just can't wait to see little Aiden's face when the sunlight hits the sprinkler water to make a real rainbow.
«For them to see women who are succeeding and have faced challenges and overcome them, I think it's incredibly important to spread that — not just internally in the U.S but globally.»
«I've sold firewalls around the world and been real successful at it,» he says, «but the rewards here are so different — just seeing young kids from different backgrounds, all playing together, with smiles on their faces
When I told my board the first time, they looked at me like...» He drops his jaw and makes a face like he's just seen a yeti.
If you're left out of meetings, rarely get face time with upper management, and have never even heard of the big project everyone else is so excited about, that could mean that your bosses just see you as a body filling a desk, rather than as a valuable contributor.
But just as Harper is de-emphasizing some of his past comments, the Liberals are also de-emphasizing their stand on private care within the public system, as we saw recently when Health Minister Pierre Pettigrew did a very public about - face on this very question.
«You could see an exasperated look on Jim's face when they would just keep plowing right over him,» said Gretchen Carlson on «Fox & Friends» on Fox News.
Just like a thorough vetting of cabinet nominees could have foreseen the scandals that later emerged, a thorough vetting and review process for the monster tax cut legislation would have cautioned against such radical moves in the face of massive maturing supply, a trimming Fed, and a debt - strapped consumer that is seeing higher interest rates on mortgages and credit cards as a result of the spike in rates.
Originally, the posters were just a private effort among a group of teens who were tired of seeing black faces shut out of British media.
It's nice to put a face to the name and see who the human on the other side of the phone or computer screen actually is — just make sure that your employees understand that by using their personal accounts to share company content and interact professionally, they need to remember that everything they post is a reflection on the company.
You could just see the excitement on people's faces,» said Hughes, 34.
You think I can stick Muammar Gaddafi in there and they won't even notice it, this just proves religion is the most Idiotic thing in the world, I tell Mormons that show up at my door I am Muslim, you should see the look on their faces.
I just saw the altar and the priest instead of facing the tabernacle was facing the people.
I hesitate to recommend that you see The Lobster, since this romantic comedy about a man facing transformation into an arthropod is just too painfully realistic.
But this is out of the ordinary so it makes news, like that guy who ate that other guy's face... you just don't see that every day.
no apparent evidence of ill - will, and 3)... an experience of unity.Now, David, I haven't known you for very long (blogwise), but I respect what I have read from yr deep and thoughtful spirit, so with that in mind, I just don't see how this personal experience is translatable or cd be used as some kind of template when faced with the real Wal - Mart world.Do we not, like Jesus, show out true colours under pressure.Maybe I'm missing something... please correct me If I am and remember, I'm not into boob jobs (cleavage enhancement)
It can seem overwhelming when you look at the numbers, but I don't just see the number anymore, I see the face.
Show the face he wants us to see just long enough to get some votes then he will go back to being who we have seen the last 2 years.
The people who could have reinforced my faith condemned me for daring to exercise it in the face of questions and conflicting evidence: not just encouraging me, but demanding me to believe that much harder in what I could not see.
I was just telling my wife yesterday that there is coming a time, and it may be very soon, where the forti.tude of every Christian will be tested to see if his faith will stand in the face of legal implications.
If there is a God and there is just as much for as against, But lets say there is a God and he made everything Including you and He gets to make the rules because lets face it hes a lot bigger then you, So unfortunately he only wants those who believe in him based on the information given, Lets look at the facts based on the Book,, Some of his own angels turned on him and they see him every day... That had to hurt, So he decides With man he only wants those with the faith to believe based on His book and faith found thru the holy spirit, If you refuse to believe then he cant use you, cant trust you, so he will choose to toss you aside, Hey I understand It ai nt fair, Your important, Your Smart, But unfortunately hes bigger then you and he has the Juice, You either play by the rules or wait and see what not believing leads too.
of how you saw the face of God in the midst of fear or pain or joy and understood, really understood, Mary, not kneeling chastely beside a clean manger refraining from touching her babe, just moments after birth but instead, sore and exhilarated, weary and pressing a sleepy, wrinkled newborn to her breasts, treasuring every moment in her heart, marvelling not only at his very presence but at her own strength, how surrender and letting go is true work, tucking every sight and smell and smack of his lips into her own marrow.
We were just teenagers, heedless and selfish, all too normal, You have to be an idiot before you can desist being an idiot, But now I see Mister Wilson, fedora hat surfing his crewcut, Always wearing a suit even when running practice sessions, That pained wince on his face as we deliberately threw wild, And I get a sense of what made him wince: all that graceful Athleticism, all that sweet energy, all that possible creativity, All that wild juice that, bottled, might have made great wine.
The irony of you looking at an image of this rat - faced pope and somehow seeing the image of that Jesus you all believe in... just as bad as the Muslims who think their belief is somehow different from the Taliban or other murderous sects.
The Apostle Paul wrote, «For now we see in a mirror dimply, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
These fears are not so different from the fear I see in the eyes of protestors carrying signs that depict President Obama as Hitler, the fear I see in the red faces of angry preachers urging their parishioners to «take America back for God,» the fear I detect in some of the books against emerging church, the fear I detect in some of the books in support of the emerging church, the fear I hear in the voices of both gays and the conservative evangelical activists who lobby against them when both sides consider for just a second the possibility that maybe they have it wrong.
If any of the so called 100 pastors had even cracked the Bible with a ounce of understanding and not been so deluded that they couldn't see the facts as clear as the nose on their face then maybe we would know that they are liars or deceived or just trying to destroy a society that was at one time great.
I'd say uneducated, unsuccessful bitter racist white - trash fundamentalists (who are all about as sharp as a marble) are always the ones drawn to the KKK, John Birch, and fundamentalist «churches»... they're easy to amp up with hatred of a common enemy... which is what you see «churches» like Westboro Blabtist do... just look at the combination of zeal and hatred in their faces when they're on the news.
It just so turns out that once humans know how something actually works, they have the incredible ability to change it to how they see fit, as evidenced by the amazing piece of technology in front of your face.
Then, instead of lecturing friends on your own hot take — or shouting into an echo chamber of your own making — engage in real, face - to - face conversation with people who see the world differently than you do to challenge your biases instead of just trying to have them affirmed.
This is rich coming from a person who just said «I wish I could see every atheist's face when they die and there soul is sent to hell... morbid yes, but I just would like to see it».
And he must have felt just as elated when he saw masses of people stream out of homes and houses of worship onto the streets and bridges of Cairo, chanting «Peacefully, peacefully» as they faced riot police and tear gas on their way to Tahrir Square.
I know Christians believe in certain absolute truths but for that to lead to feelings of superiority is just wrong and flies in the face of scripture... at least that is how I see it.
I have yet to see either Dems or Reps with any balls to face the criminal status quo, so I guess we'll just grow old in a messed up country without any hope for real change.
Even Moses just saw his back, though they talked face - face (personification not necessary).
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