Sentences with phrase «just social movements»

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In the wake of revelations that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein apparently sexually harassed many women who were just trying to do their jobs, a social media movement has been born.
Authors Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms explore how power is won and lost now that anyone with a Facebook FB, -1.16 % Twitter TWTR, +0.39 % YouTube, Instagram or other social - media account can create a popular movement just by adding «#» to a cause or concern.
The movement's objective is to look at the entire financial and social system, not just at women.»
Reagan said yes, and conservative leaders like Arthur Brooks («One of the things, in my view, that we get wrong in the free enterprise movement is this war against the social safety net, which is just insane.
The biographer might just as accurately have characterized it as an outgrowth of the 19th - century Social Gospel movement.
The ecumenical movement articulated as social middle axiom the idea of free society, the idea of responsible society, and the idea of just, participatory, and sustainable society, and then the idea of justice, peace and integrity of creation throughout its recent history.
It represents the culmination of his 15 years of identification with the «religious socialist» movement in Germany, dating back to the time just after World War I when he was called on the carpet by the synodical consistory in Berlin to account for his appearance as a lecturer at a meeting of the Independent Social Democratic Party — a party which, from the synod's standpoint, had added to the injury of being socialist the insult of having been antiwar as well.
And so, just as the Catholic Church rightly takes the initiative in promoting human unity in social and political trends already at work in the modern world, so she can also take leadership in the ecumenical movement, and interreligious dialogue.
Advocating for adoption should not be about decreasing the number of abortions, it is not just a pro-life choice - it is a legitimate pregnancy option that is not owned by any political party, religion, or social movement.
If social democrats step back from their own national focus and look at the bigger picture, they will realize just how vulnerable and ideologically staid European social democracy as a political movement currently is.»
Out of nowhere, One Day Without Us has become not just a campaign, but an incipient social movement whose members come from many political and social backgrounds.
Its supporters insist that it wants to transform Labour into an outward - looking, mass campaigning party that can tap the energy and idealism of social movements and pressure groups to promote a more equal and socially just society.
I think in fairness to Steve Hart, Unite's strategy makes union backed candidates from a broader social background part of their political strategy, but certainly not the end of it: At the Unite meeting at Labour Conference, Jon Trickett & Len McCluskey made the case for Unite & Labour developing MP's from down to earth backgrounds, but linked this very much to having policies that adress the needs of working class voters: The Unite strategy is fairly broad, including recruitng union members to Labour, developing MP's (who as McCluskey are backed because they «reflect the values of the union movement» — rather than just being from a particular social class), and supporting the CLASS think tank to develop policy — I did a write up of this meeting for the Morning Star (and a rival Progress one), which may be of interest (I think it will appear if you click on my name)
It just seems as though social media is on steroids and totally overdosing on this whole uplifting movement.
I really do worry that yoga is a big ol' religious social movement that's going to just tranquilize the people who have the time, money and resources to change the world.
It's the political and social message embedded in The Hunger Games series that has made it so acclaimed and popular — Katniss isn't just a girl stuck in a love triangle, Katniss is the inadvertent leader of a movement, a symbol of hope for the oppressed, a potential catalyst for change amid civil unrest.
Battle of the Sexes isn't just an effortlessly engaging piece of entertainment, it's a compelling reminder that the sporting world has long been intertwined with the social and political movements of the day.
«I guess the important thing to say is we're just very conscious of the fact that we're part of a broader movement that needs to figure out how to fund social services — and we're trying to ask people to see April 1 in that broader context,» CTU Vice President Jesse Sharkey said Wednesday.
We believe that building solidarity among parents and teachers, supporting social movement teacher unionism and fighting racist school policies is key to building a high quality, equitable, and just public school system for all of Chicago.
We are a part of a movement for young people who exit their schooling not just with academic gains but as young adults who have received an education for social, emotional and citizenship development.
What have been the consequences of these rationalizing movements, not just for test scores, but for the teaching profession, for educational and social justice, and for the shape of the educational enterprise as a whole?
And I just don't feel like as a public school parent, I have much of a voice except to become a part of a social movement, a protest movement which is saying that it's too much.»
The Social Equality Educators have only just begun in our quest for social movement unionism to achieve social justice inside and outside the clasSocial Equality Educators have only just begun in our quest for social movement unionism to achieve social justice inside and outside the classocial movement unionism to achieve social justice inside and outside the classocial justice inside and outside the classroom.
The universal pre-K movement isn't just about offering another social service: Pre-K advocates are actually building a whole new system of public education, and that has implications for the existing K - 12 public education system.
Also, an apartment complex tries to implement the social media policy from Hell, tips for guarding your info on Facebook and Google, and free magazines documenting the philosophy behind the Expressionism movement (it is more than just art).
And it is about a social movement as noble and just as those that have come before.
Sure, the visually striking dynamic window tiles may fill the screen and a «What's New» social feed of you and friends» movements hang below, but a tweaked XMB bar sits just above it for more in - depth settings, while the classical audio strains and floaty background wallpaper remain almost identical.
The city as canvas: How self - expression, politics, and protest reclaim the streets Made in collaboration with its featured artists, Trespass traces the rise and global reach of graffiti and urban art, not just as a fringe visual movement but as a social phenomenon and central expression of youth.
The seeds to all of the great environmental and social justice movements were planted long, long ago so let's just take a minute to honor all the great men and women over the past several thousands of years who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much so that we could be here right now reading blogs about it on our laptops at work.
Just a few years ago I used to say that a social movement to drive serious international action on climate change required an «impossible coalition.»
«For the remainder of this paper, I will use the term «denier» rather than skeptic to describe the active social movement members as it best describes a category of constituents who do not believe that climate change is happening, as opposed to just being doubtful.»
All it shows is that involvement in a popular mass movement is a powerful drug for grass roots politicians, just as geo - political speculation is for a certain kind of armchair social scientist.
The Peoples» Summit on Climate Change (Cumbre de los Pueblos)-- running parallel to the UN talks - gathered together social movements from Peru, Latin America and all over the world to exchange experiences and build momentum to bring about the societal transformations needed to address the roots of the climate crisis and create a more just world.
Just by way of example, and to conclude, let me point to a great post from long - time labor organizer, social historian, and all - around brilliant guy Rich Yeselson: «The four habits of highly successful social movements
We are a growing network of 22 New Zealand civil society groups, non-governmental organisations and social movements who support each other and our allies to take real action to protect New Zealanders and others from climate change, to protect New Zealand's unique environment, and build a more fair, just and safe New Zealand for us all.
Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures Many of us in the environmental and social justice movements are increasingly realizing that «softly softly» is just not going to get the job done.
Maybe there just isn't enough to climate, enough emotional calories, to sustain a broad social movement focused directly on it... There is simply no way to take on climate change as such.
If A2J is a social movement, its identity and solutions will reflect the needs of users, not just the views of professionals.
If A2J is a social movement, its identity and solutions will reflect the needs of users, not just the... read more
Social movements and marches have been organized, including just in the last couple of weeks.
They are driven, persistent, and often don't seem to need sleep or food, just constant social activities and play partners or movement and just more, more more.
Just as they do in social movements, company rallying cries communicate big ideas in simple, powerful ways that unite people around a common struggle or goal.
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