Sentences with phrase «just strange languages»

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Ever since the French filmmaker Leos Carax announced Annette as his next film, the project has seemed just too strange to survive the often perilous road to financing and production: an English - language musical from the director of The Lovers On The Bridge and Holy Motors, with original songs by the cult art - pop duo...
In the opening section of The Stranger's Child, Alan Hollinghurst jumps into the milieu of some of the greatest novels in English, the end of the dress - for - dinner era that came just before World War I. His fine and elegant writing seems to be more than an homage to novels such as Brideshead Revisited or Howard's End; the precision of his language allows Hollinghurst to tease out what his characters are actually thinking even as what comes out of their mouths is the proper, dining - room appropriate thing to say.
He could tell from the awkwardness of her pronunciation that this was literally true: like strangers everywhere, she had learned just enough of the language to be able to provide due warning of her incomprehension.
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