Sentences with phrase «just talk to people»

Search the company's website, read its promotional materials, or just talk to people who work there to get a sense of what skills the organization looks for in employees.
We're adding property availability information to our site, there are many lots available but not really listed, around here you just talk to people who own them and discuss what they want for them, which averages around $ 500 - 1,500 per lot at 50» x165 ′ size.
I can just talk to people and it's okay.
But mostly — I just talk to people and make sure they know where my books are.
Just talk to people.
Epley's prescription — just talk to people — is starting to look quite wise.
It's all too easy for social media to become a place where we all just talk to people who already agree with us.
We don't just talk to people who live with food allergies: we live with food allergies.
Instead of just serving food, after we were done serving we would go out among the tables and just talk to the people.
And so it took more effort, whether it was going to PyCon meetups, whether it was going to PyLadies, whether it was going out there and just talking to people, talking to engineers, talking to product people, using your network to get people to enter.
Sometimes it's just talking to people who are supportive and telling them your dreams — announcing definitively to the world what your intentions are, making sure there is no way you can back down from what you've said.
GRAEME SEABROOK: Just talking to people and asking a lot of questions I would say definitely look around for breastfeeding groups in your area.
He was always very interested in just talking to people.
«I've not seen a poll but my guess is just talking to people - I talked to a lot of people in my campaign which was not too long ago - his popularity is very low.
If you're not sure what to do, just talk to the person!
I really like just talking to people and helping.»
I just talked to these people today. Marketing is not an easy job; it takes more than just talking to people to make a product sell.
However, just talking to the person next to you could lead to good conversations about a variety of topics.
Just talking to people opens a whole new world of possibilities that many jobseekers are not looking for.
It also means that some people think that just talking to a person of the other sex is a form of cheating.

Not exact matches

This is just a page for each person I interact with a lot, where I jot down things I need to talk to them about as they occur to me in between meetings or conversations.
Just as I might take a closer look when I see something in the world I like (from artwork to stylized writing to a company culture): When I run across people I like, I talk to them.
«You learn a heck of a lot when you talk to people not in a formal setting, not in a roundtable discussion, not in a town hall meeting, but just when moms and dads are shopping at a grocery store,» she says.
Not content to just offer drivers Spotify access, Tesla is reportedly in talks with major record labels to create a new way for people to listen to music.
«I tell people to stop and notice what just happened, and I tell them to talk about it,» says Mistal, who also served as a career coach for Martha Stewart Living Radio.
«People are accustomed to talking at normal volumes, so just watch your volume and keep it short.»
But if you're having a tough day, and you just want get through that checkout line and get home with your ice cream, for a second you think, Do I really have to talk to this person?
I only talked to people who were giving proper, constructive criticism and the rest was just noise.
Make sure you're talking to the right people, not just people who are thinking about numbers or ROI or when you're going to ship.
He wasn't trying to show off — he just has a rich vocabulary and deep expertise and defaulted to technical language and acronyms when he talked to people, mostly because he thought it was efficient.
«Be really clear about the assumptions you're making about the business you're going into, and check those assumptions as quickly as you can — whether it's building a prototype and testing it with people, or just talking to other people in the industry.
«A lot of times people will just talk about what they're working on or turn to their neighbor and ask them,» says Bacigalupo, (who, by the way, was recently featured on the cover of Inc.).
Basically just educate yourself, and if I can do it then anyone can do it because I educated myself from reading business books and talking to people who had MBAs.
Well, it just so happens people are starting to talk about it — and it's exposing a yawning gap between two worldviews affecting the way the world responds to the climate change challenge — not least within the energy industry itself.
SS: The best advice I've ever received, I don't know if it's in business, maybe just in life, is when he said to me, «If you ever think you're the smartest person in the world, just come talk to me, because I'll show you 10 people who are smarter than you in a flash.»
It was really funny because when I talked to these guys at Apple, I told them we just can't get people on fast enough, and they're like well join the club: we can't make iPads fast enough.
Or maybe people who had thought it was a great idea when you talked to them think it's just that: a great idea, but not a bankable business.
Make a one minute short film and pop it up on Facebook and just talk to 65,000 people.
Sometimes I just close my door so I don't have to talk to people.
But worthy ships aren't built by one person: Access to mentors, capital, partners and friends who can talk business can be invaluable, especially when a new business owner is just starting out.
«At the end of the day,» he says, «you want to see people roll up their sleeves and just go to work and stop talking so much about it.»
The problem is, someone on a dating app likely isn't just talking to you — they're talking to multiple people.
Then, just as people got accustomed to the idea of talking to Alexa, and positive word of mouth spread, Amazon added more capabilities.
Except it's less cool, because it's just people talking to one another.
«Every conversation becomes a little bit more familiar and a little bit more real like two people talking to each other versus just an email or a support ticket,» he says.
The fact of the matter is when you talk about central banks, you're talking about powerful institutions rooted in their own management styles and tradition (even if the latter has just now seen a very unusual break) and it's not likely that one person can radically change things, even if he or she wanted to.
If people decided to actually get going on their new year goals and resolutions instead of just talking about them they would begin to see an amazing shift take place.
Setting aside First Amendment issues for the moment, the more I tried to talk to people about the story, and about geo - fencing in particular, the clearer it became that this common practice is just complicated enough and new - ish to consumers that it warranted a closer look.
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