Sentences with phrase «just under the skin»

Past generations of Dexcom monitors required finger pricks to calibrate the sensor, which is worn just under the skin typically on the abdomen.
Animals killed in the temple were killed in a way designed to minimise pain by slitting an artery just under the skin so that they would quietly lose consciousness.
He says the seeds and I say the layer just under the skin.
Magic lives in mundane places, just under the skin of the known.
It lays eggs just under the skin...
The elastic tissues just under the skin break down, resulting in stretch marks.
Even though increases in both types of fat were linked to new and worsening cardiovascular disease risk factors, the relationship was even more pronounced for fat inside the abdominal cavity compared to fat just under the skin.
Just under the skin is a blood - filled cavity with plenty of room to spare: Fudge's team found that it could increase the fluid inside by 35 % before it was full.
The team wired up the legs of volunteers with tiny electrodes slipped into bundles of sensory nerves just under the skin.
Researchers have long - known that visceral fat — the kind that wraps around the internal organs — is more dangerous than subcutaneous fat that lies just under the skin around the belly, thighs and rear.
They scanned seven minke whale heads in CT and MRI machines, created computer models of the ears and surrounding soft tissue, and dissected the whale noggins to reveal ear fat running from blubber just under the skin to the ear bones.
The abdominal region harbors still another kind of fat, which lies outside the abdominal wall, just under the skin.
A groove on the female abdomenal armor directs the penis and the ejaculate lands in a sack of cells just under her skin.
Just under the skin lies half of the Vitamin C content of the apple.
The goal when peeling your avocado (instead of scooping it out) is to leave the dark green flesh just under the skin intact, as this is the part of the avocado that contains the most phytonutrients.
Fat located deep in the abdomen around the internal organs may be more dangerous than subcutaneous fat, which is located just under the skin, and peripheral fat found in places like the hips and thighs.
We're not talking about pellets, which are implanted just under the skin and release testosterone or other hormones into your body over a period of time.
Another thing to consider is how comfortable you are with this tiny implant placed just under your skin.
Direction of Stroke: The pressure here is very gentle again, because these lymph nodes are just under the skin.
Too much fat lining your organs is dangerous and unhealthy, but an inch or less just under your skin is actually good for you.
However, peeling pears is not recommended, as most of the nutritional value is contained in and just under the skin.
A small area between the hip and buttock is sterilized and local anesthetic is injected just under the skin.
Oils are particularly rich in vitamin E, especially wheat germ oil, and help to activate the micro circulation just under the skin's surface.
Visceral fat responds more readily to diet and exercise than the subcutaneous fat just under the skin.
About five months before starting on the Kefir, I developed a lump or mass on the left side of my face just under the skin, about the size of a large kernel of corn.
Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin and grows from just under the skin's surface from a follicle.
These discolorations are caused by ruptured capillaries just under the skin and disappear in a few days.
Cells that lie just under the skin are called subcutaneous adipocytes.
Since cellulite is formed in the outermost lymphatic vessels just under the skin, topical spa - like treatments can be particularly powerful cellulite remedies.
Subcutaneous fat is found just under your skin, and is the type that causes dimpling and cellulite.
The chi of the body's organs and systems are all connected in meridians or channels that lie just under the skin.
My friends in the know, however, say there are good vitamins just under the skin so I suggest you leave the skins on and add the whole thawing mass to your pot.
This isn't the fat that lies just under your skin and causes the dreaded muffin top.
I had liked it with a mighty kind of liking, so moving had been hard — hard like the pavement the first time I fell off my pink two - wheeler and my palms burned like fire from all of the hurt just under the skin.
The needle from the suspended saline bottle is inserted just under the skin on Kiara's back and the fluid is slowing drained under her skin where it is then disbursed throughout her body, thus rehydrating Kiara.
It can infect the nasolacrimal (tear) duct, eyes, ears and nose, and can cause abscesses of tooth roots, bones (particularly the mandible or jaw), skin (or just under the skin) and / or internal organs.
A simple procedure places the chip just under the skin.
Description: The pus forming in the skin after an infection leads to small abscesses and tunnels running just under the skin.
Dogs with this type of cancer located in the subcutaneous tissues (just under the skin) live a median of about 6 months with surgery alone.
The two pieces were connected with a titanium shunting port that was placed just under the skin for easy access for collecting urine samples from the system.
It is a slow - growing collection of fat cells usually found just under the skin.
They are given just under the skin in areas in which there is no chance of injuring vital organs.
They are located on the skin, or just under the skin, and can vary in size and appearance.
Your veterinarian may then give them a mixture of two or three medications just under the skin, called a pre-anestheticIs a drug that is given before the administration of an anesthetic.
Round cell tumors are among the most common skin tumors in dogs, and they typically form just under the skin, although they may change the surface of the skin above them.
They are positioned just under the skin and connect to the anus through small canals or ducts.
A sterile applicator is used to inject the microchip just under the skin at the back of the dog's neck, between the shoulder blades.
A microchip is a tiny device that can be injected just under the skin of your pet.
These small chips are inserted just under the skin, are painless and ensure that a means of identification always remains with your pet in the event that your pet gets lost and the collar comes off.
A microchip about the size of a grain of rice is placed just under the skin of your pet (usually between the shoulder blades) making it a quick and easy procedure — and providing priceless peace - of - mind for you.
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