Sentences with phrase «just underscores our point»

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My second point is one I alluded to but wanted to further underscore: just because a bank is not «systemically connected,» i.e., its failure does not threaten the larger financial system, doesn't mean it should be able to engage in excessively risky finance.
But that underscores my main point: that the contemporary use of the prudential criteria of last resort, proportionality, and reasonable hope of success treats them as if they were the main themes in the just war idea.
The examples I have just given should also underscore this point.
The 500 - pound, 5 - foot - tall robot was much larger than the 12 - pound, 32 - inch - tall monkey whose neural signals were directing it, and this underscored a simple yet remarkable point: Implant technology could enable brainpower to control a huge object (like a robot crane) or a tiny one (like a microscopic surgical tool) just as easily as a life - size mechanical arm.
;) Or read it all and then try to get me at the purple service with a smiley face and an exclamation point with J underscore cash seventy four just before that weird A symbol.
This is precisely the point Climate Science Watch has been underscoring — not just about droughts and floods, but about the panoply of likely climate change impacts coming down the pike.
And just to underscore the point I made above, here is Rachel Maddow, describing the parallel conservative universe of undebunkable made up stuff at work.
Pekka made an excellent point illustrating just this point of the value of historical narrative, in underscoring how thoroughgoing and diligent many were in validating and verifying and improving the instrumental record at sea, so far as they were able.
Yet another piece of research — a working paper co-authored by Martin Herold of Wageningen University in The Netherlands — further underscores the point that forests are just as important to halting global temperature rises as weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels.
Bob Ambrogi: Victor, I think that was just a really great point, it can only — I just from my brief experience with Cuba underscore the idea that we here in the United States stand to benefit from engaging with the Cuban people and I hope they stand to benefit from engaging with us as well, but it's definitely a two - way street going forward.
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