Sentences with phrase «justice in society»

He also criticized the authorities who failed to administer justice in society.
The experience of salvation is not complete apart from worldly action by individuals and churches not only to preach the gospel, but also to secure justice in society.
Slowly, however, the Churches began to review their relation to the laboring classes and their responsibility for justice in society.
It is only as this fact is more fully recognized and wrought into our living that we shall have any semblance of human justice in our society.
The December / January issue this year contained a lengthy article on the concept of Islamic justice in society, and that includes an independent judiciary.
To be a light is to follow this God, struggling to bring about social justice in our society, to safeguard human rights and to work for peace and reconciliation.
They neglected evangelism and focused on a «social gospel» concerned primarily or exclusively with justice in society.
He also emphasized «social holiness,» opposed slavery, and promoted justice in society.
The serious issues of justice in society tore the institutional church asunder.
Thus in biblical thought, there are two divine covenants with humanity operating in the face of evil created by human self - alienation from God — one, the covenant of redemptive grace with Abraham which ends in the Messianic Kingdom of Love and the other, the covenant with Noah of protective law of reverence for life and later with Moses of the Ten Commandments for the preservation of rough justice in society.
If religions thus eschew separate «communal power» and seek justice in society, there is no reason why for this purpose, they should not bring their specific faith - insights regarding public morality into dialogue and common action through secular multi-religious groups open for faith - interaction among themselves as well as with secular ideologies.
The Minister of Justice has a stake in upholding criminal convictions in order to preserve the integrity of the country's judicial institutions and to ensure public confidence that the government is capable of ensuring justice in society.
Once the shrillness was removed, it may have led to further opening of the doors on the important role of criminal justice in our society.
Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans.
In this period when vast numbers of Christians called themselves evangelicals, the word connoted both a passion for evangelism and a commitment to work vigorously for justice in society.
He did not understand the spiritual life as an ascetical exercise of self - negation that had no relation to justice in society and to love of the other even beyond the demands of justice.
Martin King taught black ministers that the meaning of Christianity was inextricably linked with the fight for justice in the society.
Ethics dealt with the need for justice in society.
The approach of many conservative churches has been to cop out at this point with the rationale that it is the church's responsibility to bring people to Christ and that once they have been converted they will take it upon themselves to work for justice in society.
«Fire in the Heart has important lessons for educators and all Americans who are searching for new ways to work together across racial lines to advance equity and justice in our society
Chair of the Bar Andrew Walker QC said: «Sir Henry's was a lifelong commitment to the rule of law and access to justice in our society.
LLLT proponents often make emotive appeals by maligning lawyers, suggesting, among other things, that lawyers are responsible for the failures of access to justice in society.
Through their legacy gifts, Justice Society members send a strong message to the community and their family about the importance of ensuring fairness and justice in our society.
There are broad and encouraging implications for those of us that believe in the case for increasing access to justice in our society.
An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society.
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