Sentences with phrase «justice principles as»

Thinking About Judges and Judicial Performance: Perspective of the Public and Court Users David Rottman and Tom Tyler, Onati Socio - Legal Series 4 (5)(2014) This article «describes and critiques existing judicial performance evaluation programs that incorporate procedural justice principles as a dimension for measuring quality through both survey and observational methods.»

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When employers terminate an employee as punishment for wrongdoing, it's important that they proceed in a way that pays attention to fundamental principles of justice.
A polemicist might well have salty things to say about this abdication of moral principles that Christians have held since the earliest days of the faith, but in Wilcox's mild and irenic diction the mainline churches are simply «accommodationist,» espousing what he calls a «Golden Rule Christianity» that honors tolerance, kindness, and social justice as paramount virtues.
Only with regard to the Oliners» third type, the principled orientation, do we get attention to the level of reflectivity and autonomy exercised by persons choosing rescue activity as an expression of their duty in relation to the demands of equity and justice, or their duty in relation to the imperative to care.
In particular, the declaration references the charter's «principles of constitutional contractual citizenship» and «freedom of movement, property ownership, mutual solidarity and defense, as well as principles of justice and equality before the law,» in regards to Muslims and non-Muslims.
It deserves careful study as an example of the application of religious principles to practical social needs, moulding a comparatively primitive order of society to the shape of justice and humanity.
If, however, it is proposed not as a preference but as a principle, it gravely distorts moral deliberation about the use of force in the service of justice.
It is an attempt to identify in modes of discourse accessible to the public those first principles of truth and justice that are sufficiently clear as to be adopted as bases for public policy and the ordering of international life.
Such a right is - to use the words of the Court - neither «implicit in the concept of ordered liberty,» nor is it «a principle of justice so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked fundamental.»
In fact it could with justice be said that the principles are all the more important as ultimate orientation and guides, the more complicated, obscure and inaccessible to total conscious analysis the reality becomes which man himself creates and in which he must morally subsist.
The cosmopolitan envisions the direct application of moral principles on a global scale, and regards the nation - state as an impediment to human rights and global justice.
As McBrien noted, this powerfully suggests the need to be attentive to justice issues within as well as outside the church This principle of sacramentality undergirds the statement in the U.S. Catholic bishops» pastoral letter Economic Justice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (no. 347As McBrien noted, this powerfully suggests the need to be attentive to justice issues within as well as outside the church This principle of sacramentality undergirds the statement in the U.S. Catholic bishops» pastoral letter Economic Justice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (nojustice issues within as well as outside the church This principle of sacramentality undergirds the statement in the U.S. Catholic bishops» pastoral letter Economic Justice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (no. 347as well as outside the church This principle of sacramentality undergirds the statement in the U.S. Catholic bishops» pastoral letter Economic Justice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (no. 347as outside the church This principle of sacramentality undergirds the statement in the U.S. Catholic bishops» pastoral letter Economic Justice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (noJustice for All: «All the moral principles that govern the just operation of any economic endeavor apply to the church and its agencies and institutions; indeed the church should be exemplary» (no. 347).
Because the general conditions of emancipation are the subject matter of justice and legislated social practices should serve our maximal common humanity, this substantive principle of justice may be formulated as follows: Maximize the measure of general conditions of emancipation that is equally available to all.
Given that our maximal common humanity grounds teleologically the formative principle of communicative respect and thus a democratic political association, the substantive principle of justice as general emancipation consistently implies as an aspect of itself the overriding formative principles of a democratic constitution.
Let us call this the principle of justice as general emancipation, using the term «general» to express not only the kind of emancipatory conditions with which justice is properly concerned but also the prescription to maximize the measure of those conditions that is generally available or equally available to all.
The New Testament also talks about justice and love as principles embracing one another.
Instead, I will assume that the case for neoclassical metaphysics can otherwise be made and attempt programmatically to show that the comprehensive purpose it formulates grounds justice as compound, grounds a substantive principle of justice that consistently implies the formative human rights of communicative respect.7 Toward the conclusion of this argument, I will also seek to identify an inclusive human right that is substantive in character.
While the Church has insisted that the justice administered by the state should be rooted in Christian principle, historically the Church had not ceded the oversight of morality as such to the state.
This also means that Mays fails to do justice to Whitehead's early remarks wherein the concept of God is seen as a principle of limitation beyond the realm of eternal objects (SMW, chapter 11).
Special care should be taken to discourage young people, who in their search for personal identity tend to be conformists, from interpreting and practicing democracy as majority rule, in disregard of individual and minority rights and careless of the proper subordination of the will of the group to the principles of justice.
For conservative readers, the hardest part of Rawls is his theory of distributive justice (or, as some would say, re-distributive justice) based on the difference principle.
Reinhold Niebuhr is less dualistic in that he stresses the relevance of love as an «impossible possibility» to every human situation, but he warns so continually against a sentimental substitution of love for the requirements of justice that the major impact of his thought is a dichotomy in which again justice, and not love, is the determining principle of social ethics.
Systems and principles of justice are the servants and instruments of the spirit of brotherhood in so far as they extend the sense of obligation towards the other, (a) from an immediately felt obligation, prompted by obvious need, to a continued obligation expressed in fixed principles of mutual support; (b) from a simple relation of the self and one «other» to the complex relations of the self and the «others»; and (c) finally from the obligations... which the community defines from its more impartial perspective.5
Furthermore, it must be firmly maintained as a principle both of justice and of religious freedom that opposition to governmental policies, based on sincerely held moral opinions, need not make a man a security risk.17
And so, if Justice Kennedy, writing for the Court, sweeps away the last barriers to same — sex marriage, what will be contained in the «principle» he articulates as the ground of the decision that would indeed bar marriage to:
It was pragmatic in the sense that it becomes increasingly aware of the contingent circumstances of history which determine how much or how little it is necessary to emphasize» such regulative principles as justice, equality and liberty.
Man chose satan as their god and have had the chance to show what they could do without their creator and his ideas, principles and laws but it has not been pretty and as Jesus taught that satan is «The ruler of this world», «the god of this system» etc.but for «a little while longer» and the Creator will take his wisdom, justice, power and love and take over to show what was intended from the beginning.for scriptures (see 1 John 5:19, Rev. 12:9 - 12, Luke 22:31, Matt.25: 41, 1 Pet.5: 8,9, John 8:44,45) and so many others for those who care.
A strong argument for this point of view is made by Emil Brunner who relates the difference between love and justice to the difference between the I and Thou relationship of persons and the abstractness of justice as impersonal principle.1
As an ethicist he moved from the imperatives of the gospel ethic of sacrificial love to the requirements of ambiguous situations, always under the mediation of the principles of justice — freedom, equality and order.
The principles of justice Rawls devised require that any person's «life plan» be accepted as equal in dignity to anyone else's.
The Kingdom of God is a reality here and now, but can be perfect only in the eternal order... The primary principle of Christian Ethics and Christian Politics must be respect for every person simply as a person... The person is primary, not the society; the State exists for the citizen, not the citizen for the State... freedom is the goal of politics... Freedom, Fellowship, Service — these are the three principles of a Christian social order, derived from the more fundamental Christian postulates that Man is a child of God and is destined for a life of eternal fellowship with Him... Love... finds its primary expression through Justice — which in the field of industrial disputes means in practice that each side should state its own case as strongly as possibly it can before the most impartial tribunal available...
These two great principles, then — love and Justice — must be rather regulative of our application of other principles than taken as immediate guides to social policy... It can all be summed up in a phrase: the aim of a Christian social order is the fullest possible development of individual personality in the widest and deepest possible fellowship.
Today, that is largely forgotten, as all three recognize his greatness: progressives, as an activist for peace and social justice; conservatives, as a defender of the Natural Law and Biblical truth; and the U.S. government, as a symbol of national unity and American principles.
The principle of grace is as fundamental to Christianity as that of justice is to Law.
Instead, however, and as the best substitute, the Church would need to give the individual Christian three things: a more living ardour of Christian inspiration as a basis of individual life; an absolute conviction that the moral responsibility of the individual is not at an end because he does not come in conflict with any concrete instruction of the official Church; an initiation into the holy art of finding the concrete prescription for his own decision in the personal call of God, in other words, the logic of concrete particular decision which of course does justice to universal regulative principles but can not wholly be deduced from them solely by explicit casuistry.
Mill concludes, however, that although justice may sometimes appear to be a moral standard independent of utility, in fact we can adequately account for the claims of justice only if we view them as derivative from and subordinate to the greatest happiness principle.
And if the Indian Constitution begins with affirming the humanist principles of liberty, equality, fraternity and justice it has behind it the impact of liberal and socialist secular ideologies as well as Renascent Hinduism from Raja Rammohan Roy to Gandhi who absorbed these values and made them part of the Renascent Hinduism itself.
For Tinder, equality is the «first principle of justice,» and he perceives this principle not simply as equality of opportunity» a level playing field» but as equality of result.
In principle, the drive is toward the construction of an intellectual statement (or history) of the diverse religions of mankind that ideally does justice to all of them as well as standing independently, a statement that will be cogent to a reasonable man who is a member of any faith or of none.
But the sections on international relations contain also many strong affirmations of the duty and opportunity of the church to serve as a unifying force among the nations and as an advocate of those principles of justice and liberty which, if generally observed, would prevent the clash of arms.
Our Constitution reflects the same principle when it exhorts the state to «promote the welfare of the people by securing and protecting as effectively as it may a social order in which justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institutions of national life».
They insisted that God must be thought of as a perfectly self - consistent Being, whose action in history discloses the immutable principles of Justice, mercy and truth.
Abortion's record is one of taint and damage to everything it touches, not least, as even Justice Anthony Kennedy (who, after having cast his lot with the pro «abortion justices in the 1992 Casey decision, joined the dissent in Hill) now seems to see, fundamental American constitutional principles.
Also, he sees freedom and equality as perennial principles of justice that, like agape in relation to philia and justice, serve as judgment on their approximations (or lack thereof), and call communities to fuller approximations.
The following principles guide and define our approach to learning and teaching: • Every child is capable and competent • Children learn through play, investigation, inquiry and exploration • Children and adults learn and play in reciprocal relationships with peers, family members, and teachers • Adults recognize the many ways in which children approach learning and relationships, express themselves, and represent what they are coming to know • Process is valued, acknowledged, supported, nurtured and studied • Documentation of learning processes acts as memory, assessment, and advocacy • The indoor and outdoor environments, and natural spaces, transform, inform, and provoke thinking and learning • School is a place grounded in the pursuit of social justice, social responsibility, human dignity and respect for all THE CREFELD SCHOOL 8836 Crefeld Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-242-5545 7th - 12th grade The Crefeld School is a small, independent, coeducational school, serving approximately 100 students in grades 7 - 12.
As your little one grows, he'll develop a sense of morality — those principles that affect how he treats other people and how he views justice.
As we work out solutions to the new tensions of living in an increasingly diverse society, we need to take an approach that balances everyone's rights fairly and we are pleased that the European Court of Justice has today appeared to reinforce that principle
Said President Weah: «Article 7 — The Republic shall, consistent with the principles of individual freedom and social justice enshrined in this Constitution, manage the national economy and the natural resources of Liberia in such manner as shall ensure the maximum feasible participation of Liberian citizens under conditions of equality, so as to advance the general welfare of the Liberian people and the economic development of Liberia.»
As agonistic thinkers like Bonnie Honig rightly argue (see the interview with herhere), it is important to see the common good not as agreed upon in a set of formal procedures or as fixed principles of equality, liberty, and justicAs agonistic thinkers like Bonnie Honig rightly argue (see the interview with herhere), it is important to see the common good not as agreed upon in a set of formal procedures or as fixed principles of equality, liberty, and justicas agreed upon in a set of formal procedures or as fixed principles of equality, liberty, and justicas fixed principles of equality, liberty, and justice.
These include the introduction of territorially autonomous regimes that can be formed without the need to have been part of other pre-existing political - administrative divisions, but on the bases of ethno - cultural features; the recognition of community justice as parallel and coexistent with ordinary justice, exercised by the «native indigenous peasant nations and peoples» authorities according to their principles, cultural values, norms and proceedings» (Art. 199); and the consolidation of a system of collective land titling following ethnicity - based criteria.
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