Sentences with word «justifiability»

Defenders of the moral justifiability of commercial surrogacy and the sex trade rely upon variants of market freedom perspectives to support their positions.
If just - war theory is in poor repute today it is because it has been pressed into service to justify war rather than to prevent or restrain it; rather than being used to advance the cause of peace or justice, the theory has often provided a quickly accessible patina of moral justifiability to disguise aggression and expansionist policy.
We have been looking into the question of the rational justifiability of faith's trusting in God's self - humbling love.
Remarks like the following, however, suggest that he would be forced to concede the possible justifiability of slavery or the killing of the innocent on utilitarian grounds: «All persons are deemed to have a right to equality of treatment, except when some recognized social expediency requires the reverse (U 77f).
How could he have done that, if he had never thought about epistemology and hadn't so much as acquired the concept of rational justifiability?
The general effect of Neville's review, however is to cast doubt on the justifiability...
What started out in this chapter as a question concerning the rational and scientific justifiability of revelation has at this point turned into a question about the justifiability of the enormous amount of trust that underlies the scientific, critical enterprise itself.
It seems therefore that critical consciousness itself can not find a point outside of trust, or devoid of trust, whereby it could settle the issue of the justifiability of the trust that motivates science and reason.
The justifiability of one's trust in the truthfulness of a promise is never fully confirmed (or disconfirmed) until the promiser actually fulfills (or falls to fulfill) his / her promise.»
This question anticipates a discussion concerning the justifiability of the truth - claims of revelation that we shall undertake more explicitly in Chapter 11.
The issue of the justifiability of violence needs to be faced squarely and debated vigorously in the churches, and pacifists and non-pacifists can learn much from each other in this debate.
These arguments also show that Whitehead's account raises afresh, somewhat surprisingly for those who regard him as Hume's opposite on induction, some of the latter's doubts concerning the justifiability of sweeping conclusions reached through scientific inference.
(I won't comment on the justifiability of that sentiment, just that it's something that goes around.)
Although people with latent tuberculosis can not spread the disease, the ability to test for increased genetic susceptibility to development of active disease could lead to unfair treatment of specific subpopulations that are already marginalized, and could allow familiar ethical issues surrounding the justifiability of ethnic stratification to surface [100][103].
However, there are concerns raised from some quarters that question the justifiability of partnering with a fast food chain to promote reading among kids.
Anyone familiar with the reality of Brazilian public schools knows that will be very difficult,» said Suassuna to explain the justifiability of his project.
Also, the justifiability of the views driving your act is part of the ethical judgment we pass on it.
The Court found the Dutch measures to constitute restrictions of the free movement of capital, which raised the question of their justifiability.
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