Sentences with phrase «justification for all»

There is no justification for the way Islam or any religion for that matter treats women.
In seeking our justification for thinking the sun will rise tomorrow, Russell suggests that a reply might first be given in terms of the laws of motion of rotating bodies, such as the Earth.
As to justification for war and the death penality, read your Bible.
There is no scientific justification for it that I can think of and wondered if anyone out there knew of a good justification for it.
The legitimacy of legislation depends instead on whether the state can advance some justification for its law beyond its conformity to religious doctrine.»
You'd think if your imaginary friend had been proven to exist, the world would know and a Nobel Prize would have been awarded to the person proving it... until that prize is awarded and evidence outside of the buybull is presented, there is no justification for accepting it.
But not once in the gospel accounts can we find a single justification for God being an advocate for wealth.
Nowhere do we find any justification for this omission, but doubtless for Mays the idea of an actual entity carries with it too much of the idea of a subject.
If so, that would mke the terrorist the victoms of our foreign policy, and offer a justification for their style of fighting.
Of course, if you did find biblical justification for meeting on Sunday (as you might), you can still ask «What if we didn't meet on Sunday?»
They often are silent and look the other way, pointing to unfair treatment by other religions or agnostics as some form of justification for their odd behavior as Americans.
There is NO justification for that.
It provides first the model and then a justification for the dominance syndrome.
The declaration presents no philosophical justification for human rights, nor does it describe in detail what political arrangements they might require.
These «conservative» Christians think they represent all Christian, but their school of Christianity is the same one that claimed a biblical justification for black slavery.
But religion, just as it is used to explain the unexplainable, can be used to justify acts so heinous that those who would carry them out can't come up with a justification for them.
If you look at the actual segment of people who slavishly follow his show, compared to not only the rest of this nation but of a global audience related to all things papal, then there is no justification for promoting his opinion as if it mattered.
You will no doubt use «thou shalt not kill» as justification for being against abortion.
I have seen the good and bad of christianity and in viewpoint after much questioning, I see no justification for it - simply no need.
So, you're saying that it's somehow more important to continue following outdated moral dictates than worry whether your God may not actually be up there giving justification for following those outdated moral dictates?
The hate from the pain caused by family and others, who wear religion like a ~ weapon ~ and justification for bad behavior.
I think the Isrealites used god as justification for genocide to claim it was «good».
With the simplest of methods for gathering the simplest of nourishment and with a few acts of healing, we have sufficient justification for abandoning: one of the ten commandments, a substantial body of religious law, a defining cultural activity and for setting aside all the spiritual and secular reasoning for honoring and holding sacred a day of rest and reflection — and replace it with professional sports, athletic competitions for children, travel and recreation, cultural activities and being open for business 24/7.
That is, the big question about justification for Paul was not How do I find gracious God?
The Virgin Mary remains the church's major theological justification for emphasizing virginity as an ideal.
They often are silent and look the other way, pointing to unfair treatment by the west of muslins as some form of justification for this odd behavior as Americans.
Until someone does something to you, you really have no justification for not accepting them.
(3) Another justification for Whitehead's apparently gratuitous assumption that the experience of CE is accurate requires that the «experience» of CE not always be conscious.
Perhaps he is not really committed to the ~ eti ~ na of CE alone providing adequate justification for the accuracy of that experience; perhaps he does not believe that the experience of CE is self - justifying, despite his explicit exposition, which would then have to be regarded as an unfortunate misstatement.
In a roundabout way, this becomes a justification for belief in God.
Similarly, if you had bad experiences with some black people, maybe even every black person you've ever met, that would still not provided justification for hating all black people.
The biblical justification for the doctrine is sometimes found in Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2 and Isaiah 6:3, but none of these passages speak of a God who is eternally three in one.
But to claim some biblical justification for something so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ is (I think I have said this before) a perversion of the text.
Their social emphasis on justice and equity also provided justification for network controls which appeared to promote commonality and the socially responsible use of a public medium.
It was even used in the U.S. as justification for slavery and for the genocide of the Native Americans.
Today, however, a serious question has arisen as to whether there is any logical justification for this division.
Having bad experiences with some Christians, maybe even every Christian you've ever met, would not provide justification for hating all Christians.
The justification for such a method would be that it commends itself by making some sense out of the meaning of the love of God and the loves of men.
Maybe you've had some really bad encounters with some gay people, maybe even with every gay person you've ever actually met, but that can still not provide justification for hating all gay people.
But such a justification for following his theology lays one open to charges of subjectivism.
Witte argues that this predominantly secular view of marriage provided the theoretical justification for the present - day transformation of Anglo - American marriage law.
If a particular position that claims philosophical authority is markedly inferior by these criteria, there can be no justification for adopting it to serve as a natural theology.
I was trying to say that most uses of the term seem to be misapplied as an accusation against those who want more than anecdotes and feelings as justification for a belief.
We have no moral justification for opposing Joseph Kony's army of children, for example, because Joseph Kony claims God is giving him direction.
Their stories often suggest the appalling extent to which the church tends not simply to ignore sexual, physical, emotional and spiritual violence against women and children as a major crisis, but actually to provide theological justification for this violence in its teachings about male headship, women's subordination, and the sinful character of sexuality.
3 or 4 proof texts that are not consistent with context and proper translation is a pretty weak justification for engaging in something so ugly.
The appeals to God were not mere camouflage, nor were they simply a justification for the immediate action to be taken.
It was a self - justification for the appropriation of land from their neighbors.
The justification for civil punishment provides such a problem, as does the controversy over the justice of abortion.
Naturally I do not deny that the Holy Spirit may intervene and give direction to our action; but the possibility of the Spirit's intervention is no justification for rushing pell - mell into action, just for the sake of action; for yielding to some emotion, sentiment, visceral reaction, on the plea that «God will turn it to account» or, worse, in the conviction that this visceral reaction is tantamount to a divine commandment or a prophetic insight.
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