Sentences with word «justness»

In the Inferno we see this insistence on God's justness from the opening lines describing Hell proper, the inscription over the gate of Hell (III, 4): «Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore» (Justice moved my maker on high).
«Courts and counsel must recognize that delay is itself a disease that eats away at the justice and justness of the system.
If God is just, there can be absolutely no question concerning the justness of his judgments.
Moreover, it is recognized that individual soldiers should make their own determination of the justness of a conflict and act accordingly (though they are expected, when uncertain, to give leaders the benefit of the doubt).
This delegation of authority, however, does not provide the ruler with carte blanche, for in the Christian tradition of just war, the determination of the justness of a war does not reside in the ruler's hands alone.
Of course there were others at the same time making similar claims, just as President Carter made them a decade later in the context of another debate over the justness of the United States» use of force against Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
One would question the justness of such «justice.»
His comments substantiate one of the main points of my article: Namely, there are Evangelicals who still need to be persuaded of the justness of conservative economic policies.
Our nation's soldiers come back from every war deeply wounded with the guilt of killing, even when they believe in the justness of the cause and believe they have done the best they knew to do under hellish circumstances.
Oakes appears to think that the American Catholic populace - at - large (including, presumably, him and me) is relieved from having opinions or making judgments about the justness of a particular act of war contemplated by our country because the classical just war theory permits those judgments only to statesmen and generals.
Ultimately, the perceived «justness» of Operation Odyssey Dawn will depend on how these questions are answered.
What is important, however, is not the controversy, or even the justness or otherwise of that law.
«The Movement believes in the justness of its cause and the fact that the events that led to the setting up of the Judicial Commission is premeditated and will appear before the Judicial Commission of Inquiry only on the following conditions:
Military strategists came to understand — and cable news readily reported — that in order to achieve victory, the United States and its allies would have to convince the Iraqi people of the justness of the cause, the harm posed by insurgents, and the U.S. - led coalition's goodwill.
I'm not rich materially... Yet spiritually I'm Rich to an unknown degree with wisdom knowledge and understanding... I will always help maintain peaceful mind happiness and Justness... I'm now staying in Sioux City Iowa...
Crowe plays this note fairly well in his early scenes, his downcast eyes and reserved, low voice in front of the king indicating that fealty that comes from fear of punishment rather than devotion — a fear thoroughly justified when Robin's frank talk to his sovereign on the justness of these «holy wars» lands him in the stocks with proto — Merrie Men Will Scarlet (Scott Grimes), Little John (Kevin Durand), and Allan A'Dayle (Alan Doyle).
It's a psychologically strung - out tale stuffed full of ideas and inspired moments, the best of which is a torturously powerful scene in which Ray, at the moment of truth, struggles mightily with the justness of avenging Johnny's murderer.
«London Has Fallen» wastes no time debating the justness of such a collateral damage - inflicting remote attack — thereby delivering a definitive answer to the drone - centric ethical question at the heart of next week's «Eye in the Sky» — because, like its»90s forbears, it embraces the hardline notion that there's a fundamental moral difference between the actions of America (and its allies) and its sadistic adversaries.
In the sake of justness, I claim that all in all I got my funds back.
But its justness and lack of compromise spoke one word to me, an empathic «Yes.»
Adjudicators will now presumably be called to assess the «justness» of the severance offered by the employer.
Although the full impact of this judgment will become clearer over time, it is to be presumed that, absent any other «unjustness» allegations, the application of consensually defined terms of a valid and enforceable contract of employment should attract a finding of «justness».
Sir Oliver Cromwell said in 1644 «We study the glory of God, and the honour and liberty of parliament, for which we unanimously fight, without seeking our own interests... I profess I could never satisfy myself on the justness of this war, but from the authority of the parliament to maintain itself in its rights; and in this cause I hope to prove myself an honest man and single - hearted.»
The remedies found within s. 24 of the Charter can be read together (See dissent in R. v. Harrison at para 73); in reading for appropriateness and justness in 24 (1), the provisions for the exclusion of evidence in 24 (2), where it would «bring the administration of justice into disrepute,» may be of assistance.
The harm caused by abuse of the system and the resulting loss of trust in the uniformity and justness of the U.S. patent law system is unmeasurable.
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