Sentences with word «kalanchoe»

Kalanchoe is a type of plant that belongs to the succulent family. It is known for its colorful and long-lasting flowers, which can brighten up a room or garden. Full definition
If you want to add a different texture to your succulent garden, go for Kalanchoe tomentosa.
This may sound crazy but a common house plant, kalanchoe does wonders for mastitis.
Kalanchoe extract help protect the skin from harsh environmental conditions and provides moisturising properties.
Some white kalanchoe in a simple galvanized metal planter with flags added formed my simple centerpiece.
Pink hydrangeas in a French vintage zinc bucket and two kalanchoe plants brought in from outdoors help to create that garden feeling.
Examples of additional household plants dangerous to cats are the cyclamen, Kalanchoe species, Dieffenbachia species, daffodils and Lily of the Valley.
So if I may add to your «kitchen story» by the plants you display - here goes: Lamb's Ears: Support Kalanchoe: Lasting Affection Lemons: Piquancy («agreeably stimulating, interesting») Buttercups: Childhood Juniper: Protection..
The plant is a blooming succulent called kalanchoe, and I plopped it in a French ironstone tureen.
Tulip bulbs, Lily of the valley, oleander, kalanchoe and azaleas are spring and summer plants that can be deadly to pets if ingested in large enough quantities.
Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is a common, beautiful houseplant with hundreds of flowers (which range from yellow, red, pink, etc.).
Irregular heart rhythm and cardiac symptoms are caused by many medications and plants including oleander, milkweed, jimson weed, kalanchoe, and mountain laurel.
Varieties such as azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, lilies, kalanchoe and schefflera are often found in homes and can be harmful to pets.
Lily of the Valley, oleander, azalea, yew, foxglove, rhododendron and kalanchoe may cause heart problems if ingested.
Kalanchoe: Like other dog poisonous plants, this plant causes gastrointestinal distress and well as heart problems such as problems with the rhythm and dog heart rate.
Kalanchoe: This plant can cause gastrointestinal irritation and also seriously affect cardiac rhythm and heart rate.
The following plants are highly toxic to pets: foxglove, lily (any type, particularly to cats), yew, sago palm, rhododendron, azalea, oleander, castor bean, kalanchoe and rhubarb (leaves).
A partial list of these plants includes: amaryllis, azaleas and rhododendrons, chrysanthemum, cyclamen, kalanchoe, lilies, oleander, peace lily, pothos, Sago palm, tulip and narcissus bulbs, and yew.
Common houseplants such as azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, lilies, kalanchoe and schefflera can be harmful to pets.
There are many toxic plants, including lilies, rhododendron, sago palm, kalanchoe and schefflera.
This is the first time in years that the Kalanchoe tomentosa «Golden Girl» has bloomed here at Wave Hill, and I think it's been worth the wait.
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