Sentences with phrase «kapha days»

That means no meat, wheat, dairy, or sugar during heavy kapha days.

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If you're a kapha, you're an amazing carer, and your day will lead you towards the care and nurturing of others.
You'll love my Bircher Muesli Bowl, as it's a naturally gorgeous way to start the day for pittas and kaphas, containing apples which offer sweetness for pitta and an abundance of fibre for the potentially sluggish digestion of kapha.
Pittas need to begin their day with soothing, cooling, sweet foods to pacify their fiery body and mind, whilst kapha's should limit foods that are naturally oily, heavy, or foods that slow them down.
In Ayurveda (Sanskrit for «science of life»), an approach to medicine that originated in India over 3,000 years ago, the day is segmented into doshas, called vata, characterized by air and movement, pitta (by fire and energy) and kapha (by earth and strength).
But, you know, in the Ayurveda times of day, the morning time, 6:00 to 10:00 AM it's kapha time, so it's a time that you're supposed to slowly wake yourself up.
My day begins at 6 a.m. and ends at 10 p.m., and I pay attention natural rhythms like my circadian clock and Ayurvedic dosha tendencies (I'm pitta - kapha).
A simplified version of traditional Sun Salutations, start your day with this energizing vinyasa to build prana (life force) in the body and release kapha that gets trapped in the lymph nodes at the armpits, says Carlson.
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