Sentences with phrase «kapha types»

It's the kind of tea which is good for reducing congestion within the body, something that can be common in kapha types.
Having warm, sour liquid can help stimulate sluggish digestion of a kapha type.

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That means the heavy, dense, inflammatory qualities that go with an imbalanced pitta - kapha constitution could lead to the type of issues that my relatives experienced.
So, if you are a kapha body type, you have a kapha imbalance, you're gaining weight in your hips and thighs.
So I don't have a kapha body type really.
This really curvaceous and feminine figure, that's what a kapha body type looks like.
For example, if you are a kapha body type you can eat pitta vardhak (elevating) foods to increase your agni or digestive fire.
Keeping in mind that you will have kapha, vata, and pitta type people in the room, a good balancing kapha class slowly builds heat in the body.
According to Ayurveda, there are three different types of constipation: vata, pitta, or kapha doshas, each type manifests with different symptoms.
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