Sentences with phrase «keen on compromising»

These firms are understandably not keen on compromising their relationships.
Liddy revealed she wasnt too keen on compromising when it comes to.

Not exact matches

Luther was not keen on it; he suggested concubinage as a compromise.
It's added in the report that United are not keen on allowing Rooney to leave midway through the campaign, but the Toffees are likely to have more joy with trying to acquire Depay with a loan deal in January a likely compromise.
A Bronx Supreme Court judge offered a possible compromise in the fight over the Kingsbridge Armory, but the developer doesn't seem keen on it.
If anyone in your family isn't keen on traditional fruitcake, this might be the compromise you've been looking for
If your date chooses the sort of place you're not keen on, don't worry about asking for a compromise.
That's not to say he's done with studio filmmaking altogether — Warner Bros. is reportedly keen on bringing Ayer back for Suicide Squad 2 but the filmmaker wanted to do something different (see: Bright) first — but when he's not in the mood to helm an awards film or a massive tentpole, Ayer sees Netflix and the like as places where he can get other kinds of films done without a tremendous amount of compromise.
But, if you're keen on finding a handling compromise, go for the 2.4 - liter engine option.
The most active nightlife in Marmari involves traditional Greek dancing in one of the town's tavernas, which is an ideal compromise for those who don't want to sit still all evening, but aren't keen on loud music and dancing in clubs.
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