Sentences with phrase «keep asking my questions because»

And I will keep asking my questions because knowledge is power.
Keep asking this question because we must find a better solution.

Not exact matches

«If you asked me this question two years ago, I would have said it's a viable strategy for some market segments, like financial services, that want to keep all of the data and applications on - prem because of regulations,» he told Inc..
Because he kept on being asked the same question from readers about how they could replicate his success, he decided to teach a course — on you guessed it,
The very best way to learn is from other people, because you can keep asking them the questions you need and want answered.
It shows you don't care - because if you actually wanted to help, you would be curious, keep asking questions, to come up with a thesis and then say «here are some ways I CAN help, proactively»
It made me think about the common American advertising message: «Because you're worth it,» but I kept asking myself, is this making my life better (I forgot I wrote a post on the topic that I just looked up and found relevant, «A question to ask all the time: «Is this making my life better» «-RRB-.
Because amazing content often comes in the form of answering the questions other people are asking, it's important to first identify your passion, or else it'll be hard to keep up with the industry as it evolves.
It's because I kept asking questions that I left Christianity and, many years later, came back to a much more human version of it.
If you study Religion more you'll realize it is inherently violent because it is inherently insecure and is relegated to using threats and violence to keep people from asking too many questions.
I finally stopped asking the question because it was fruitless and kept getting the same responses with... much ego, self - serving blended in.
He adds: «At Rural Ministries, we're not about keeping churches open simply because they've always been there, but rather enabling Christians to ask the mission - shaped questions, such as: «In light of who we are and where we are, what is the good news for this community and how might we express it?
It is Good to ask questions of faith, sometimes great to have a faith crisis because it most often brings us closer to God if we keep listening to his voice.
«I always ask that question because I think it's particularly important for men to keep the links and to have a place where those questions are asked, and who's looking after the children and who's feeding the children and are the children being educated,» he told me last year.
These are difficult questions to ask because the answers often lie in the parts we consciously, or unconsciously, keep hidden from ourselves.
People keep using stats to defend him because that's the only way to defend him.When you watch him most at times you he hardly wows you or is any special.Can i ask a question couldn't Chamakh or Bendtner or Aliadiere score about 15 - 18 goals with this super super creative arsenal midfield.I mean lets be honest if Chamakh in his first season should have scored 20 goals in EPL many people would still want him out you know why because watching every aspect of his game and also analyzing every aspect of his game he was below average in his time at arsenal to be honest.So its not only about stats because stats do nt tell me the whole story about a player though they are facts and don't lie the eyes do nt lie.And with this same eyes we look at players and say Aguero is better thab Bony, Costa is better than Remy, and so on.
In response to my follow - up question asking if the source thought that Te'o kept the story going because of the media attention, the player replied, «Yeah.
The loss against Watford — although I was gutted, I am glad at the same time, because questions are going to asked, namely «why when we were in such a strong position at the beginning of the season did it end up so bad» and, secondly, «with a year remaining on his deal is it really worthwhile keeping Wenger on?»
I kept asking the same question because if we're going to have an honest discussion and reach a conclusion, it's a very relevant question that people were repeatedly refusing to answer.
A question that nobody asked and which I kept hoping that somebody would, amidst all the garment rending and shedding of tears for the poor black man denied of the use of a service that he has paid for because of the colour of his skin was this:
If you explained to an elderly Chinese woman how some people in the U.S. keep themselves inside with a 3 - year - old for a week at a time bribing a naked child with candy and an ipad in order to pee in a flush toilet, she would keep asking you questions about what you were talking about... thinking that perhaps she was translating something incorrectly in her head... because the idea of all of that sounded...
It seems like the kind of question that can never be truly answered because every time someone proposes a solution, someone else can keep asking the annoying question: What happened before that?
I didn't cover fiber because people will start with something about «keeping regular», at which point I'll point out that nobody ever asked that question about fiber — until 2013.
Asking about favorite things is a pretty standard icebreaker question on dating websites.It's not exactly original, but it's a good starting point for a conversation.Keep it clean, fellas, if you want to keep her interest.This is a good opening question for online dating because it's open - ended and personal.
Asking questions actually signals a lack of connection, most likely because it indicates that the participants feel the need to put effort into keeping a boring conversation going.
Also, Pew posed a first - time question in the study, asking «does online dating keep people from settling down because they always have options for people to date?»
But I had trouble asking him the things I wanted to, because he kept peppering me with questions and listening intently to my fumbling answers — as if I knew what I was talking about.
Though the projects were diligently constructed, I couldn't focus on their content because I was distracted by two facts: only the teacher was asking questions, and he kept calling exclusively on girls to present.
When she would not answer a question because the other person kept asking her multiple questions in a row, I realized that my son may do that too when I get impatient for an answer.
I wrote my book, WordPress Websites, because so many people kept asking me how to do things like add images to a sidebar or change a header, that I decided to round up all those questions and put it in my book.
Another question to ask is what the customer's budget is, because larger birds are more expensive to purchase and keep.
It is a question we keep asking retailers on a regular basis simply because it is a great barometer to determine the overall health and wellness of the pet industry.
Still, the feature works because Shane the writer shows off his deep fighting - game knowledge, asking Ono intelligent questions (covering everything from combo mechanics to Chun Li's thighs) and keeping things interesting despite the monotony of the screenshots, all featuring the same characters fighting in the same battle scene.
Well, I had to transfer from one graduate program to another because I kept asking impertinent questions.
I keep asking this sort of question and never seem to get any sort of answer, I assume it may be simply because of a lack of humidity data, but surely that adds another level of uncertainty to the whole picture?
She and I kept talking about it and talking about it and decided how we were going to do things and this was, I would say because I'm sure you're going to ask me the question, I bought Judge Brockton's practice.
You're asking all of these questions because it's really hard to keep a lie up for that long.
Our virtual team has the fundamental need to keep everything in the cloud, because we don't have the ability to pop our head into the cubicle next to us to ask a question, or walk down the hall to access a shared filing cabinet to retrieve important documents, or gather by the water cooler to get to know one another better.
Recently one even took offense because the recruiter kept asking him questions for an hour, in what had been supposed to be a 20 minute phone interview, and kept asking for more details to understand the experience being described.
By Mike Simpson Before I give you all of my secrets for the perfect cover letter format for 2018 (and trust me, you want to keep reading because this is going to really help you), I have to ask you a question.
Before I give you all of my secrets for the perfect cover letter format for 2018 (and trust me, you want to keep reading because this is going to really help you), I have to ask you a question.
I'm going to try to put together a post all about my paint colors along with color codes for all of the colors in the next few days, because I just get asked this same question so often, so keep an eye out for that!
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