Sentences with phrase «keep audit trails»

Should an individual ever have reason to make a claim against a school, the burden of proof will fall on the school, so it will be essential that they keep audit trails to evidence that specific and unambiguous consent was freely given.
This could be useful for saving messages in the same folders as other client documents, for storing messages for legal compliance, or for keeping an audit trail.
«By keeping an audit trail of all transactions on an unalterable distributed ledger, blockchain technology establishes accountability and transparency in the data exchange process.»

Not exact matches

A hopefully straightforward question: does anyone know if a central - locking audit trail is kept by the car for any period of time?
Those who use this Seal voluntarily keep a green audit trail to back their standards of excellence and attest to the following:
Nobody would think that they are working on «the most important a problem humanity has ever faced» given their disregard for keeping any sort of audit trail or «professional standards» records.
An extensive audit trail of data and metadata keeps track of corrections that may need to be applied.
LawStudio also keeps a full audit trail — who accessed the file and when, who the file was shared with, where the file was uploaded from, etc. — so that your firm can perform or pass a security audit.
You would be entitled to keep that information but only for the purposes of maintaining that audit trail.
The proper way to respond to the user's deletion request would be «your data will be kept in a secure server for the purposes of maintaining an audit trail for x amount of time.
This creates a provably time - stamped record keeping system capable of maintaining a near real - time, unforgeable audit trail of Coinapult's asset inventory reports, published by its custodian partners.
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