Sentences with phrase «keep chest»

Leave the tight fitting clothing for the gym and the short skirts and shorts for a night on the town; keep the chest hair out of view and the sandals for the beach; use a steamer or iron when needed and don't forget the deodorant.
When layering under jackets like this that are worn open, it also helps keep the chest area fully covered:
You won't be wearing a bra with this dress so make sure you have some tape handy to keep your chest covered.
It's got a button to keep the chest from falling open like so many wrap dresses do and it fits oh so beautifully!
-- Keep the chest tall and hold the bar at hip height against your mid-thigh.
Movement 1 (Round back): Lengthen legs forward to 45 degrees, keep chest lifted.
Keep your chest up as you sit down.
Keep your chest raised, your core engaged, and your spine long.
Holding onto the landmine should help keep your chest upright while squatting (b).
Keep your chest open and lifted.
• Push your hips back (knees slightly bent) and hinge your torso forward • Keep your chest high and don't let your lower back hunch forward.
Slowly drive yourself up to a lunge position aiming to keep the chest very tall.
So keep your chest up and back straight.
Be sure to roll shoulders back and keep chest open.
Retract those shoulder blades and keep your chest up.
Keep the chest lifted, spine parallel to the floor, shoulders stacked, and legs strong, quads contracted.
«Your core is located in your posterior chain and strengthening it will help keep your chest up and your spine strong,» which can correlate to some back pain relief.
Keep your chest up and back straight as you pull the bar off the floor by fully extending your hips.
In a squat, keep your chest forward and your back straight (don't round out your shoulders).
Drop the tailbone but keep the chest upright.
Keep your chest out with your feet a little wider than your shoulders, and imagine sitting in a chair in this position.
As you lean forward into this stretch be sure to keep your chest up and your back straight so as to avoid over stretching or injuring your back.
Keep your chest up, eyes forward and torso upright for the movement.
Keep chest up and shoulders pinned back and depressed.
Aim to keep your chest up (b).
Keep your chest and head up and your back straight as your lower the weights behind your head, keeping your elbows in place (b).
Keep your chest up and core engaged throughout the entire movement.
Look straight ahead (not up or down), keep your chest up and your spine normally arched — that is don't let it round but don't hyperextend it either.
Press without leaning or rounding your back, try to keep your chest high.
Keep your chest up and out (think about a gorilla), if you look at the start position from the side, your shoulders should be over the bar or slightly in front of the bar.
Sit upright and keep the chest high.
Push your butt back and down, maintain a rigid spine, and keep your chest up.
Remember to keep your chest forward and your spine long.
Be sure to keep that chest lifted and breathe.
Keep your chest open and upright, shoulders back and you bend your knees and sink down into your squat.
Keep your chest open as you do this.
It is also VERY important to keep your chest up with your back in a NEUTRAL position.
You can also do it with a dowel across your shoulders to keep the chest up and back,» she says.
Basically, anything that causes you to contract your shoulder blades down and back, keep your chest up, and make sure that your pelvis is forward (butt tucked in) is going to help with getting your posture back on track.
Always keep your chest out and your back straight.
Keep your chest lifted and remember to keep your back straight and your abs tight.
Always keep your chest out and lower back arched.
Keep your feet flat on the floor, arch your back slightly and keep your chest high.
Doing so makes it more difficult to keep the chest and head in proper alignment, which leads to undue stress on the spinal erectors.
Keep your chest up and your shoulders back.
Keep your chest held high and look straight ahead.
Keep your chest tall and make sure not to rotate past the knee.
Anne, your transversus abdominus will be turned «on» with activation of your multifidi muscles that hold your lordotic curve in your low back IF you keep your chest up.
Push your feet into the floor, keep your chest up, and lift the weight up off the rack as you pull your torso into a vertical position.
Gaze down to lengthen the neck, draw the shoulder blades back and keep the chest lifted, engage the abdominal muscles.
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