Sentences with phrase «keep driving through»

Two other times this weekend I've seen cars simply keep driving through the crowd.
Keep driving through the towns of La Tigra, San Isidro and Chachagua until you reach La Fortuna.
After reaching Puntarenas, you will have to take ferry to reach Paquera and when you will reach there, you will have to keep driving through the Tambor, Cobano to Mal Pais or Santa Teresa.
Making sure all employees were in there designated areas, shift ran smoothly, keeping drive through time down, maintaining registers.

Not exact matches

While investors might keep a poker face through the crisis, they might punish the U.S. later on, gradually driving up Treasury yields and making it forever more expensive for Washington to borrow.
As much as many people want to drive a stake through the heart of this ugly political beast, it will keep coming back to life every time there is an election until we somehow get proportional representation.
Not only does blockchain work to protect transaction data through encryption, as well as store this data in a decentralized manner (i.e., on hard drives and servers all over the world) so as to keep a single entity from gaining control of a network, but also the primary goal is to ensure that the same crypto token isn't spent twice.
-- Prepare and format presentations — Database entry — Keeping track of project management between you and your team through reports — Proofreading and editing — Arranging and organizing files (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)-- Transcribing podcasts
Its just to keep the public from having to absorb the costs for those without insurance or those who want to drive their cars or go through life in general without any provision to pay for the healthcare resources they my require at any time.
But when driven through the wrist, the set of bones which attach the wrist to the hand keep the hands from ripping free.
Through courtship and flirtation, inspiration and seduction, a new dialectic is introduced into the dance: approval, admiration, and regard require keeping lovers apart at the beholding distance, yet the original sexual instinct drives toward fusion.
Next you head into the supermarket (remembering that you had to actually dress up, do your hair, fix makeup etc. to do this) and wander the aisles wasting time looking at ingredient lists and trying to remember if the gums, preservatives and additives have dairy / eggs in them... taking the rolls to the counter, working out whether or not you want to go through the self checkout or keep a checkout operator employed for a few more years... pay... get back in the car... find somewhere to buy bottled water for the dogs... drive 50 km home... unpack dogs and buns and suddenly getting up, stretching... wearing whatever the heck you like with your hair in the air, no makeup, dogs within a hard stares range in case they feel like eating the furniture while you are working and that slow measuring out, baking etc. doesn't seem so time consuming any more.
You can also pack a healthy wrap sandwich that will keep you full all day at work instead of making a hasty and pricey trip to a fast food drive through.
In order to keep the dairy industry strong, National Dairy Council ® product research drives demand for dairy products and ingredients through the funding of pre-competitive nutrition and product research.
Gibson's only shortcoming was his lateral mobility and the Sharks capitalized multiple times on that, but those mostly came from the Ducks defense not being able to keep the Sharks from driving through the area right on top of the blue paint.
Nelson encouraged Watson to relax his right side slightly and to keep his legs driving through the shots.
Hector Rebaque hadn't really done much in F1 when he joined Brabham mid-way through 1980, so you might wonder why he 1) got such a good drive in the first place and 2) managed to keep it for the following season.
Ramsey listened to his boss, who gave him the confidence to keep going through the toughest times when he seemed to earn groans from the Arsenal fans every time he touched the ball, and he came through and found his form in an almost unbelievable way, becoming a goal machine as well as providing the Gunners with the energy and drive we needed from central midfield.
But Cassel's aggressiveness is, in part, the reason why Dallas switched to him at quarterback, and he helped keep the team in the game with a strong touchdown drive midway through the fourth quarter.
The Air Force option offense is driven by reads, and through some combination of Worthman reading «keep it» and opposing defenses dictating that Worthman read «keep it,» Worthman kept it.
It nearly came off in the 77th minute when Hird put Birchenall through and his drive brought the best out of Stevenson, to keep Burnley in the lead.
It is sad, but true, that some kids think that one way to keep moving up the sports pyramid is to eliminate the competition and drive kids to quit, especially if they perceive them as competitive threats, through bullying or teasing.
Hit drive through to keep the back seat drivers happy
We are finally to the point where I can go to restaurants alone with them, but I much prefer the Panerra drive through Just keep plodding along, it gets better and they will be best friends for life
Head Case is a family - owned, dad - driven company built on the mission to keep the heads of all kids safer through a comprehensive full life - cycle head health management system.
You may want to keep your curtains closed after reading this, but one of my favorite things to do when we are driving after dark (and this works best when I'm in the passenger seat) is to peer into peoples» homes through their open curtains.
Rob Astorino is thinking long - term; he is thinking of ways to rejuvenate New York's economy by reducing spending on nonessentials and allowing you to keep your money and drive business spending through the marketplace.
«And he has stated that his goal is to stack the Supreme Court with liberal Justices who will drive a stake through the heart of our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, if he is re-elected.»
Over the period, he's been at the forefront in keeping the party's spirit alive through the series of Unity Walk that was instituted as part of the NDC's restructuring drive.
And it was this interest — this passion — that drove you into science and kept you motivated through the many years it took to advance your education and career to where they are today.
Through it all, week after week, the unflappable Extavour kept the conferees focused on the central issue: Precisely what physical mechanisms originally drove single cells to unite for mutual benefit?
All drivers know from personal experience that they must keep their eyes on the road when driving through curves.
Lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel with the floor, keeping your back neutral, and drive yourself back up through your heels.
Keeping shoulders held tightly down and back, lean back and drive through heels and feet to push the floor away.
Pro tip: «Keep feet firmly planted on the ground, allowing rotation to begin with hip drive and generate through the torso all the way to the top of the head,» Theodore says.
To get the most out of the move, «Make sure to drive through the heel of the bent leg as opposed to coming to toes, and keep an eye on the extended hand or weight to maintain proper shoulder position,» Theodore says.
Make sure to keep your body aligned and spine neutral and drive through your heels (not toes!)
Keeping your chest up, drive through your feet and explode up, landing in a soft squat with heels down.
c. Keeping the bar close to the body, exhale as you work to straighten the legs — driving up through the whole foot — and bring the weight to your hips.
By keeping the load on — and driving through — your heels / the back of your feet, you maximize the recruitment of your glutes and keep your knees out of trouble.
Use the same good form as you did before, keeping your weight back and drive up through the hips each time as you propel your alternating knees.
You should be driving through that right heel not putting the «majority of your weight on your left leg» Also, keep your Eyes on the bell as you sweep your leg under & make sure you place your knee below the hip (alignment!).
Keep pulling that back hand as you drive its elbow down behind you, with the hand near the sphere pressing through to the front until you are in an uppercut ready position on the opposite side of the initial rotating reach back.
I am hopeful that through my new dietary alterations and the drive I have for working out will continue to propel me forward and keep me on track to remain fit and healthy.
Keeping everything tight, breathe out and drive through your heels (keep the balls of your feet on the ground as well).
ACTION (MOVE): Keeping your back leg straight, push through your top (right) leg, extending your right knee and hip simultaneously to drive your body up and over the step.
I kept it in the car for chilly mornings and it kept me snug as a bug in a rug the whole holiday (we actually drove through Spain and France and then had two weeks in Wales — it was utter bliss!).
We drove through one of my favourite villages of Pendoylan, its beauty is recognised with awards for best kept village and such.
It's always a bit of a challenge keeping jeune homme occupied on a day when everything is closed, and there are no scheduled activities (other than taking walks and later a drive to look at Christmas lights) but we made it through.
Whether you've signed up to cook your family's holiday feast and need to keep your stress levels in check, or you need accompaniment while you handle end - of - quarter deadlines with Olivia Pope-esque flair, or you want to fully relax by giving yourself a well deserved bubble bath or a drive through nature, this playlist is made for you.
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