Sentences with phrase «keep eating seafood»

As consumers, if we want to keep eating seafood, we have to support sustainable fisheries by buying sustainable seafood.
I kept eating seafoods as I never thought all the mercury scare in tuna and seafoods were that big a deal.

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This means keeping snacks on hand that can quickly satisfy their tastes; Colleen and Jason eat largely plant - based, and when they eat meat and seafood, they are very conscious about eating wild fish, grass - fed meat, and humanely raised chicken and eggs.
But after losing nearly 20 pounds in the first month, I realized I needed to relax my vegetarian standards, so I started eating seafood to keep my weight steady.
I have found that eating seaweed and / or seafood every day keeps one replete in iodine without need for supplementation.
While it's important to eat wild caught seafood regularly, it's even more important to keep fatty acid profiles balanced between omega - 6 and omega - 3.
Eating local seafood is an integral part of achieving all of these things, and critical to keeping our working waterfront thriving.
I confess that I am somewhat picky when it comes to seafood, and eat a mostly meat - and fish - free diet anyway, so I may keep enjoying my seafood in individual purchases.
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