Sentences with phrase «keep escalating»

In marriage counseling, if your therapist lets you criticize each other with comments like, «You shouldn't have...», lets you respond by negating what each other says with words like, «But...», or lets irritation and anger in your dialogue keep escalating — consider finding a new counselor.
Getting help: Keep escalating the response until the facts are known or until you have recovered your employee.
If tensions between the US and North Korea keep escalating, Bitcoin price could see a sudden surge.
To complete your insurance portfolio, it is necessary that you buy a health insurance policy keeping in mind the rising health care and hospitalization costs — and chances are that it would keep escalating with each passing year.
This I just one more reason why litigation costs keep escalating while access to justice keeps diminishing.
Later, I was able to get into galleries & have worked with all different sorts of people & venues... Honestly, I have not been that happy with that... The complexity, the red tape, the contracts, the leaving work at the mercy of others, the commission rates which keep escalating - it has all made me rather edgy & at times angry...
Home prices keep escalating in the Greater Toronto and Greater Vancouver areas, despite attempts by various governments to slow these markets.
And since 1990, roughly $ 2 billion in public money has been funneled into private and religious schools in Wisconsin, and the payments keep escalating.
Their pranks keep escalating in a rather demented fashion considering how little is at stake for them.
«Our benefit package is approximately 25 percent of compensation, and we see no end, because of the medical insurance costs keep escalating.
Pension costs keep escalating.
«Physical punishment doesn't work to get kids to comply, so parents think they have to keep escalating it.
They received financial help from both sets of parents a few months into their search, but prices kept escalating out of reach.
If Beijing's trade tit - for - tat with Washington keeps escalating, some experts think American companies doing business in China should buckle up for a rough ride.
He is causing harm to someone, refuses to stop, and keeps escalating the harm.
Well, time went on and my computer kept up it's delayed obedience and just kept escalating its constant demands with pop up after pop up after pop up.
«It keeps escalating.
I was prescribed it and it sent me to the ER as the burning flushing was so intense I was splashing myself with water and sitting in front of a fan trying to alleviate it but it just kept escalating, my heart was pounding out of my chest and it felt like it was literally killing me.
Melodrama is so much more potent when Lorde is owning her newfound authority, as in the album's dizzying opening track, «Green Light,» in which she urges a lover to follow her «wherever I go» over a surging house groove that keeps escalating in intensity.
The situation keeps escalating — eventually Molotov cocktails are involved — but it morphs, too, especially after a momentous event that leaves Dixon reeling: Willoughby, who has been suffering from pancreatic cancer, takes his own life one night, which sends Dixon into a moral spiral.
Nichols keeps the escalating violence mostly offscreen; instead, he dwells on the quiet moments before and afterward, when the characters sit and stew.
Rather, it was engrossing with an exquisite level of tension that kept escalating.
At worst, it a breeding ground for bullies, one that keeps escalating to the point of illegal activity.
The superphone arms race keeps escalating, and Samsung has fired the latest salvo with the Galaxy S II, one of the fastest and thinnest Android devices yet.
The story just kept escalating and I didn't have the heart to stop it.
They received financial help from both sets of parents a few months into their search, but prices kept escalating out of reach.
The demand for SQL - conversant professionals who can manage databases keeps escalating as well — so now would be a great time to jump on board with this
The demand for SQL - conversant professionals who can manage databases keeps escalating as well — so now would be a great time to jump on board with this Ultimate SQL Bootcamp training.
Conversely, a poor design, dated appliances, high - maintenance materials, and an overly personalized palette can send buyers running, particularly since savvy shoppers know the cost to redo a kitchen keeps escalating.
A bad kitchen can send buyers running, particularly since savvy shoppers know the cost to redo it keeps escalating.
But, the cost kept escalating and neither the RTA nor Raytheon were willing to pay the increase.

Not exact matches

Smith says less - lethal weapons like stun guns could help police diffuse a tense situation without escalating violence, and keep a suspect alive, without endangering bystanders with gunfire.
What had started as her boss giving unwanted compliments and gifts had escalated to phoning her dozens of times a day, moving her desk close to his doorway, removing his clothes to show her his tan, making unreasonable demands to keep her in the office late.
Maintaining a rational, long - term perspective is the only thing that keeps the marbles from bouncing around one's head after a day like yesterday (that escalated quickly).
As leaders convert their tax - bill windfall into buybacks, laggards may face escalating market and shareholder pressure to keep pace.
All those «prosperity gospel» preachers rely on senile old ladies to keep sending in their pension and Social Security checks every month, but as long as the little old ladies don't escalate to sticking up convenience stores to support their evangelical habits, they'll never come to your attention.
And so if this mutual finger - pointing and name - calling escalated, eventually one side would get the authorities involved to «keep the peace» in the region by having them go arrest, imprison, and possibly even execute their opponent.
A double play helps keep that from escalating further, however, and you can't complain about 27 pitches over two innings.
Instead, the club drifted away from keeping the Devils contained through tight checking and began escalating the physical side of their game.
One thing that we must all hope for is that the Villa and Blues fans will keep their emotions in check a bit more in this season's matches, as the second City Derby has been known to escalate into some really bloody and nasty affairs with significant outbreaks of fan violence during which fans and members of the police were known to experience serious injuries.
While the new Marlins ownership group hasn't exactly instilled confidence in locals, longtime fans, or their own players, continuing to keep players on the roster who have repeatedly expressed frustration about being part of a team that looks to tank in 2018 and struggle to be successful for a few seasons after that would be escalating an already tense situation.
The most important thing is to keep what's basically a nuisance from escalating into a heated issue or becoming charged with emotion.
Even parents who use punishment - based parenting approaches other than physical punishment find that they must escalate and escalate to keep their children under «control.»
CNM's are equipped to deal with a bleed (pitocin + cytotec if needed) and also fully equipped to deal with a resuscitation (O2, equipment, assistant with them, etc.) and this CNM is also capable of recognizing when things have escalated, monitoring HR, vitals, etc... what would keep you from considering a homebirth?
(But presumably keeping this open depends on pressure to not escalate violence to the catastrophic apocalyptic endgame the authors write of, if the regime retains sufficient control of the military to wreak such havoc).
District Attorney Division Chief Edward Heilig has said the bonuses were initiated to keep up with rapidly escalating county police salaries and were based on factors that included merit and working more than 35 hours a week.
That's the message from Gov. Paterson's emboldened administration, which is vowing to escalate its new and unprecedented tactic of putting major spending cuts into the weekly «extenders» that have kept the state functioning without a completed budget since April 1.
If Labour escalates its anti-immigration rhetoric, it will keep the focus of debate on an issue its opponents will always be trusted to crack down on harder.
Haber was the first to pull nitrogen from the air to produce ammonia — a key component of the artificial fertilisers that allow food production to keep pace with an escalating world population.
Since the 1940s, the use of road salt to keep winter roads navigable has been escalating.
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