Sentences with phrase «keep grinding forward»

Just take the good with the bad & keep grinding forward.

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Concentrate on your abdominal muscles, lower your legs to the left until they are about 6 feet from the ground position, keeping the ankles pressed buy kigtropin together, shoulders forward.
If I can keep moving forward, I gain more ground, I gain more mileage, and I gain more of what's in store for me along the path.
I like Joel Campbell too, he covers a lot of ground and can be trusted to always move the ball forward, rarely losing it then getting forward to keep the attacks going.
We went to an a way match on a horrible cold wet evening to play a game of football were westham were under pressure to perform to defend well and try to nick a goal Arsenal didn't do to bad the west ham defense did a great job and stopped us so all in all we did not lose an away match before we learn to fly we need to learn to walk we are picking up the pieces and moving forward we need to assert our selves and keep moving I am confident if we keep our heads to the ground we will come out of it smiling on to Saturday and newcastel
He managed to hold his ground, and kept the ball with him, allowing his teammates to surge forward.
He holds off, keeps his ground and as soon as the Leicester forward makes his move, Gibson steps in, using his strength to stop the attack.
«Serving as deputy supervisor for the town of Cicero has prepared him to hit the ground running and I look forward to working with Tim as we keep moving Onondaga County forward,» Mahoney said in a press release.
Keep your shoulders back at all times and your eyes forward while you take a deep squat, with your thighs parallel to the ground.
Keeping your front knee bent, slowly shift forward until your weight is entirely on your front foot and your back foot lifts easily off the ground.
Once completed, keep your hands on the ground and jump your legs forward so you are standing in a bent over position.
Stand holding your dumbbells by your side (if you have them) and step forward, lowering your back knee down to the ground and keeping your front knee in alignment with your ankle.
Breathe in, keep your chest up (avoid collapsing forward) and squat lower to the ground than the knees if comfortable.
Also, it's of vital importance to keep your back straight and neutral (keeping the head facing forward with eyes straight ahead will help you with this) and your feet anchored firmly to the ground all throughout the movement.
Do not allow your knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, keeping your front shin perpendicular to the ground.
B. Keeping your left leg straight, gently swing it forward and tap the ground in front of you with your foot.
For more of an opening, bring the tops of your feet to the ground, and walk your hands back along your calves, keeping your hips reaching forward.
Be sure to modify poses when you need to, i.e. keeping the knees bent when forward folding, and using props like blocks to reduce the distance between the ground and the floor whenever possible.
Keeping the sit bones firmly grounded, start to fold forward rounding the back, reaching your forehead to your heels.
Remember to keep looking forward as the bar is lowered to the ground.
From this position, drive the knee (of the banded leg) forward up to a position where you still feel comfortable while keeping the foot firmly on the ground.
Step 2: Keeping a long, straight spine, lunge forward with your right leg until your left thigh is perpendicular to the ground.
Come up on to the balls of your feet, lifting your heels off the ground, then simply walk forward and backward, keeping the rest of your body tall.
Then, slowly lift one leg off the ground and lean forward as far as you can while keeping your lower back in good alignment.
To release from the pose, inhale and walk the hands forward (under the shoulders again) keep the legs straight and pressing into the ground.
If you can comfortably reach your hands down to the floor while still keeping your front spine long and supple, place both hands onto the ground directly beneath your shoulders, with fingers facing forward.
standing reverse lunges - lunge backwards bringing the front thigh down to parallel with the ground; knee should not go forward past toes and keep shin vertical; alternate legs mountain climbers - get down on hands and feet in pushup position; quickly bring one leg in so it's under chest; quickly switch to other leg; keep quickly switching legs so that it looks as if you were climbing a mountain mountain jumpers - get down on hands and feet in pushup position; quickly bring both legs in so they are under chest and immediately pop back out to starting position; keep quickly «jumping» both legs in so that it looks as if you were jumping, while on the ground.
Crawl forward using the ball of your foot, with the opposite arm in a very low crawl stance and keeping your knees close to the ground.
Then come up and out of lunge and kick forward the back leg up while reaching out with the opposite arm, keeping it parallel to ground and kick up towards your outstretched hand.
We want to fold that line so that we can keep our leg facing forward with the direct line of force down to the ground.
Push your knee forward until it touches the wall, keeping your heel planted on the ground as you move (b).
Fold forward keeping legs straight, bringing your hands to the ground.
You'll lean forward (keeping back straight) and the kettlebell inline with your leg until it hits the ground.
Ground into your right foot and press your calf forward while you keep the top of your thigh moving back.
Squeezing your glutes, hinge forward at the waist, keeping your back straight and reaching down towards the ground with your right hand (c).
An electrical storm If youre out in the open, get away from trees or poles and get into a modified crouch: Bend head forward, keep elbows tightly by sides, wrap arms around knees (do nt let hands touch the ground), and raise heels slightly off the ground, so your full foot isnt on the ground.
Yet it's more than happy to launch you forward if you get a little more aggressive with your right foot; quattro is there to keep things smooth and well - grounded.
The suspension handles the ground clearance and keeping the wheels stuck to the road, but the full - time 4WD system keeps the LR4 moving forward, making the most out of the available grip.
The asymmetric dashboard and the forward - pushed windshield create an airy, show car feel, while more classic BMW traits like the 10,2 - inch iDrive screen or the rotary control knob (virtually identical to the ones found in any other BMW) keeps the ambience grounded to the present.
A blue fiberglass rooftop came uncorked from a shop and clattered down on a bus a few meters away; the bus braked, the rooftop slid forward, leaked a gorgeous stream of sand, and fell to the ground; the bus proceeded to crack it under its tires and keep going, its passengers dazed, even amused.
The army crawl resembles closely the military move of crawling forward while keeping the body close to the ground.
It is fairly straight - forward when it comes to leveling a character which is a great way for the game to keep players glued to their screen as they grind their way to more powerful character attributes.
This is where Xenoblade Chronicles X seems to have failed to click for me, which is a shame, because its exploration - focus is undeniably attractive — it's just there's no powerful hook to bind it all together and keep me invested in moving forward, as much as I love grinding levels and taking my time discovering things.
A Wonderland Story by Forest Moon Games and Alchemy Games has you helping the rabbit along his way by moving the ground so he can keep walking forward, hopefully avoiding its many inhabitants in the pr...
«While these rules will have no direct impact on our business, we support them because they begin to establish ground rules and allow us to move forward in working with government to establish policies and regulations that keep pace with the progress being made by the industry,» says Richard Buzbuzian, President, Drone Delivery Canada.
Through the author's 35 + years of working in the career industry, she has identified a need for both individuals and organizations to keep grounded and moving forward by setting compelling career journeys for themselves.
That's why we recommend reviewing the following tips and medical assistant resources that can keep your ear to the ground, and your best foot forward in your medical assistant career...
«With prices sprinting forward in many of the booming housing markets in the West, it can be difficult for homeowners to keep up with appraisers, who are on the ground, examining real estate price changes every day.
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