Sentences with phrase «keep his cool because»

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My husband and I would go to Sonic because we just wanted a good fountain drink, with the pebble ice and the Styrofoam cup to keep it cool.
Instead of getting frustrated, your job is to keep a cool head because it'll help rein in your boss.
It's because all the organisms that had no mechanism for keeping sperm cool DIED OUT.
I did the rise in my oven with a pan of hot water to get the temperature because I keep my house rather cool in the winter (62F).
No, it wasn't, and he ate most of them ^ ^ So, I don't know how well they kept because they last only 2h after they were cooled (and my cats tried to steal them too, I didn't know cats liked peanut butter...).
So I was delighted when GreenVale sent me some of their «all - rounder» potatoes to try and review... First of all, I love the paper packaging, not just because it looks cool and rustic but also because it's recyclable and helps keep the potatoes fresh too.
Modifications were: - used traditional oats because I didn't have quick cook, just gave them a quick zap in the Nutribullet and kept 1/4 cup unground for texture - omitted hemp seeds because I don't have those - unsweetened applesauce instead of bananas (love bananas but wanted my blueberries to have center stage)- I'm not vegan so I used 2 medium eggs - replaced 1 tbsp peanut butter with mayo (love peanut butter but not necessarily mixed with other flavors)- threw in maybe 1/2 tsp chia seeds just for grins Baking time was right around 35 minutes in a 8 × 8 Pyrex baking dish and I left them to cool all day and cut them into 9 bars this evening.
Tropical Fruit Drink Mixes are a parent favorite because they keep children cool in the summer, and they can make fun, tasty and delicious slushies and popsicles with them and get vitamins and minerals at the same time.
I love no - fuss Summer grilling because it keeps the kitchen cool and there's virtually no clean - up involved.
My guess is because the coconut butter melts as does the nut butter when not kept cool.
They will be moist, and any not eaten immediately keep better if frozen after cooled, because the flax has a tendency to increase in taste over time.
We ended up keeping these rolls because I ate too many to warrant covering them for a full meal, but I will be packaging up a polenta mushroom situation from the book that is perfect as these nights are cooling down.
So today people are confessing that Szczesny is better than Ospina.It was funny how it was made to look Szczesny was the cause of Arsenal's goals because of his mistakes.People also forget the kind of defence he's had in front of him from the time he started till he went on loan.I can't believe anyone watches Ospina and Szczesny in terms of goal keeping ability and says Ospina is better.When Ospina first came he was also making the same mistakes Szczesny made but some ignored it insisting he was better.I'd like to see Ospina go to AS Roma and do better than Szczesny.Even Juventus are in for him even if their bid is derisory.Some also said the fact that Ospina had a cool head over Szczesny meant he should start over him.If you've watched Ospina and Szczesny well from a neutral point and not being bias you'll clearly know who's better.If I was Szczesny I won't return because I'm in my prime.
And Hall needs to cool off soon because he can't keep up this relentless tear he's on all the way through to June.
Arsenal striker Alexandre Lacazette says he kept his cool after scoring against Leicester City because it was...
Arsenal striker Alexandre Lacazette says he kept his cool after scoring against Leicester City because it was too early to celebrate.
I'm finally turning my attention to the holidays and there are only a couple of weeks until Christmas, but I am 100 % cool with that because this year it is all about keeping it simple and focused.
Receiving blankets are used to keep the baby warm because room temperature (75 degrees Fahrenheit) is still much cooler than the body temperature of the mom's womb (95 degrees Fahrenheit).
You want to make sure you have a cooler with you to keep the milk in and you want to make sure that you have clean accessories for the pump and all of that, but the most practical tip that I can give to working mom, who are pumping, is not to wear a dress to work because it, basically, requires you to get undressed in order for you to pump.
«I have found Judy's tips to not only be helpful for helping my kids keep their cool in school - because let's face it, what teasers want is a reaction - but they also help my kids keep their cool with each other,» Black says.
I also like the large mesh peek - a-boo window at the top because it allows for air circulation which keeps your child cooler in hot weather.
People also seem to like these pads because they can keep the bedroom cooler during the night and turn off the main heat in the house overnight.
I like the mesh because it allows for air circulation which keeps your child cooler in hot weather.
Moms also love that the Chicco Liteway stroller comes in breathable fabric, which you need in warmer climates because it allows air ventilation and keeps your baby feeling cool and comfortable while being strapped on the seat.
Keep in mind that do not put a cool teething ring in the freezing level because it may be too cold for babies.
It's like tools in your toolkit and you're filing that away and it's like that idea of lifelong learning, you're always going to be adding tools to your toolkit, you shouldn't let it get full of cobwebs like you need to keep adding to it because there's always something that's going to work and make it a little change and for me the mechanics of it... and understanding all of those mechanics and bringing that to the mechanics of the pelvis and how babies come down and all of that and so there is a part of me that kind of, I can think it's very cool that there are ways that this baby can come down and the more experience you get the more you realize yeah we can nudge this a little bit.
AFRICAN MOON: When I first read it, the though came to mind was that she drank the cool A. It's really frustrating and I understand that breastfeeding is not easy for everyone but if you have a hard time, instead of downing breastfeeding or putting out negativity about it that could potentially keep someone else from breastfeeding, it is aggravating because if she was living in the jungle and whatever, as long as she wasn't there by herself her baby would not be dead because there would be someone else there who is breastfeeding and could take over for her.
This layer comprises of just 1 inch of that ultra cool copper - infused foam and it is intentionally kept to such a small thickness, because this side of the mattress is aimed at those people who want a firm mattress.
Keep your onions in a cool, dry place at home — a hanging wire basket is ideal because it allows the air to circulate.
This is because what he or she wears can help to keep him or her cool.
This is because it helps keep your feet cool and dry all game long.
We'd even go so far as to say it's a contender for the best beach cooler with wheels, because of its ability to keep the hot sun at bay.
It's a great choice if you live in a hot climate because it's made of lightweight mesh that's breathable keeps your pet cool.
This is crucial, because as transistors get ever smaller, we need to know in the finest detail how they heat up — so we can help them keep their cool.
(Sunspots are relatively cool because their intense magnetic fields keep a lid on the heat rising from inside the sun.)
The present result would also widen the range of both basic and applied researches on superconductivity, because the Tc of 50 - 60 K achieved in the present study is high enough to keep the superconducting state by using a closed - cycle - gas - type cooling system without liquid helium.
Speaking to reporters before the first shuttle flight, Dr. Ride - chosen in part because she was known for keeping her cool under stress — politely endured a barrage of questions focused on her sex: Would spaceflight affect her reproductive organs?
The difficult part was deciding where to install the water pipes in the concrete so that they would keep the material cool but not fracture themselves because of the heat.
That temperature is impressive because it was thought that cooling an object down to fractions of a degree above absolute zero was the only way to keep its atoms from jostling each other and destroying entanglement's delicate links, or coherence.
If you've ever wondered why you barely break a sweat during a cold - weather run, it's because our sweat serves a very specific function: It's responsible for keeping us cool.
They're so good that I'd say half of them never even make it to the cream cheese icing stage because my people keep grabbing them off the cooling rack when they're still warm.
Also note that the data is strongly suggesting cell membrane composition is more robust in fat adapted athletes so you are better equipped to not only protect your skin from the sun but get all the benefits... I recommend getting sun while exercising because also the sweat aids in keeping the skin cool and moist to help mitigate the deleterious effects of the sun while soaking up the benefits of Vitamin D production.
On the other hand, swimming for an hour or two in cool lap - lane temperature water is an incredible way of losing weight because not only are you burning calories to swim (perform work) but you are burning calories to keep your body warm enough (generating heat).
I love no - fuss Summer grilling because it keeps the kitchen cool and there's virtually no clean - up involved.
«Your appetite decreases in the summer because your body is trying to keep itself cool,» explains Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, co-author of The Nutrition Twins» Veggie Cure and co-founder of the 21 - Day Body Reboot program.
My style suffers a lot in the winter and the summer because 1) I am lacking so many must - haves for the extreme weather and 2) like you said in your post, I just think like, «I need to keep warm» in the winter and in the summer, «I need to stay cool
Here is to bring you with these cool pink fashion accessories for girls.We understand that pink accessories are loved by teens girls because of ever lasting color in girls fashion thats we we keep on bringing Cute outfits in pink color like earlier we introduced you with the pink laptop accessories for girls, pink shoes for girls, cool bracelets and bangles for girls and many many more.
The granny - chic looks are so hot this year, perhaps because the breezy designs keep concertgoers so cool.
I like sleeveless dresses like this one for summer because they're cool enough to wear on a hot day to work, and if you throw on a nice cardi or blazer when you get there, you'll keep the office chill at bay.
Below I highlighted a fall - ish version because it keeps me warm and cool enough with the constantly -LSB-...]
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