Sentences with phrase «keep house plants»

I love gardening outdoors and do so with success, but like you, I can't seem to keep house plants alive to save my life, or theirs!
Plus, as the Soupergirl website puts it, «She thought about being a farmer but she can't even keep her house plants alive.»
If your previous knack was keeping house plants alive, make sure your plants can't hurt your new pets.

Not exact matches

Besides wrapping up the conservatory before the first frost hits, Eysenbach and her staff also need to find places for thousands of plants that were taken out of the damaged production houses and are now kept outside.
Keep in mind that I was once writing in a magazine about house plants
As Entergy Corp. moves to close the FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant in Oswego County, the area's two House members are urging the state to reconvene negotiations to keep the facility open.
Buildings that once housed thousands of juvenile offenders in rural Perth may soon have scores of new tenants kept under lock and key: marijuana plants.
The state Senate's one - house budget resolution includes $ 100 million in funds to keep FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant from closing in Oswego County.
State lawmakers seeking to put the brakes on a plan by Gov. Andrew Cuomo to hike electric bills to keep open upstate nuclear power plants have introduced legislation calling for a moratorium on the plan as the Assembly considers a one - house budget bill that would do the same.
- An indoor / outdoor thermometer: «I have a huge botanical garden inside my house, and many of the plants have to be kept at a certain temperature — one would die if it dropped below 50 degrees.»
Most leafy house plants don't release pollen, but check with your gardener before buying any shrubs, grasses, or small trees you plan to keep indoors.
Some other causes for mold include cross-pollination from house plants, cigarette smoke, excessive humidity and cold temperatures (keep cultures out of the fridge!).
We pretty much bolted to the flower shop on the first warm - ish day to liven up our house a bit with some plant babies (if we can keep them alive, that is!)
I can't keep plants alive inside the house no matter how hard I try.
However, red turnips that haven't been planted in the ground are exempt from rotting, and in Animal Crossing: Wild World, by placing a bundle of white turnips on a table inside the player's house, they can be kept them from ever spoiling.
I take care of the kids, raised cattle, plant and take care of 5 acres of vegetable gardens and fruit orchards to help feed my family, keep house, do the finances, help with the regular yard work and generally keep my family healthy and happy.
If you want to grow a garden, you won't learn how to tend it well if you keep killing your house plants.
I try not to keep flowers and plants in the house because the cats like to eat them, so I wasn't surprised to see a small portion of leaf eaten off of one of the lilies.
There are many wood based toys that you can buy such as willow sticks and wicker balls as well as many free alternatives that will keep your rabbit amused and away from your house plants.
Keep all plants in your house up and away from your pets, and consider swapping real holly and mistletoe for plastic or silk alternatives.
If you have a cat, keep lily plants out of your house.
If you are unsure about a particular house plant, keep it out of reach of your bird.
Our experienced pet sitters will keep a watch on not only your pets but also your house, bring in the mail, water the plants, and whatever else you need taken care of.
If you have house plants such as Oleander, Dumb Cane, Azaleas, Poinsettias, Rhododendrons, and Ivy — keep them out of reach, as they are potentially lethal for such a small being.
«Cat proofing» your house keeps your friend from getting into everything: string, yarn, medicines, chemicals, cosmetics, plants, etc..
Poisonous plants and chemicals should be removed from your house and yard or kept out of reach of your goldendoodle.
So, here are a few suggestions on how to keep cats out of house plants.
Sticky Paws ® is a tactile tape that detours cats from scratching unwanted surfaces, and keeping them out of harmful house plants.
Not only will kitty enjoy both, but having its own house plants may keep kitty out of yours.
Keeping a catnip plant around the house can also curb your cat's desire to eat grass.
Dry mosquito deterring plant leaves and flowers, then hang or keep crushed in containers around the house.
Many common plants, including azaleas, daffodils, day and Easter lilies, holly, laurels, pointsettias, and philodendrons, are popular as decorations in our houses, but birds and other exotic pets should be kept far away all of them.
Poisonous House Plants Christmas plants are beautiful but there are certain ones that should be kept in the greenhouse or homes that do not house a curious anHouse Plants Christmas plants are beautiful but there are certain ones that should be kept in the greenhouse or homes that do not house a curious aPlants Christmas plants are beautiful but there are certain ones that should be kept in the greenhouse or homes that do not house a curious aplants are beautiful but there are certain ones that should be kept in the greenhouse or homes that do not house a curious anhouse a curious animal.
This implementation has been completely revamped and improved for Fallout 4 as you now have the ability to not only build houses, plant crops, set up defences, recruit workers, but you also need to keep your settlement happy by fulfilling different needs they have.
You know the science behind it's called the green house effect when the sun beams down on the earth to provide energy to plants after that it reflects out to space but CO2, H2O (Water Vapor), and AO2 capture these particles and keep them in the earth adding more heat to the earth.
We Need to Phase Out Fossil Fuels, Quickly & Regardless of Cost - It's the Moral Thing to Do Slavery wasn't abolished, either in the United States nor in Great Britain, because a more economically efficient way of plowing, planting and picking produce was developed, not a better method of keeping houses clean, or building, or... or anything.
Last week, the House of Commons committee studying the bill was told that plant height has nothing to do with yield or potency but with the fact that most fences are more than one meter high — the inference being that the legislation is designed to keep marijuana plants hidden behind fences.
I aim to beautify the surroundings selling newer species of plants so that people can keep it around their house and thus promote a healthier life.
If winter watering must be done to keep landscape plants alive, make sure the person who does the watering drains the hoses and disconnects them from the house after each use.
I'm always keeping my eyes peeled for those that would be perfect to hang on my house filled with soil and summer flowering plants.
Once again, I've kept my dining room simple this season and our house plant Patsy is taking over her corner.
Once the garden's been put to bed, keep nature in your life with easy - to - care for house plants.
I agree with so many commenters here about keeping large pieces of furniture neutral and then adding and subtracting pieces of colorful art, pillows, plants, pottery, and personal mementos — that's what makes a house a home and transcends trends.
I've come to terms with the fact around here that I can only keep one thing alive in this house, either our child or the plants.
I can't keep plants alive inside the house no matter how hard I try.
Maybe you add great architecture to your builder house, plant lovely gardens, or keep your eye out for just the right furniture pieces and accessories to get the look you dream about, even though you live in an ordinary house in the suburbs?
I just love house plants so I wish I could keep them alive!
It all started two houses ago when we had a huge yard full of overgrown plants and lots of grass and hedges to trim... and we couldn't keep up with it.
Keep the nature theme alive with butterfly artwork and fresh cut flowers or house plants nearby.
I believe that the homeowners may have kept some of the plants in buckets to replant around the house.
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