Sentences with phrase «keep me posted of»

They may keep you posted of advanced technologies so you can ensure your company has an edge and a vision for the future.
It's completely cheesy to say, but supposedly the best way to keep the posts of a page you like (SoupAddict or anyone else) is to interact with the posts by either liking or commenting on it.
Keep the posts of your travels coming... I can't tell you how much I enjoy them!
Mr. George Johnson kept me posted of the actual arrival date of my vehicle (special order from German... y).
Tom kept me posted of the status of my order in a timely manner.
Kept me posted of the build status of my car.
Also, we aren't exactly groping in complete darkness as far as the new Toshiba tablet is concerned, but is always good to see an official site dedicated to the tablet coming up that will keep us posted of key developments taking place.
They keep you posted of the progress of your claim and the turn around time has always been quick.
Capital Law will keep you posted of the relevant changes in the employment law and HR context.
We'll keep you posted of any changes, but for now I wouldn't recommend a conversion until a person checks to see what Met has to offer first.
Keep posted of our updates on Facebook.

Not exact matches

Most companies, in fact, are always keeping a working database of talent — whether they've posted job listings or not.»
Not a whole lot of job seeking resources here, but following them on Twitter is a really nice way to keep up with postings.
That order came as a result of charges the Federal Trade Commission levied against Facebook alleging that the company had deceived consumers about their ability to keep information they posted on the service private.
This creates a prominent, physical space where you can keep track of the daily tasks you're responsible for, the status of ongoing projects, and post reminders to check in with team members.
Google + keeps track of all of your posts.
In a blog post on Wednesday, Wayra UK said that the accelerator would help to keep the UK secure online and allow businesses to produce «the next generation of cyber security systems.»
I try to keep a consistent voice and tone throughout all of my posts and comments.
The Ellevate chair and former Citigroup CFO wrote in a LinkedIn post that she's never more productive than she is at 4 a.m. «I brew a cup of coffee, I keep the lights pretty low, I sometimes light a fire in the fireplace, and I let my daughter's cat sleep next to my computer,» she wrote.
Here's a look at the psychology of Facebook: what makes us like, post, share and keep coming back for more.
U.S. stocks will try this week to keep things rolling after posting their fifth - straight week of gains, spurred by the ongoing rebound in oil prices.
You can post updates on the launch page, which integrates easily with major social media sites so you can keep everyone in your network apprised of your progress.
Instead of letting important accounts go dormant, keep them humming by queueing up preplanned posts with Hootsuite.
SpeakerClock (iOS only), the post notes, offers helpfully huge fonts to help you keep track of time from a distance and without squinting.
Each employee can regularly post status updates to keep the team aware of his or her progress without carving time out to sit in a meeting.
They include the light from our screens interfering with our circadian rhythms, social media promoting «emotional or cognitive arousal» that keeps us up, or simply people putting off going to bed to play just one more round of that Facebook game or post another pic on Instagram.
To keep this from happening, some of the group's members decided they needed a way to mark jokes separately from more serious posts.
We'll just keep paying them normally, eliminating the headache of switching to state or disability pay,» Tawni Cranz, the company's chief talent officer, said in a blog post.
With diverse types of messages (complaints, requests, updates) coming in and going out via different platforms (phone, email, social media posts, live chats), it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of who was saying what and to whom.
One of Schulich's favourite aphorisms (he keeps them posted to the door frame in his office) is «You only die when you're forgotten.»
Keeping your post to the minimum required and adopting some of these basic cost - cutting measures should deliver good news for your business with significant savings in your business mail budget.
Keep your wits about you and treat every post with a significant degree of scrutiny.
But when you're posting on behalf of a company, keep your personal identity out of it.
You can use this like a checklist each time you write a blog post (or add some of these items to the list you already keep).
I remember de-friending one person (friend of a friend) as she kept posting her political opinions that were the complete opposite of mine.
If you're looking for work (and frankly, every job is temporary so you should always be keeping an eye out for opportunities), then you need to consider getting a couple of blog posts pulled together and posted on your LinkedIn profile.
Musk played an Oz - like role as master orchestrator, sending signals through earnings calls and blog postings, while keeping the states in the dark and playing on their fears of losing out.
Microsoft had been doing a decent job of keeping its new operating system under wraps until this morning, when its Chinese division posted a question to users on the Chinese social networking site
«We will work to have an orderly transition and will keep everyone posted on the timing of him officially assuming the role.
Publishing content that will keep people at the edge of their seat waiting to read the next post.
After all, if you take the time to create a strategy and schedule out your posts in advance of them being shared with your audience, you can keep an eye on what's going out into the world, and stop offending posts before they ever get shared.
«Try keeping a kind of «anxiety and stress journal», whether real or virtual,» suggests the post.
The post is a healthy reminder for the proudly brusque, but in it Olds also goes a step further, not just cautioning self - described straight shooters of the social and business costs of stepping over the line that separates directness from rudeness, but also offering three helpful tips to keep you on the right side of the divide.
Step 2: Setting Up and Posting Ledgers A completed ledger is really nothing more than a summary of revenues, expenditures, and whatever else you're keeping track of (entered from your receipts according to category and date).
But if Price really is Trump's pick (several media outlets, including the Washington Post, have reported that the decision could be announced publicly as soon as Tuesday), there could be some friction between the Congressman's reputation as a hard - liner and the President - elect's apparent willingness to walk back some of his stiffer rhetoric — including recent statements suggesting that he may keep some major Obamacare provisions in place.
Like the rash of Twitter tools for scheduling posts, WP Pinner also lets you schedule when the WordPress post will appear on Pinterest — a great way to keep your pinboard active.
I know this guide was long, so I put together a PDF version of this post you can download and keep on file forever.
Condolences were posted on an online guestbook kept by Star of David Memorial Gardens Cemetery and Funeral Chapel.
In this blog post I am going to cover several strategies to keep your social media images fresh as well as 10 types of images you should try out.
If she had kept her post up, perhaps it would have sparked the kind of conversation that Horowitz, too, sought to normalize.
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