Sentences with phrase «keep neighborhood cats»

To stop this behavior, keep neighborhood cats away from the doors and windows in your house.
Keep neighborhood cats from using your garden or container plantings as a litter box with the Cat Scat Mat, a non-toxic way to say «No Trespassing!»
Cover sandboxes to keep neighborhood cats out of them, and consider using other deterrents in your garden and yard to prevent animals from using your yard as a bathroom.

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To help keep the feral cats in your neighborhood safe from the elements and potential predators, consider building your own shelter.
Aggressive cats can be dangerous to be around and aggressive cats are one of the many reasons it's better to keep your pet cats indoors instead of letting them roam the neighborhood.
ï ¿ 1/2 If you can pinpoint events that trigger displaced aggression in your cat, anything you can do to prevent them will help, such as covering windows where they can see the ground outside, using scents and / or sedatives when taking a cat to the vet, and not keeping your windows open at night if you have neighborhood cats who like to tussle.
And that by returning the cats to their neighborhoods, they will keep other colonies of cats from moving in.
A new arrival in the neighborhood can mean problems even if your cats are kept strictly indoors.
The desire of a herding dog to keep his «flock» together, be it children, the neighborhood cats, or sheep, often times frustrates the owner, but it is what they were bred for.
The cat must be kept in the cage for two to four weeks, while it learns the sights and smells of the neighborhood and the neighboring animals become accustomed to the new inhabitant.
Keep in mind that just because a husky may accept Fluffy as part of the family, it does not mean he will treat other neighborhood cats kindly.
Cat Town staff sprung into action, asking people in the neighborhood to keep an eye out for our missing girl.
You can be the ones to set the traps, check in on them, and continuously keep an eye on your neighborhood for any new cats needing the whole TNR treatment or just maybe need to be trapped and fostered while they recover from an injury.
Plus, you will be helping the neighborhood cats keep warm.
We were also able to walk through the neighborhood and keep her relaxed with other distractions, like cats and a landscaping crew.
It's a wonderful way to keep your pet safe and in conjunction with a microchip is the ideal partnership for keeping your world traveling kitty, camping pooch, or just your nosy neighborhood patrolling cat safe.
When not at work, she spends her time exploring her neighborhood, eating, knitting, and trying to keep the youngest cat from eating yarn.
Tom and his two children kept seeing a stray cat roaming the neighborhood.
Your cat doesn't know this, however, so how do you keep him happy about staying inside and not roaming the neighborhood.
You should keep your cat indoors to prevent the spread of FIV - infection to other cats in the neighborhood and to reduce their exposure to infections.
We offer free consultation with one of our experts to resolve neighborhood community cat conflicts, along with information about humane deterrents to keep cats away from areas where they are unsafe or unwanted.
(Note: If you seem to have a lot of feral cats in your neighborhood, consider getting involved with a Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) program to help keep the feral population in check.)
Through our newsletter we hope not only to keep you informed of our progress but also to inspire you to get involved in helping the feral and stray cats in your neighborhood.
In addition to providing food, water, and shelter for cats in your neighborhood, observe these winter precautions to keep cats safe:
So I left them a few notes asking them to please keep their kitty indoors because there is a feral cat in the neighborhood who has staked his claim (which I support) and he attacks Eddie over territory disputes.
For the safety of your dog and the safety of neighborhood cats, you should keep your Coonhound in a fenced yard or on a leash.
«That keeps the population stable but over time it will reduce the number of cats there,» said Wright, «because cats are still territorial, so they're not going to let other cats into the neighborhood that haven't been fixed.»
Whether it's a group of neighbors who band together to get a neighborhood feral spayed and keep a collective eye on her well - being, or whether it's the elderly woman who barely has enough money to feed herself, but always manages to scrape together enough for her «outside cats,» feral cats who have these advocates in their corner are the fortunate ones.
By being kept indoors, cats are protected not only from some diseases and from predation by motor vehicles but also from what are often hostile relationships between neighborhood outdoor - access cats (both pets and ferals).
Keep your dog or cat a nice safe distance from any backyard or neighborhood fireworks displays, and make sure to store personal fireworks where your pet can't get them.
Once all community cats have been altered, people then need to keep their eyes open for new cats coming into the neighborhood.
A cat in heat can attract persistent and often obnoxiously loud «suitors» from all over the neighborhood, even if she's kept indoors.
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