Sentences with phrase «keep refrigerated right»

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Store refrigerated in a clean pitcher or milk jug if not using right away - keeps for up to 1 week.
Guacamole is best served right away to enjoy its» fresh flavor but can be kept refrigerated for up to 1 day.
As figs are highly perishable, keep refrigerated, wash right before you are about to serve and eat within two days of purchasing to ensure they are at their absolute best.
Del Real Pork in Green Sauce is sent in a special packaging that keeps them refrigerated during transit to your destination, so you can enjoy them right out of the box, refrigerate, or freeze for later consumption.
Ideally, you should refrigerate or keep your breast milk cool right after you express it.
If you choose not to consume your LeanFit ® Whey and LeanFit ® Isolate protein drink right after mixing, we suggest keeping it refrigerated and consuming it within 24 hours.
Your veterinarian will want as fresh a sample as possible so if you won't be taking the sample to the vet right away, keep it refrigerated until you bring it in.
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