Sentences with phrase «keep rereading»

I keep rereading a sentence I came across in one of Frank O'Hara's art reviews: «It is simply a property of Bonnard's mature work, and one of its most fragile charms, to look slightly washed - out, to look what every sophisticated person let alone artist wants to look: a little «down,» a little effortless and helpless.»
I keep rereading OAG rpt re: Cooper Union.
I keep rereading it yet still don't understand where they got the 960 X 1080.
I just read it non-stop and will keep rereading this.
But it had a few sentences I keep rereading.
I keep rereading it.
I also find it extremely useful to keep rereading my introduction when writing the discussion.
If your child wants to keep rereading the same book, indulge him.
I keep rereading it...?
I kept rereading the manuscript, tweaking things, adding, deleting, polishing and hopefully making it better, but I was slower than an escargot and only ever let my close family read the book.

Not exact matches

If your first reaction to not flying was to associate it with sacrifice and deprivation, I recommend rereading I Just Gave Up $ 4000 Per Month to Keep My Freedom of Speech, asking yourself if he sounds like he's sacrificing or depriving himself.
The lesson: Reread your emails before sending them — a task that is much easier, of course, if you've kept them short to begin with.
Decades later, I still keep it close at hand and reread favorite passages.
Goodspeed holds the opinion that the letters were carefully kept by the churches to which they were addressed, perhaps read and reread from time to time, but that there was no attempt made at collecting them until after the appearance of Luke's early history of the church, the Acts of the Apostles, and that it was this which gave the impulse to a revival of interest in Paul, and led to a search for and collection of his extant writings.
My loaf kept crumbling, until I reread the recipe, and cut them upside down.
For a couple I outlined the butterfly in black pen and then we reread The Very Hungry Caterpillar and she kept pointing to her butterflies as we finished the book.
One of the best things about being a blogger is that you can write about your life or travel adventures and years later, by rereading your posts, you can keep your memories alive.
edit: After rereading your question, I noticed you mention that the smell is still there if you turn the AC off and keep the fans on.
I rarely want to reread, or even keep, popular fiction books.
I reread books a lot, so I'm going to keep a separate list for 2015 that includes...
There's a reason my shelves are so full: I keep my favorite books because I frequently reread them.
It's a lesson I soon forget, so I keep a copy of his book on my netbook to reread on trains, planes and automobiles.
Pollock was obsessed with an article Graham had published in 1937 in The Magazine of Art titled «Primitive Art and Picasso,» which he kept folded up in his wallet and reread constantly.
but I have reread a bunch of your posts, and I want to complement you on keeping your head when some (the always unnamed «some») about you were losing theirs and blaming it on you.
Unfortunately I have a really hard time keeping up with threaded comments when threads get this big, as continuing separate conversations requires rereading a ton of stuff.
This can also be done in two journals, so you can keep all your letters together and enjoy rereading years of good memories.
Please reread and keep it in a convenient place for your use.
Now I don't feel guilty about keeping them, and I can still enjoy passing some onto friends when I know I won't reread it again.
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