Sentences with phrase «keep spreading the word about»

In the meantime, thank you to all who make this mission possible, and keep spreading the word about the importance of spaying and neutering all pets!

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That's because 1) you're judged by the company you keep; 2) they can provide useful feedback, ideas, and perspectives; and 3) those people can become early evangelists, helping spread the word about you and your work.
in the Bible it says about Jesus's second coming he would come like a theif in the night, pretty much no one can be sure when he will come, it could be tomorrow, now, next year or next century but until then trust God, keep praying, and keep spreading his word so when Jesus does come more can share in coming to Hevan and being received by the Lord!
You can sign the Keep Home Birth Legal petition and I also encourage you to spread the word about this.
I hope you'll keep both of these sites in mind as you tackle food issues in your own area, and please spread the word about them with likeminded friends.
Social media activists effectively had a longer attention span for the protests than the mainstream media, a great example of the internet's ability to let individual communicators spread the word about what they care about and keep attention on an issue that the wider world is ignoring.
I was going to go on a tirade about how the campaigns should do more to empower people to spread the word on their own and how an iGoogle skin was a good way to keep supporters» eyes on your message and your candidate and why doesn't Romney do more of that, but then I bothered to check his site and found that he already has lots of downloadable doohickies, including an email signature and banners for MySpace pages, though no actual widgets.
Get your own promotional tool kit with messages, flyers, articles and more to help spread the word about keeping kids in school.
Spread the Word: Ask your local school to keep a donation box in the hallway or classrooms to teach the next generation about charity, compassion and shelter overpopulation.
Our goals are to spread the word about keeping ferrets as pets, and to care for neglected, abused and abandoned ferrets.
As word about Operation Goldie spread, generous individuals donated funds and Valdepeña coordinated the effort and did the legwork — in the end, the Downey, Carson, Baldwin Park and Lancaster animal shelters all were gifted industrial sized fans to help keep the kennel areas cool.
It also keeps your current client base engaged with day - to - day goings - on at your hospital, and it's a great way to spread the word about hospital closures and upcoming events.
His style and great sense of humor during obedience class keeps bringing adopters back and spreading the word about positive reinforcement.
Keeping you informed and engaged is vital to spread the word about the lifesaving work the Nebraska Humane Society does every day.
Anne Obarski works as a customer service strategist with companies to develop and deliver innovative ways to keep customers coming back and spreading the word about their service experience every step of the way.
Anne Obarski, founder of Merchandising Concepts, works with companies to develop and deliver innovative ways to keep customers coming back and spreading the word about their service experience every step of the way.
Hanson, the founder of the Troff Pouch, introduced her reusable and freezable plastic water pouch for dogs this spring with her sights set on spreading the word about the importance of keeping pets hydrated when on the go.
Posting the warning signs of heatstroke on social media or sending out email blasts can help spread the word about warm weather risks to keep pet owners informed.
The same goes to the GameOn award — it's an additional encouragement to keep on going and make the best game possible, while also presenting something new to the players,» said Šarūnas, adding, «Monster Buster will soon be released on iOS and Android, so we hope that showing it off at Casual Connect will help spread the word about the launch of the game.»
Once people actually tried Spectacles, few kept wearing them, and word of mouth about their disuse spread.
When you spread the word about reactive attachment disorder and our non-profit organization, you can help keep kids from hard places in their families — their best start toward healing.
On your sign - in form ask guests if they would like to receive emails about other possible listings to help spread the word about your business and keep prospects in the sales loop.
And to everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey - we'll keep lifting y ’ all up in prayer and spreading the word about how we can all help.
I couldn't go to my regular plastic surgeon, the one who removed the granuloma on my forehead (a red blob that grew during my pregnancies — the sexiness just keeps on oozing) and gave me all the free botox, because I'm worried he'll be pouty about injecting someone who became a housewife rather than spreading the word about his fabulous services throughout the media.
Keep up the great work and spread the word on about the party!
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