Sentences with phrase «keep the puppy on»

ALWAYS keep your puppy on leash.
Keep your puppy on a set schedule — have him eat, sleep, play and go potty at the same times each day.
You should keep the puppy on their feeding schedule.
Keep in mind that dogs need to have incisors and molars before they'll be able to eat kibble — so it's incredibly important to keep the puppy on its mother's milk (if at all possible) before this process can be completed.
Please keep your puppy on a short four to six - foot leash when entering class until instructed otherwise.
As soon as the puppies are fully weaned, we recommending switching Mom back to an adult blend, while keeping the puppies on our growth formula until they are structurally mature (typically 10 - 12 months old).
Other causes may be weak pasterns, keeping puppies on wire surfaces, and improper nutrition.
Keep your puppy on a leash when toileting.
Keep the puppy on a consistent bolstering calendar and take away his nourishment between suppers.
Many Husky owners say that keeping their puppy on a regimen of Taste of the Wild keeps shedding to a minimum, which is a huge plus for this breed.
A good starting point is to keep your puppy on a leash indoors or on a drag line for a week or two as you begin training him.
Keep your puppy on a leash at all times so that you'll notice when he's getting restless and might need to go potty.
You will want to keep your puppy on a leash at all times unless in a confined area — puppies that have stayed close to their owners or have come when called may fail to do so at this stage.
Keeping your puppy on a schedule for feeding is ideal, whatever works for you works for your puppy.
Also, it's best to keep the puppy on leash when you go outside.
Keep your puppy on the same diet he's used to while adjusting to your home (later you can transition to a species - appropriate, fresh food diet).
Keeping your puppy on a reasonable potty training schedule is critical.
Always keep your puppy on schedule, whether it's for feeding, housebreaking a puppy or other training matters.
This will help keep the puppy on line and headed in the right direction when he reacts to your call.
You could either purchase the same food as the breeder, thereby keeping your puppy on that diet but if preferred, you could purchase a different brand of food.
For the first two months of house training, you may want to keep your puppy on a leash so that he goes with you wherever you are at home.
If you aren't in a safe place, keep puppy on a leash but play around.
There is also evidence to suggest that keeping your puppy on non-slip flooring improves their chances of not getting hip dysplasia.
Some breeders do prefer to keep puppies on wet puppy food for the first few months but in reality this is not necessary and may just cause the puppies to become spoiled.
Keep your puppy on that food at least in the beginning.
It is usually a good idea to keep your puppy on that same brand of kibble used by his breeder, at least for the first few days.

Not exact matches

What used to be simple routine — heading to the gym every day — got sideswiped by a demanding puppy, a terrible cough that kept me up at night for weeks (and with a voice that sounded like a tortured James Earl Jones), and travel to my slushy hometown for work, which made me rely more on Ricola than I would care to admit.
Feel free to spice things up for your own tastes with a generous dose of sriracha, smoked paprika, or chili powder, but keep it on the side for more sensitive puppy palates.
finding my own place, giving up my sweet puppy - dogs (he would surely keep them), just striking out on my own at my age (49)....
This weight gain supplement is especially great for puppies and nursing mothers, who need to put on weight but also need to keep their routine intact while they gain weight.
It was my puppies dinner time when we were taking these pictures, so he kept jumping up on me to let me know;).
This puppy rides long on the plot and short on everything else that might keep an audience interested.
Now, they're sitting in their home on a Friday evening trying to keep Hannah, their black Labrador puppy, from gnawing everything in sight.
It keeps the whole thing on edge for the next half of this puppy.
To help keep everything kosher on the road, the suspension system has been designed specifically for the car, and Brembo brakes are in place to bring this puppy to a stop.
It was the second time this particular woman had been cited for operating a puppy mill and Farnan will be keeping a close eye on her.
All of our toys are designed to give puppies and small dogs hours of fun, developing their play skills and keeping their little mouths busy, and putting a smile on the owners face.
If there is little time on hand, some people prefer to keep the Yorkie in a «puppy cut».
Keep an eye on your puppy, if you notice an ear starts to lean inward, slightly increase the length of this tape.
You need to make sure you are not losing «your cool» and getting upset with your dog and make sure to keep your puppy or dog on a strict schedule.
* Meeting other puppies and dogs (Keep pup on your arms and under closed supervision).
Keeping your puppy or dog on a potty schedule is an essential part of house training and potty training.
When we raise a puppy we will often keep it on a leash until it is 18 months old.
In the meantime, focus on keeping your biting puppy calm, avoiding too much rough play, and redirecting his biting onto appropriate toys and activities.
Don't leave food out all night as your puppy won't keep to a set feeding schedule on its own, and will eat throughout the night.
During the day, the crate can be placed in a central area, such as your living room, hallway or kitchen, where you can keep an eye on your puppy.
Keep the puppy safe and comfortable — The diminutive size of your pet may cause you or any other person to overlook it hence the risk of the stepping on the pup.
Tip: Keeping your puppy's feeding schedule consistent on weekends as you do on week days is critical.
I keep her on this because it has been a great puppy food and she is strong and healthy.
Allow them to roam unhindered, though it's best if you keep a close eye on your Dachshund puppy in order to keep them from getting into any trouble.
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