Sentences with phrase «keep them around the house»

[22] Pollard also stole classified documents related to China on behalf of his wife, who used the information to advance her personal business interests and kept them around the house, where they were discovered by investigating authorities when Pollard's espionage activity came to light.
I don't keep that around the house so I don't want to buy a whole container for one recipe
I love French crème fraîche... but it's too dangerous to keep around the house!
They were still the perfect moist chewy cookie the next evening when I had another one and passed off the rest of them to a friend who's husband functions as a dispose - all for most of my baking that I can not keep around the house for fear that I will eat it all:) Thanks for the recipe!
I also wanted something a little healthier that I knew we could safely keep around the house for us to enjoy.
I expect to make a few more batches of these through the fall and then the holiday season — not just to give out as gifts, but to keep around the house as well, in the hopes that if I have them around snack on I'll be less inclined to consume my supply of Halloween candy or holiday gifting cookies.
Flat out - I can't keep these around the house long enough.
Sweet brittles are the perfect snack to keep around your house during the holidays for hungry guests to munch on.
These Sourdough Crackers are an awesome homemade snack to keep around the house.
Almonds are always something I keep around the house.
Your recipes are different from others, and the ingredients are stuff I usually keep around the house.
I love the idea of rediscovering the cookbooks that you keep around the house.
I'm always looking for new healthy treat ideas to keep around the house.
«Loads of people keep them around the house to remind them to drink the whole thing,» she says.
This recipe is perfect to keep around the house no matter what kind of skin needs you have.
The great thing is, it's not hard to take care of your skin or rehaul the products you keep around the house for you and your family.
I can't eat many of them during other times, as natural sugar is still sugar and I have to be careful, but I've always loved them and I always keep them around the house as healthy snack for my kids.
One other trick for during the day / evening is to acquire lots of throws / little blankets to keep around the house, especially near / on the couch and chairs or in a blanket box close by.
For months, Audrey has been fascinated with pulling out the wipes in the many containers that we keep around the house.
Also, I would love if someone would lend me some activity seats... I'd love to keep those around the house!
Provide your child with a variety of art - making supplies such as scissors, paper, glue, scraps of fabric, paper, paints and so on (See a complete list of art and crafts supplies to keep around the house), and encourage him to experiment with them.
This is the perfect set to keep around the house in case something ever comes up and requires a slotted or Phillips screwdriver.
Whether you're looking for the best kukri knives to take camping or want one to keep around the house, you're in the right place.
I don't personally use salt lamps strictly as a negative ion generator, but keep them around the house, especially near electronics.
So this year, after all the recent storms and natural disasters, we began discussing what items we should always have on hand in case disaster strikes, and the following list is what our family now keeps around the house for emergencies.
Because I kept it around the house, I'd also seen first hand what happens when it spills on a kitchen floor (grout = permanently ruined) so I was afraid it would stain my teeth and not whiten them.
The great thing is, it's not hard to take care of your skin or rehaul the products you keep around the house for you and your family.
This recipe is perfect to keep around the house no matter what kind of skin needs you have.
Sulfate free all ® fresh clean ESSENTIALS ® is also completely safe for people of all ages, including kids and adults alike, so it's family friendly and great to keep around the house.
I love how they work as subtle Valentine's Day decor — it's so cute and could be kept around your house past the holiday if you want!
The boss is returning tomorrow, which means this is your last opportunity to make a sweep through ShopCrackBerry and save 20 % on everything there, including cases for your BlackBerry Z10, that spacious 64 GB MicroSD Card you've been wanting or even a couple extra USB cables and chargers to keep around the house.
If your kitten gets anxious often, you may wish to invest in a few covered cat beds to keep around the house, so he or she always has somewhere to which to escape.
I've often thought it might have had something to do with the tools my parents kept around the house: the screwdriver I used most often was a slightly rusty old 6 - in - 1 hammer / screwdriver like this that was already in the kitchen junk drawer when my parents bought the house.
I aim to beautify the surroundings selling newer species of plants so that people can keep it around their house and thus promote a healthier life.
Just to be sure, I'm going to keep them around the house for a while and see how they hold up.
One of the many yarn baskets that I keep around the house.
My children love fresh fruit, so I keep it around the house.

Not exact matches

The glass house you had created around you to keep yourself safe and stuck needed to be destroyed.
While 53 percent prioritize developing a single view of each customer (a high priority for marketers around the world, according to MarketingCharts), they're faced with technological challenges such as multiple / duplicate records (41 percent), too many systems / difficulty keeping track of where data is housed (38 percent), and siloed data (37 percent).
It also offered her the flexibility to work around the homeschooling of two of her kids, as well as the extra income the family needed to buy a larger house so each boy — whose tics would sometimes keep the others awake at night — could have his own room.
It keeps you cool and comfortable whether you are working around the house or out on a nature walk.
«Furthermore, owner - occupiers represent only fifty - six per cent of households, the country fortuitously avoided a housing boom pre-2008 (which kept supply tight) and mortgage lending still only accounts for around thirty - five per cent of GDP, making it one of Europe's least indebted nations.
He does work around the house, or in the small machine shop he's set up in the garage, just to fill his days, and to try to keep his skills up.
The Obama White House keeps in close contact with American Jewish leaders, trumpeting what it says is a close relationship with Israel around developments like this month's transport of the Israeli ambassador and staff out of Egypt after the Jewish state's embassy there was attacked, an operation in which the United States played a major role.
I believe that its important to see inner wisdom and the council of friends and wise and knowledgeable people... but God, if he / she exists created us — right... oh yes w / brains... we should be honoring that by using them... I can imagine if God exists every day he is saying to himself / herself «why do people keep asking me for things I have not control over, or really could care less about (people are asking for a new shinny house to replace their perfectly fine house while millions are homeless around the world, hungry, sick, etc.)... why are they not using the gifts and skills they have».
Listen, if I sat around on my salvation the way she does, who'd keep this house together?»
There was an aunt who, alone among the many relatives, had a reputation for selfishness, and who had kept a grown - up son as handy - man around the house but was finally persuaded by another aunt to let the son go to Labrador to take part in a philanthropic project there.
So if I needed to run around the house pretending to be a crazy Viking woman for some inspiration to keep on going, that is what I was going to do.
Somebody around should be an expert in group dynamics» in order to reach a compromise between those who want the house kept at a cool and ecologically sane 68 degrees and those who insist on a warm, cozy 72 degrees.
Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia (c. 270 - 343) was a real person who is now mythologized into Santa Claus, an obese old man who miraculously keeps track of the moral character of children, travels around the Earth on a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer, visits millions of houses in one night without opening any door or window, and leaves presents for millions of children.
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